In the traditional version of Donkey Kong, Mario must rescue a blond damsel named Pauline. However, one father tweaked the game for his 3-year-old daughter so that Pauline would be the hero this time around.
"Two days ago, she asked me if she could play as the girl and save Mario," Other Ocean Interactive's Mike Mika said on YouTube (via Joystiq). "She's played as Peach in Super Mario Bros. 2 and naturally just assumed she could do the same in Donkey Kong. I told her we couldn't in that particular Mario game; she seemed really bummed out by that."
Mika decided to hack the NES Rom of the game. He swapped the images of Pauline and Mario in the game. He also changed the "M" (for Mario) at the top with an "P." He dubbed this new version the PauIine Edition of Donkey Kong.
The video of the game is below. It's admittedly a simple hack but a sweet gift nonetheless.
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