Somehow, someway, we're almost through October. This means it's time for Riot Games to announce the new set of champion and skin sales coming to League of Legends in November.
I'm guessing the discounted champions must people will go for are Riven, Yasuo, Zed and Vayne. Everyone sees the highlight reels for those characters on YouTube and decides that they want to get some Pentakills of their own. If you're one of those people hoping to hypercarry games, godspeed.
If you'd rather just win games, though, there are some other characters worth considering. Malphite is one of the best top laners in the game right now and is absurdly easy to play. His ultimate is absurdly effective for starting (and winning) teamfights. Diana is a well-rounded fighter that can be played jungle, mid or even top. Nautilus is versatile as well and considered one of the best support characters in the game thanks to all of his crowd control. Lissandra, Twisted Fate and Veigar are all relatively easy middle lane mages that pack a serious punch. Veigar in particular is really strong right now but I suspect he might get nerfed after the 2015 Worlds wrap up.
As far as skins go, Pool Party Renekton is the clear winner. I hate playing against Renekton but his Pool Party skin never ceases to make me smile. It turns the hulking crocodile warrior into a lifeguard who wields a rescue can in battle.
Here's the full list of champions and skins on sale in November. As usual, Riot didn't announce when during the month each will be on discount so keep your eyes peeled:
- Azir - 487 RP
- Corki - 395 RP
- Diana - 487 RP
- Dr. Mundo - 292 RP
- Fiora - 440 RP
- Karma - 395 RP
- Lissandra - 487 RP
- Lucian - 487 RP
- Malphite - 292 RP
- Miss Fortune - 395 RP
- Nautilus - 440 RP
- Riven - 440 RP
- Rumble - 440 RP
- Skarner - 440 RP
- Trundle - 440 RP
- Twisted Fate - 292 RP
- Urgot - 395 RP
- Vayne - 440 RP
- Veigar - 292 RP
- Viktor - 440 RP
- Yasuo - 487 RP
- Zac - 487 RP
- Zed - 487 RP
- Zyra - 487 RP
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- Armor of the Fifth Age Taric - 375 RP
- Astronaut Teemo - 675 RP
- Bandit Sivir - 375 RP
- Blade Mistress Morgana - 375 RP
- Bloodstone Lissandra - 487 RP
- Charred Maokai - 487 RP
- Djinn Malzahar - 260 RP
- Dynasty Ahri - 487 RP
- Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix - 487 RP
- Headhunter Nidalee - 487 RP
- Ice Drake Shyvana - 487 RP
- Ionia Master Yi - 487 RP
- Lord Darius - 487 RP
- Mafia Graves - 487 RP
- Mecha Aatrox - 675 RP
- Myrmidon Pantheon - 260 RP
- Northern Storm Volibear - 375 RP
- Pharaoh Nasus - 260 RP
- Pool Party Renekton - 487 RP
- Shadow Evelynn - 260 RP
- Sorceress Lux - 260 RP
- Traditional Lee Sin - 260 RP
- Tundra Hunter Warwick - 260 RP
- Undertaker Yorick - 260 RP
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