Why The DC Movies Need J.J. Abrams, And Soon

DC Trinity Batman Wonder Woman Superman

It is a very trying period of time in the world right now. While Marvel Studios has found unbridled success with their cinematic universe, the DC Comics contingent has stumbled more consistently than the very drunken Superman from Superman III. Part of it could be chalked up to the material not being very strong, and another piece of the blame could be laid at the feet of Zack Snyder and the Warner Bros brass for stepping in and completely mucking around with films that were meant to start this already shaky cinematic continuum. Obviously, a change is needed, and while promoting Geoff Johns as the grand high poobah of the DC Cinematic Continuum is a good start, there needs to be some changes in the creative realm as well.

Say, you know who's good with revamping universes in need of a fresh coat of paint? J.J. Abrams! The man's so well known for generating buzz around troubled franchises that even South Park has parodied that very point. But all of the obvious jokes aside, Abrams truly is the sort of voice that the DC Comics films could use, especially if they want to compete with the unquestionably superior product coming from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The logic behind bringing J.J. Abrams into the fold is easily traceable, as there are several key reasons why his approach is what's best for a brighter tomorrow for DC Comics.

Mission: Impossible III Tom Cruise Keri Russell

Strong Character Work Is King For Abrams

Since his work on Mission: Impossible III, J.J. Abrams has developed a cinematic reputation for building fast paced adventures that remember to include one key factor in their final product: strongly defined characters. Ethan Hunt and his IMF team, Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise, and the assembled cast of Star Wars: The Force Awakens are all testaments to the work that Abrams and his screenwriting collaborators have poured into the folks you see running around in perilous situations on the big screen. Without that character, the destruction of Metropolis, or even the death of Superman, fall extremely flat when they're supposed to be gut punch moments. Hiring Abrams and company to spruce up the heroes of DC Comics' canon would be a great first step in the right direction.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Han Chewie

He Knows How To Fix Existing Franchises

Of course, "fixing" a franchise is easier said than done. Surely, it's easier to start a new franchise with a new "showrunner" to keep things moving by their own rules. But if you're one of the nervous executives at Warner Bros that has doubled down on Zack Snyder and the currently existing slate of DC Universe films, you're not going to recast and reboot the universe you're still very much in the middle of building. So you really need someone who can get into the machinery of a series, with the mind of a fan rather than an electrician, and rewire things to the point where fans and casual viewers alike can enjoy what's to come. Again, this is a specialty that J.J. Abrams has shown from time to time, as he's helped bring three separate properties back to snuff, without having to scrap the entire continuum. (Star Trek still counts, because it leans so heavily on the original timeline.)

DC Trinity Batman Wonder Woman Superman

The DC Universe Has All The Pieces He Needs In Play

More importantly, why would anyone want to throw away all of the work that the DC Universe has created? Granted, there's still a lot of work that needs to be done with what's been planned and released into theaters. Most of the major origin films already have been planned and cast, and Justice League quickly coming into frame, so to junk everything that's come before would set the studio back horrifically. Does anyone really want to have to adjust to a new Batman when casting Ben Affleck was enough to send some fans into fits? Future waves of DC's universe films could take a cue from Marvel's mistakes, and not submit their universe to the same fatigue The Amazing Spider-Man did.

Justice League The Flash

Man Of Steel 2 And The Flash Both Need A Director

Come to think of it, Man of Steel 2 and The Flash are two of DC's most prominent future features that share the same urgent need: they both need a director at the helm. With no directorial projects set in stone on his calendar, and Abrams' previous experience with the Superman franchise as common knowledge, directing Man of Steel 2 would probably be the better option, as he'd be able to build the film from the ground up. Not to mention, Henry Cavill's natural, roguish charm could benefit from Abrams' even-handed directing, as he'd be able to balance both Dark Cavill and Light Cavill in equal measure. Though if DC wanted to roll the dice a little more bravely, they could bring J.J. Abrams in on The Flash's currently rudderless production cycle, as its director's chair vacancy is more pressing than the Superman sequel's. Either way, a box office winner is to be had with Abrams on board either film.

Abrams' Geek Cred Is Strong

Every reason we've given as to why J.J. Abrams would be the perfect candidate to re-align the DC Cinematic Continuum ties into one, most important factor that both ties together and outweighs everything we've said: he's one of the most influential, most capable geek film-makers of our time. He's worked on both Star Wars and Star Trek, with a huge degree of success in each corner; not to mention he's created and co-created more modern fandoms with projects like Alias, Lost, and Fringe. His brand of brilliance has even helped Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy turn Westworld into one of TV's most addicting shows to watch. How could you not want someone who has that good of a track record to try and right the ship with DC Comics?

Sure, he's had his own setbacks, but that's part of what makes J.J. Abrams the genius that he is. He knows what failure feels like, and he evolves from it to become wiser in his work. It's that wisdom that's sorely needed alongside Geoff Johns' vision, and Ben Affleck's execution, in order to make the DC Comics films at Warner Bros live up to their full potential. The ball is now in Warner Bros court to realize this, and seal the deal, and we wish them the best in doing so, should they happen to get the idea themselves.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.