A Badass Comic Character May Be Getting A Cable Show


There's seemingly never been a better time for comic book adaptations in the world of television. From mainstream superheroes like Daredevil, to the zombie apocalypse survivors of The Walking Dead, unique properties pop up every television season. Oddly enough, the major premium cable networks have more or less bided their time with regards to getting in on the action. However, we've just learned that Cinemax will soon bring the perfect comic book badass to its small screen world, and we could not be any more excited about what's coming.

We've just learned from Deadline that Cinemax will soon adapt the undeniably awesome comic book Scarlet. Legendary comic book writer Brian Michael Bendis recently revealed that he has teamed up with the network in order to bring the fringe comic book and its titular badass to life on the small screen for the very first time.

While technically affiliated with Marvel Comics, Scarlet runs under the creator-owned Icon banner along with similarly intense Mark Millar graphic novels like Kick Ass and The Secret Service. Although this means that it won't have any affiliation with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, your knowledge of those two other Icon titles alone should tell you exactly what to expect from this awesome, action-heavy series.

A series first published in 2010, Scarlet is unlike anything one could expect to find under the traditional banner of Marvel Comics. The series follows a young woman named Scarlet Rue from Portland, Oregon who ignites a second American revolution. It's the sort of series that would almost never get made on any other network as Rue herself is a strong female lead (relatively uncommon in the world of comic book adaptations) who takes a strong anti-hero role against the establishment of her world. Her adventures are brutal as well as visceral, and she's not afraid to get her hands dirty -- even if that means killing cops to achieve her goals.

Although we're insanely excited about the prospect of a Scarlet TV series coming to fruition in the very near future, the series remains in the incredibly early stages of development and as such it's somewhat hard to obtain any concrete details. As of now we have no information regarding any sort of talent attached to the project -- whether behind the camera or in front of it. That being said, premium cable networks like Cinemax have seldom had trouble finding incredibly talented individuals to fill out their series, so we can likely expect Scarlet to be no different.

We here at CinemaBlend will keep you up to date with any and all details related to the upcoming Cinemax adaptation of Scarlet as they become available to us. Stay tuned for more details!

Conner Schwerdtfeger

Originally from Connecticut, Conner grew up in San Diego and graduated from Chapman University in 2014. He now lives in Los Angeles working in and around the entertainment industry and can mostly be found binging horror movies and chugging coffee.