Mourn Game Of Thrones Deaths With Gotye Parody 'Some Characters I Used To Know'

"Why isn't George R.R. Martin on Twitter?"
"Because he killed all 140 characters."
That's probably the silliest but best joke I've heard about Game of Thrones, the show that has trumped seemingly every other form of entertainment in breaking the hearts of viewers foolish enough to invest in its characters. And sure, the end of Season 3 had some of the most brutal surprises imaginable, but some of us are still getting over the tragedies of Season One…and this video is for us.
Comic duo Ginny DiGiuseppi and Dana Ritterbusch, known together as Not Literally, have assembled some impressive CGI backgrounds and wigs to transform Gotye's "Somebody I Used To Know" into a tribute to the dearly departed characters from Game of Thrones season one. SPOILERS AHEAD, I suppose, though if you a) haven't caught the news about these characters dying and b) actually care enough to be spoiled, I'm not really sure why you clicked on this to begin with.
It's hilarious to see a fairly short girl done up in Khal Drogo's intense eye makeup and beard and how well one of them transforms into Arya Stark with just a simple dull brown wig. But the showstoppers, of course, are the wigs for Cersei and Daenerys, the women with the most enviable heads of hair on television that you know you could never have in real life. I'm sure there have been plenty of Mother of Dragons costumes over the years, but did they have the CGI backdrop to go with it? I bet not!
The line about thinking Ned Stark was the main character because he was on the poster is the best stand-out for me, since I was in the same boat when Season One started, and just as shocked as every other non-book reader when Joffrey gave him the axe. But I also just finished reading the first book of the series, and though Ned Stark is clearly the noble hero leading the Starks toward victory against the ruthless Lannisters, it's not nearly as obvious that he's "the main guy." Casting recognizable Sean Bean in the role, and putting him on the poster, led a lot of us to think Ned Stark was infallible in a way the book readers never did… a sneaky, sneaky move that gave the show even more impact, along with breaking a lot of hearts.
Now that Season 3 is a wrap, we have to wait until next year just to get it on Blu-ray, and even longer before Season 4 finally arrives. In the meantime all we've got left is these kinds of silly viral videos to fill the void. Did you catch Theon Greyjoy's "Dick in a Box" mashup? Oh, don't let us deprive you of that a minute longer.
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