Matt Wood
Matt has lived in New Jersey his entire life, but commutes every day to New York City. He graduated from Rowan University and loves Marvel, Nintendo, and going on long hikes and then greatly wishing he was back indoors. Matt has been covering the entertainment industry for over two years and will fight to his dying breath that Hulk and Black Widow make a good couple.
Latest articles by Matt Wood

Spider-Man Trailers Keep Spoiling Important Scenes And It's Becoming A Real Problem
By Matt Wood published
Sony has a terrible poker face when it comes to Spider-Man.

8 Spider-Man Villains We'd Love To See In Into The Spider-Verse 2
By Matt Wood published
A multiverse of Spider-People needs a hell of a lot of villains.

Would Emily Blunt Do A Mary Poppins Returns Sequel? Here's What She Says
By Matt Wood published
Is Emily Blunt up for another round as the enigmatic nanny?

Why James Wan Turned Down The Flash Movie For Aquaman
By Matt Wood published
When given the option between the Scarlet Speedster and Aquaman, the choice was clear.

How Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3's Karen Gillan Feels About Moving Forward Without James Gunn
By Matt Wood published
Plus script info and more!

Benicio Del Toro Will Play Swiper In Dora The Explorer Movie
By Matt Wood published
Benicio, no swiping! Benicio, no swiping! Benicio, no swiping!

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Accidentally Gave Nicolas Cage Some Pornographic Lines
By Matt Wood published
Honestly, it's probably not the craziest thing Nic Cage has ever had to say in a movie.

To 3D Or Not To 3D - Buy The Right Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Ticket
By Matt Wood published
There's another Spider-Man movie out in theaters, but is Spidey's latest cinematic adventure worth a 3D ticket?

Ronin: What We Know About The Character From The Comics
By Matt Wood published
Everything you need to know about Hawkeye's new identity in Avengers: Endgame.

8 Marvel Secrets The Avengers: Endgame Trailer Chose To Keep Hidden
By Matt Wood published
One awesome trailer, still so many questions.

Sister Act 3 Is Happening On Disney's Streaming Service
By Matt Wood published
But with one major caveat.

Brie Larson 'Feeling All The Feels' As New Captain Marvel Footage Shows In Brazil
By Matt Wood published
Brie Larson is feeling on top of the world sharing brand new footage of Captain Marvel in Brazil.

Bumblebee Has Screened, Here Are The Early Reactions
By Matt Wood published
Is Bumblebee just more of the same for the Transformers franchise or is it a much-needed breath of fresh air?

First Look At Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Millennium Falcon At Disney World
By Matt Wood published
Get your first look at one of the star attractions at Disney's new Star Wars theme park!

Avengers Directors Think The Two-Hour Movie Needs To Die
By Matt Wood published
The standard length of a feature film may be due for some changes, so say The Russo Brothers.

Jason Momoa Has Strong Feelings About The Snyder Cut
By Matt Wood published
Jason Momoa wants to see that original cut of Justice League, too.

How Marvel Should Handle Captain America After Avengers 4
By Matt Wood published
If he's not destined for a grave, Captain America has got some options.

The Captain Marvel Trailer Gave Us The Best Look At Annette Bening's Character
By Matt Wood published
We still don't have a name, but let's take a peek at the first look at Annette Bening's secretive Captain Marvel character from the new trailer

Why Secret Wars Is A Great Idea For An Avengers Film
By Matt Wood published
It might be a secret war, but everyone needs to know about this massive comic book event.

Shining Sequel Doctor Sleep Wraps Production, Check Out The Touching Post
By Matt Wood published
The director of The Shining sequel gets real as filming wraps.

New Halloween Movie Unites All 19 Michael Myers Actors
By Matt Wood published
If you see 19 Michael Myers gathering together, you turn right around and run for your life.

Pepper Potts' Iron Man Armor Seemingly Confirmed For Avengers 4
By Matt Wood published
Is there even more evidence that Pepper Potts is suiting up in Avengers 4?

Fantastic Beasts Can Actually Learn Something From the Star Wars Prequels
By Matt Wood published
Grindelwald could stand to learn a thing or two from Palpatine when it comes to starting wars.
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