Pete Haas
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.
Latest articles by Pete Haas

Mirror's Edge Catalyst Delayed
By Pete Haas published
The long wait for the second Mirror's Edge is getting even longer. DICE announced today that they've had to push back Mirror's Edge Catalyst's release date by a few months.

League Of Legends Will Make Controversial Changes Before Season 6
By Pete Haas published
League of Legends's Season 5 is wrapping up in a matter of days. In the lull between seasons, Riot Games plans to make some far-reaching changes to the game.

Xbox One And Xbox 360's Free Games For November Have Been Revealed
By Pete Haas published
November will bring a new set of free Xbox 360 and Xbox One games to Xbox Live Gold subscribers. However, the giveaway will be a little more generous this time around.

Quantic Dream Announces PS4 Exclusive Detroit
By Pete Haas published
Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls developer Quantic Dream revealed their first PS4 game at Paris Game Week today. The game is called Detroit: Become Human and might look very familiar to you.

Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Trailer Reveals Some Surprising New Features
By Pete Haas published

Minecraft Story Mode Episode 2 Gets Surprise Launch
By Pete Haas published
Telltale Games sometimes takes awhile to release new episodes of their adventure games. However, they've released Episode 2 of Minecraft: Story Mode just two weeks after the season's debut.

Minecraft Creators Delay Their Next Game
By Pete Haas published
Minecraft studio Mojang hoped to release their game Cobalt on October 30th. Unfortunately, that won't be happening.

Darth Maul Game Developers Are Hoping To Resurrect The Cancelled Project
By Pete Haas published
Red Fly Studio was once working on a Darth Maul video game. The project was cancelled years ago but the developer is hoping that Disney will allow them to revive it.

Skullgirls 2: Deadly Airport Is Not A Real Sequel, Obviously
By Pete Haas published
Fighting game Skullgirls does not have a sequel. However, there's a fighting game on the App Store right now called Skullgirls 2: Deadly Airport.

Mario Creator Had Surprising Advice For GoldenEye 007 Developers
By Pete Haas published
Shigeru Miyamoto is a legendary designer credited with creating Mario and Legend of Zelda among many other franchises. I'm sure glad he wasn't in charge of GoldenEye 007, though.

StarCraft And Brood War Campaigns Now Playable In StarCraft 2
By Pete Haas published
If you missed the first StarCraft or its Brood War expansion, you have a new chance to play them. A new fan mod for StarCraft 2 includes remade versions of all six campaigns from the SC1 era.

Xbox One Sales Aren't As Important To Microsoft Now
By Pete Haas published
In their latest fiscal report, Microsoft didn't mention how many Xbox One consoles they've shipped in the past quarter. The company says that's because sales aren't as important to them.

Heroes Of The Storm Hallow's End Event Will Bring New Rewards
By Pete Haas published
World of Warcraft won't be the only game celebrating Hallow's End. Fellow Blizzard game Heroes of the Storm will also have their own Halloween-ish event to let players earn new rewards.

Fallout 4 Beer Is On The Way
By Pete Haas published
The slew of Fallout 4 merchandise coming this fall now includes beer. Carlsberg UK is teaming up with Bethesda to release a special Fallout Beer in November.

Witcher 3 Hearts Of Stone Is Great Except For That Ending
By Pete Haas published
The Witcher 3's first expansion Hearts of Stone is one of the rare DLC packs that's actually worth its price tag. It's a shame about the ending, though.
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