Be Kind Rewind Gets The Special Features Of A Videotape

Be Kind Rewind was high on my interest list earlier this year but it seemed to have a blink-and-miss-it stint in theaters. That’s really a shame because the concept is quite brilliant and I can only imagine what amateurish recreations of popular movies would look like coming from Mos Def, Jack Black, and Michel Gondry.

It’s rare for me to hope that there’s a double dip planned for any movie, but I have to hope in the case of Be Kind Rewind New Line (aka Warner Brothers) has something up their sleeve, because the DVD release announced for June 10th doesn’t have much to offer at all.

Considering what New Line has managed to squeeze out of some of their less interesting features, I’m really surprised to see the only bonus material included is a featurette about the people and places of Passic, New Jersey. Seriously, that’s it. Hell, I remember VHS tapes having more available bonus material there towards the end than this. No tribute to the movies recreated in the movie, no commentary from Gondry or Black. Hell, Gondry’s own recreation of the Be Kind Rewind trailer isn’t even included. There’s got to be a double dip planned for the future, right?

Or it could be this is all we’re going to get, which would be a shame, but par for the course for an interesting little film like this. Sometimes we get the cool versions and sometimes we just get the shaft.