Season 4 Of Big Love Out Before Season 5's Premiere

The fifth and final season of HBO’s Big Love is premiering on Sunday, January 16th. If you are behind on episodes of the show, or need to relive its more ridiculous moments, season four will be hitting DVD on January 4th. Maybe careers were blossoming outside the show, or perhaps the story arc could not be stretched any further, but either way, season four of Big Love only lasts for nine hour-long episodes. Buying Big Love on its release date will give you just under two weeks to finish -- special features included -- 537 minutes of film before the new season begins.

The cost for such a short season runs pretty steep at $59.99 (although a pre-sale is being run on Amazon right now for $34.99). The set will include a bonus “Inside the Episode” feature from the creators of the series, Mark V. Olsen and Will Scheffer. If you haven’t seen last season, I don’t want to spoil it for you. But I do want to leave you with a few teasers, so prepare for: an inappropriate kiss, a stolen baby, an impromptu trip to Mexico, and a body in a freezer. If you think seasons 1-3 defined the term “shit show,” you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.