Regarding advertisements...
Hey, why am I being annoyed by that annoying advertisement?
How can I advertise on this website?
Regarding reader comments...
What is the purpose of this website's comments section?
Why was my comment deleted?
Why wasn't my comment posted?
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Regarding content on this site...
Is this website appropriate for my kid?
Hey I spotted a typo in a post, what should I do?
Aren't you paid to say that?
Hey where did you get that scoop?
Why do you use profanity on this website?
How can I become a Blend writer?
Regarding our reviews...
How do you decide who reviews what?
What do your review scores mean?
How do I get my independent film, web series, or new project reviewed?
What is the purpose of your reviews?
Hey, why am I being annoyed by that annoying advertisement?
This is an independently owned website. That means unlike most of the corporately owned web destinations you may be used to, you'll get completely unfiltered opinions from talented experts who don't have to fight their way through a pack of lawyers to share their thoughts with you. It also means that to pay our bills, we have to display advertisements on this site. We do our best to limit the number of advertisements displayed as much as possible. In fact, recently we've taken big strides to drastically reduce the number of ads on our pages. That doesn't, however, mean we've gotten rid of them. Those ads are what enable us to keep doing what we're doing while delivering it to you absolutely free. They let us compete with those big, filtered corporate sites, and they keep our writers eating Ramen noodles. Believe it when we tell you that nobody's getting rich here, but those ads enable us to get by doing what we love and bringing you what you love.
If there's a particularly annoying or out of place advertisement somewhere on this site, feel free to let us know about it, and we'll look into it. We don't directly control the kinds of ads displayed. however. That enables us to keep a layer of distance between advertisers and ourselves, so that they can't influence what we have to say, but it also means that sometimes a particularly annoying advertisement slips in without us knowing about it. Stick with us and we'll do the best we can in striking a balance between keeping this site free and keeping your Blend experience hassle-free. In the meantime, make it a point to support our seriously awesome sponsors, who've stepped up to help us be here for all of you.
How can I advertise on this website?
Please contact Gorilla Nation for ad rates, packages and general advertising information.
What is the purpose of this website's comments section?
The comment form at the bottom of every page on this website allows readers to share their thoughts on the topic being discussed above it. Comments of all types are allowed, as long as they are on topic. Passionate agreement or disagreement is encouraged. Cinema Blend's comments are not, however, intended as an outlet for personal attacks against the post's author or other readers. Neither is our comments area intended as a forum to critique the way we operate. Keep your comments on topic. On topic means discussing the subject of the post, not the people discussing it. If you disagree with something we've said, explain why in a polite and reasonable matter. Disagreement is encouraged, but trolling will not be tolerated. We value our loyal, regular commenters and do everything we can to keep this a great place for real discussion.
Why was my comment deleted?
Our comments aren't heavily moderated, since we encourage a free form of discussion. However, posts which violate our general “keep it on topic” guidelines may be removed. In extreme cases the author of the comment may even be banned from posting any further. This is non-negotiable. All deletions and bannings are final.
Why wasn't my comment posted?
Because of problems we've had with spammers, our comment system automatically deactivates any comment containing a link. This comment remains deactivated until one of our moderators has time to check the system. Feel free to post links, but be aware that it may be awhile before your link-containing comment actually shows up on the site.
Is this website appropriate for my kid?
While many of the entertainment sites you're used to may be written at a fourth-grade level, this one isn't. Cinema Blend is written by adults for adults. We don't talk down to our audience, we assume you're mature enough and smart enough to follow along. We're not likely to post any porn here, but when we publish something we do so with mature, thinking individuals in mind. That means our stories, even the simplest ones, may involve complex concepts and themes which are nonsense to kids. Whether or not it's appropriate for your kids to visit this site, is up to you. All we can tell you is that we're not writing for anyone under the age of eighteen or so.
Hey I spotted a typo in a post, what should I do?
This is an independently owned website, not a corporate blog backed by wealthy financiers in pinstriped suits. That gives us the freedom to speak openly and honestly, without the filters of lawyers and the pressure of nervous advertisers. Unfortunately, it also means we don't have the mad hedge fund money necessary to hire teams of copy editors and proofreaders, like the ones employed by Rupert Murdoch's media empire. We do our best to proofread everything we do before we publish it, but even publications which employ armies of spell checkers still occasionally publish typos. Try attacking the Wall Street Journal with a red pen some time and you may be surprised. It happens to everyone and it's sure to happen to us, now and then. If the typo is something major, feel free to help out by letting us know in the comments. Just don't get bent out of shape about it, we don't.
Aren't you paid to say that?
We have never, and will never, deliver anything other than our honest opinions on this website. Advertisers have no input into the content we publish. Banner ads are sold through a third party, which serves as a buffer between us and the companies who choose to sponsor our work. We have no contact with the people who advertise on our site, and they have no control over what we say or how we say it.
We do, however, often have direct contact with publicists and corporate representatives in the course of doing our jobs. These people control access to artists and in some cases other publications have been known to alter their opinions in order to curry favor with corporate representatives who in exchange provide lavish trips or interviews with big name celebrities. That will never happen here.
We work directly with publicists, respect what they do, and work hard to deal with them both fairly and honestly. But we also work hard to make it clear that our opinions aren't up for negotiation. Everything we have to say comes from a place of complete honesty, no matter the consequences. Sometimes that costs us access to well-known celebrities, or keeps us from being invited to lavish, all-expenses paid junkets along with less scrupulous journalists; but for the most part we find that publicists and artists respect our no-compromises approach and not only embrace it, but even reward us for it. They know, as any long time reader of this site does, that when we say something it has the added value of integrity behind it.
Hey where did you get that scoop?
This is primarily an opinion site and because of that we don't rely on breaking news to bring value to our readers. We do however, from time to time, receive exclusive information from outside sources. Still, we do not publish every scoop we receive. If it's something from a source we believe to be reliable, we'll share it with you. In every case, even if the source is someone we know well, we'll always make it clear that the story being reported on is a rumor until confirmed by an official source.
We do not knowingly publish unreliable information, nor are we some British tabloid inventing fake stories to suck in unearned internet traffic. The truth is that, even if we didn't have a moral problem with that kind of reporting, we simply don't need it. We're doing fine without it. If we bring you a story, it's because we believe there's something to it. As always, things in the entertainment industry change fast and not everything that comes across our desk pans out. But you'll never doubt where our stories come from or whether or not it's confirmed. Our policy is full disclosure, we reveal our sources whenever possible, and when it isn't possible we'll be honest with you about whether or not the story is something you can trust. Our integrity is everything and honesty is the only thing we know.
Why do you use profanity on this website?
We love words. We're adults, this website is intended for adults, and as such we use the full length and breadth of the English language to express ourselves. Our writers are encouraged to create and speak to our audience in a conversational and engaging way. We talk the way most of you talk, out in the real world. This is the internet, not network television. We understand that's not for everyone, some people prefer CBS to HBO, and we're fine with that.
So while some of our writers occasionally use small amounts of profanity, some don't use it at all. It's up to them to bring their own voice to this site. If you encounter a post on Cinema Blend that doesn't suit your personal interests, just click on to the next one. One of the great things about this place is that there's always something different to read and, if the article you're reading uses words you don't like, odds are the next one you read will suit you better. We write it, it's up to you choose what you want to put in your brain.
How can I become a Blend writer?
Go here for a list of current openings.
How do you decide who reviews what?
All reviews are assigned based strictly on seniority and availability, without regard to the background or outside interests of the person reviewing it.
What do your review scores mean?
Pretty simple. We work on a scale ranging from one to five stars, with one being the lowest score and five as the highest. Ideally though, you should ignore the stars and actually read the review. No rating scale can ever truly reflect our full opinion of any film, most movies are simply too complex to be distilled down to a simple number. Don't get too caught up in the star ratings, it's the words that matter.
How do I get my independent film, web series, or new project reviewed?
We do not currently accept unsolicited works for review. We'd like to! Really, we would. We just don't have enough time. We're already maxed out.
What is the purpose of your reviews?
The goal of a good film critic isn't primarily to tell you what to think, rather he's simply telling you what he thinks. A good review doesn't determine your opinion, rather it prompts discussion, critical thought, and reading them can sometimes just be plain fun. Reviews aren't meant to tell you what to think, but they can help you think.
At the same time, thousands upon thousands of new movies, dvds, video games, and TV shows are released out into the world each year. There's no way to see all of them and as a potential viewer, you need some way to choose what you'll watch. If you decide based on trailers or marketing you're headed for folly since advertisements are, in essence, lies highly trained marketers tell you in order to get at your wallet. The goal of a good review isn't to tell you what to think, but in some cases it could help you decide what to spend your time on.