The PlayStation Store Is Running A Massive PAX Sale

With PAX West in full swing this weekend in Seattle, Washington, a number of gamers have been announced, and a number of games have gone on sale, including a deep discount on some PlayStation titles that have been marked down over on the PlayStation Store for Sony's family of gaming devices.
The PAX West sale offers gamers up to 70% off on select titles throughout the weekend and all the way to September 5th at 8:00 am Pacific Standard Time. So you'll also have until just after the actual end of PAX to get in on the deals over on the PlayStation Store.
The discounts range from PlayStation Vita games to PlayStation 3 games to PlayStation 4 games. All of the titles are for the digital downloads, ranging from miscellaneous games such as Persona 4: Dancing All Night to Rocksmith 2014 Remastered Edition to action games like Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and fighting games like Street Fighter X Tekken. All of the aforementioned titles are discounted below $20.
Last-gen games that have been remastered for eighth gen have also been discounted, which includes Activision's Prototype series as well as the Deadpool game for both PS3 and PS4.
Newer games like XCOM 2 are also marked down, with the standard version being available on PS4 for $23.99 and the Deluxe Edition being marked down from $74.99 to just $29.99.
JRPGs across both PS3 and PS4 are also discounted, including Tales of Zestiria, Tales of Graces F, and Tales of Xillia, all of which are available for under $15.There are also a number of Tales of games from Bandai's long-running JRPG series discounted for the PlayStation Vita, marked down as low as $7.49.
The highly controversial Dragon's Crown for PS Vita and PS3 is also marked down to just $15, along with the PS4 version of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD.
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Beyond the JRPGs, there are also games like Dreamfall Chapters, which you can get for $15 as well, along with games like Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed for the PlayStation Vita.
Off-beat strategy games like Prison Architect for the PS4 is also marked down to just $11.99. The game is highly popular and has opened up a lot of dialogue about privatized prison systems and the security sector, so that might be worth checking out if you were interested in a non-traditional game.
And speaking of non-traditional games... The Jackbox Party Pack is actually discounted as well for those of you who are interested in playing some nonviolent, non-action oriented titles with friends or family.
If you are interested in action games for your PS4, there are plenty that are currently discounted, including Bloodborne and Mad Max. Also, if you needed to catch up on the Middle-Earth series ahead of the release of Shadow of War, you can get the GOTY edition of Shadow of Mordor. All three games are 60% off the normal price and only $7.99.
There are a ton of deals stretching across a smorgasbord of genres and games, with 131 titles discounted. There's likely going to be at least something in there for everyone.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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