The Spider-Man Character That Is Going To Surprise People, According To Insomniac

Marvel's Spider-Man

(Image credit: Insomniac Games)

Insomniac Games' Marvel's Spider-Man is gaining a lot of traction and attention. The game is fast approaching its September release, exclusively on the PlayStation 4, and we just learned about Mary Jane's role in the game that will surprise people, according to Insomniac.

The surprise is that you can play as Mary Jane Watson. The info comes courtesy of a rapid fire interview questionnaire from Game Informer, where the outlet spoke with creative director, Bryan Intihar, who explained...

Mary Jane is going to surprise a lot of people, a lot of people.

Not only is Mary Jane going to surprise people but she's also going to be playable. In the rapid fire questions Intihar reveals that gamers will be able to take over control of the fiery redhead and love of Peter Parker's life. What's more is that it's revealed that Mary Jane will know that Peter is Spider-Man, so this will remove any confusion or plot inconsistencies between the times when Mary Jane is with Peter and when she's around Spider-Man, since she'll know that they're one and the same. Even more than that, it's revealed that players will be able to take control of Peter Parker outside of the Spider-Man suit in Marvel's Spider-Man, so that's going to be interesting.

You'll be able to interact with civilians as Spider-Man, but there's no word on if you'll be able to interact with civilians as Peter Parker. Things like taking selfies and making gestures at them or with them will be possible. You will not, however, be able to attack the civilians or damage them in any way, making it very similar to the open-world setup featured in other super hero games such as Superman 64 or Batman: Arkham Knight.

What's most interesting, though, is what role Mary Jane plays in the actual gameplay segments. We did see in previous trailers that Mary Jane appears to be in several locations where Spider-Man is handling some criminals, and in one sequence we see her sneaking around a train station. This appears to tie into what creative director Bryan Intihar mentioned in the interview with Game Informer about some of the sequences allowing for stealth. The stealth portions might be given to Mary Jane, which would make sense, especially if she's unarmed. Of course, this would bring rise to the question about what would be surprising about being able to play as the character if she is unarmed?

In the video interview it's suggested that you won't be using guns in Marvel's Spider-Man, so does this mean the game might involve Mary Jane attaining certain powers?

Another funny thing is that Intihar is also asked about villains appearing in the game, and hilariously enough, Game Informer asks if the "microtransaction" villain will appear and Intihar responds with a "hell no," which is probably a huge sigh of relief for tons of PlayStation 4 gamers.

Very interesting stuff to think about. I'm sure we'll learn more leading up to the September 7th release on the PS4 later this year.

Will Usher

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.