Destiny 2 Legendary Collection Will Include The Forsaken Expansion
The upcoming release of Destiny 2's latest expansion is drawing ever so near, and fans are ready to embrace a roller coaster ride of emotions when the Destiny 2: Forsaken DLC launches. But before you get to that tear-jerking storyline involving the untimely fate of Cayde-6, Bungie and Activision wanted gamers to know about a brand new collection pack for the sci-fi first-person shooter that contains all of the previously released content along with the upcoming DLC, all wrapped up into one big bundle pack known as the Destiny 2: Legendary Collection.
Instead of just doling out another boring press release and trying to win over gamers with the sweet cajoling of wordy expressions and all manner of content flattery, Bungie posted up a new video for the collection over on the official Destiny YouTube channel. The video is just a minute long and it starts with Cayde-6 falling to the ground and taking a bullet to the head by a mysterious individual named Prince Uldren.
After Cayde-6 is shot, Uldren then says that the line between the light and the dark is very thin, and asks if players know which side they're on.
The trailer then proceeds to reveal that the Destiny 2: Legendary Collection will contain all three expansions. So you get the original Destiny 2, along with gaining access to Curse of Osiris, followed by Warmind, and then Forsaken, which completes the pack of three.
The pack will contain all of the raids, all of the strikes, all of the weapons, and all of the items from the previous expansions rolled into one.
The feedback for the trailer has been very positive from fans so far. Anyone who hasn't purchased Destiny 2 but maybe played it at a friend's house or maybe checked it out via livestreams will likely want to pick up the collection pack since it gives you all of the expansions rolled up into one package.
Bungie is basically using this as a springboard opportunity to regain some trust and favoritism with fans after a rather rocky late 2017, where the company rolled out a number of changes to the game that vastly affected the gameplay in a negative way. Gamers who were into hardcore grinding had their XP gains reduced, which caused a major uproar within the Destiny 2 community. Later on, Bungie was hit with the heat after gamers discovered that a lot of the material and drops were being pushed into the microtransaction shop.
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After laying low for a while, Bungie came back throughout 2018 with several expansion packs and a renewed focus on retaining the Destiny 2 audience. You can look for Destiny 2: Legendary Collection containing the newest expansion to launch next month on September 4th.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.
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