The Elder Scrolls series has taken us to many interesting locations, such as the snowy mountains of Skyrim and the bleak Ashlands of Morrowind. Still, we've only seen a fraction of the world these games take place in.
Here are five locations we would love to explore in Elder Scrolls 6. They don't need to be the central setting of the game and in fact, some of them might not be able to carry a game on their own. However, they're all exotic locations that could offer the sort of epic adventures we've come to expect from the series.
Skyrim introduced players to the Aldmeri Dominion, a powerful empire of elves that now dominates the continent of Tamriel. Players never got the chance to take the Dominion down in that game because they were busy saving the world from a giant dragon. However, it's hard to imagine a better villain for a new Elder Scrolls game than a bunch of racist, arrogant elves bent on world domination. A great place for players to confront the Dominion would be Hammerfell, the region that kept fighting the elves long after the Empire had signed a peace treaty with them.
Hammerfell's an interesting setting even aside from their fight with the Dominion. The region's long been divided between two warring factions, the Forebears and Crowns. It's a diverse region with deserts, grasslands and mountain ranges along with plenty of cities. In short, it sounds like a great place for players to explore for dozens of hours.
While past Elder Scrolls games took place on the continent of Tamriel, there are plenty of other landmasses in the world of Nirn to explore. Across the sea to the east is Akavir, a continent with four warring races: the monkey-like Tang Mo, the demonic Kamal, the feline Ka'Po'Tun, and the vampiric Tsaesci. The Empire has attempted to invade Akavir many times in the past so maybe the player character could be a soldier accidentally marooned during one of these invasions? It could be a lot of fun to explore a region so completely different from what we've seen in past games.
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Yokuda, the ancestral home of the Redguard, is the source of one of the biggest mysteries on Nirn. The majority of the continent sank into the ocean but no one knows exactly why. Some believe that the cataclysm was caused by earthquakes or magic. It might be interesting to either go back in time to live through the events that actually ruined Yokuda, or to return to the ruined continent in a more modern era. Bethesda's said very little about what we can expect on this continent so it would offer them an appealing blank slate to work from.
Pyandonea is another land mass we don't know much about. However, what we do know sounds really exciting. This island is home to the Maormer, also known as the Tropical Elves. This sea-faring race has tried to attack Tamriel with their insect-like ships on numerous occasions. They also use magic to tame sea serpents and ride them like mounts while traveling through the rainforests of Pyandonea. This land sounds even more alien and dangerous than Morrowind so I can't wait to visit it.
Long before they were trying to conquer Tamriel, the Aldmer lived in their far-off homeland of Aldmeris. The few sketches that remain of the world show an endless city built higher and higher into the city. No one knows exactly what happened to this land after the Aldmer left. It's possible some elves still live there, or it's been wiped out. I think we're the perfect ones to solve this mystery.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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