Every League Of Legends player has a short list of characters they don't want to face. These are champions they consider overpowered, frustrating or just plain annoying.
These six characters are some of the most commonly hated champions in the game. They can be beaten if you're skilled enough or playing the right counter. Even so, they're frequently a pain in the ass.
Riot recently published a feature on their website about Teemo's development with a very appropriate headline: "The Birth of Evil." Teemo is designed to be a pain in the ass. His stealth allows him to regularly get the drop on you. When you're facing him in lane, he'll slowly whittle away your health with poison darts and blind you so your attacks won't land. Your first impulse is to chase him down and smash him but that's exactly what he wants you to do. While you're pursuing him, you'll run into the exploding, invisible mushrooms he's placed in your path. His speed boost, meanwhile, ensures that he'll stay safely out of reach while he keeps punishing you with blow darts.
When you fight Heimerdinger, you're not just fighting him. You're also fighting the three automated turrets he's placed around himself. This defensive line allows him not only to ward off attacks but also get rich off killing minions. A skilled Heimerdinger can quickly push you out of lane by slowly moving up his turrets. If you and your jungler try to jump him, he'll usually use the item Zhonya's Hourglass to make himself immune to damage while his turrets gun you down. Or he'll stun you with a grenade while his turrets gun you down. Or rip you apart with a barrage of missiles while his turrets - well, you get the picture. Heimerdinger's unparalleled ability to control a lane or objective has led him to have one of the highest win rates in LoL.
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Unless you've got a jungler willing to help, Malzahar can be a really aggravating matchup. He can easily tear through your friendly minions thanks to his Malefic Visions, a damage-over-time ability that hops to a new enemy once its current target dies. If used properly, this ability can kill an entire wave of minions and then spread to you on top of it. His kit also includes an area-of-effect spell that shreds tanks, a group silence, and an ultimate ability that freezes his target in place while he burns through their health. Have fun fighting him!
Blitzcrank isn't so deadly on his own but he can serve you up on a silver platter to his teammates. Blitzcrank isn't the only support character that can snag an enemy, Scorpion-style, from afar. However, he can grab enemies faster than Nautilus or Thresh and even do it through walls. Furthermore, he's got plenty of tools to render you helpless afterward. You'll be stunned for one second from his grab. Then he can knock you in the air and silence you. While this is happening, his teammates are wrecking you. It's easy to see why so many players dread seeing him in the bottom lane.
In one classic Simpsons episode, Homer becomes a star boxer with one simple strategy. He lets his opponent punch him until they get tired and then he pushes them over. Vladimir reminds me a bit of that episode. You can push him around a lot early on in the game but once he gets a few levels and a Hextech Revolver, you'll find it almost impossible to outlast him. His main damage ability will let him quickly heal up whatever damage you've inflicted on him. He can avoid most powerful attacks in the game altogether by turning into a pool of blood. What's more, he doesn't use mana so he can stick around far longer than many mages.
Janna's nickname in the game is "The Storm Fury's" but it ought to be "No Fun Allowed." Her whole skillset is designed to prevent enemies from making big plays. She can shield not only allies but also towers, delaying your offensive long enough for help to arrive. Her abilities also let her slow you down or knock you in the air so her teammates can retreat. Her ultimate, Monsoon, can turn the tide of a teamfight by knocking enemies away from her allies and then healing up her team. Many players don't find Janna fun because she's dependent on teammates for fights. However, her fantastic win rate at all skill levels means that playing against her is even less fun.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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