DICE made another "excuse our mess" blog post about Battlefield 4 today. They've promised once again to stabilize the shooter. In the meantime, they've got a month's worth of goodies to throw your way.
On the Battlefield Blog, DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson announced that February is no longer just Black History Month and National Bird-Feeding Month. It's now "Battlefield 4 Player Appreciation Month" as well.
"Every day that you log into the game in February, you’ll receive a Bronze or Silver Battlepack," Troedsson said. "For those of you who haven’t started opening your earned packs yet, these Battlepacks contain bonuses like XP Boosts and soldier camos. Normally, it would take approximately 30 hours gameplay to earn that many packs."
You can earn Gold Battlepacks by participating in worldwide "DICE Community Missions." These missions are similar to Mass Effect 3's Operations: players will work together to accomplish a collective goal. The first community mission will ask the community to gather up as many dog tags as possible. More details will be announced soon.
Additionally, players will be able to download two "shortcut bundles" during February. These bundles allow you to unlock all the handguns and grenades in the game. Battlefield 4 Premium players will be able to download two more bundles to unlock all of the designated marksman rifles and shotguns in the game. You'll still have plenty of other weapons and items to unlock but that's a lot of progress for zero effort. DICE really, really wants you to like them again.
The month's festivities also include double XP weekends. The first will be available to all players, while the second will be restricted to Premium players.
Sometime in February the developers will introduce Platoons to the game. Platoons, also featured in Battlefield 3, are player-run organizations that allow friends to share an emblem and coordinate their activities better.
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All these perks won't mean anything to players who can't play the game without major issues, though. DICE says that they have a number of fixes coming soon.
"We appreciate all of the great feedback you continue to provide about all aspects of Battlefield 4. We take this very seriously, and hearing directly from you has helped to make the experience better. The latest information on our game updates can always be found in the BF4 Control Room, including a few new additions that I’m pleased to say are coming soon. First, we are further improving a number of items commonly referred to as “netcode”. This will tighten the overall multiplayer experience, and we will be able to share these items with you in detail soon."
Battlefield 4 launched on Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC last fall. I enjoyed the multiplayer a lot but sadly a lot of people haven't been treated as well by the servers.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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