BlizzCon 2011 Tickets Go On Sale In May

Blizzard Entertainment has announced the days that BlizzCon 2011 tickets will go on sale. They also revealed a more expensive but virtuous way to gain tickets.

The tickets will be sold through on two days: Saturday, May 21st at 10 am PST and Wednesday, May 25th at 7 pm PST. Tickets will cost $175 apiece. High price or not, these tickets are going to sell out in minutes so better be punctual.

An alternate way to get into BlizzCon is to buy a ticket to the BlizzCon Benefit Dinner. The proceeds for these $500 tickets will go toward the Children's Hospital of Orange County. In addition to giving you an opportunity to meet Blizzard's employees, the BlizzCon Benefit Dinner ticket also grants you admission to the convention itself. Blizzard plans to sell 200 of these tickets beginning at May 28 at 10 AM PST.

Of course, you can bypass the scramble for BlizzCon tickets entirely by purchasing virtual access to the show. A $39.99 BlizzCon Virtual Ticket will entitle you to live HD coverage of the convention's festivities, including interviews and in-game footage. You can watch the feed through your PC or DIRECTV. By purchasing a Virtual Ticket, you'll still get the exclusive World of Warcraft and StarCraft II in-game items that normal attendees of the convention receive.

BlizzCon 2011 will take place on October 21st and 22nd. It's being held once again at the Anaheim Convention Center.

Pete Haas

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.