Blizzard Caught In A Lie: Support Says They Didn't Test Diablo 3 For Linux Exploits
Hey, remember back in July Bashiok was all confident and stern about those Linux bans? Claiming that after thorough testing the bans were upheld because they were cheating? Remember how Bashiok adamantly claimed for the press that there were no false positives? Well, someone forgot to remind Blizzard's customer support that to keep up the appearance of being honest, you have to remember all your cohort's lies.
We've been covering Lenon K.'s continued persistence and perseverance with Blizzard's customer support and there appears to be a very, very interesting turn of events. In further developments of the Linux bans, it turns out that the reason the bans were sustained and upheld via an automated process was because Blizzard never investigated the matter to begin with. In a response to ticket #32355881, this is what customer support had to say...
Zalmanarr must be new. You're never supposed to be honest with customers lest you get your corporate Overlord in trouble for trying to maintain a lie.
Now before everyone jumps up and down exclaiming that this doesn't prove anything, remember what Bashiok said back on July 2nd, right there on the Diablo III forums...
If that was true Bashiok, why did support above just say that they didn't test for Linux exploits?
Also, if what Bashiok said was true then why weren't any other GMs notified that this was the actual turnout? This means one of two things: 1) Bashiok lied either on behalf of Blizzard or he was instructed to, and given that there would be no way for anyone to actually prove that they didn't test for false positives this was the lie they went with. 2) Support has no idea what's going on, never checked the records, was completely inept and entirely clueless about Blizzard's findings.
While Blizzard supporters would opt with number 2, let's be real here: The auto perma-bans are still occurring for Linux users. Support even states that given the lack of official support for Linux means that even with a second copy you would still get banned, it's why on the PlayOnLinux site people are still reporting auto-bans. Yes, some Linux users are playing without problems but others are hitting a brick wall called perma-banned.
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Now let's get to the real issue here: If Linux users are being permanently banned and having their game license revoked with no option for a refund and Blizzard has not tested for actual false-positives but instead lied that these players are simply cheaters, this means that the company has committed fraud.
If Blizzard can show proof that the banned Linux players were actually cheating, something they weren't able to do when Marcus Meng and William Taylor came forward back in July, and customer support has already gone on record of saying that tests for false positives have not been conducted, then Blizzard could be looking at a serious lawsuit on their hands if anyone decides to follow through it.
Blizzard may not care but if you give an ounce of concern for your rights as a consumer this is definitely something you shouldn't let slide.
[Update: Zalmanarr had an update regarding Lenon's account saying the following...
For the record, Lenon is not running bots and is the sole owner of the account. He's even offered to show Blizzard an image backup of his hard drive.]
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.
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