Blizzard Is Trying To Take Down All Overwatch-Related Porn
Since the controversy of the original oversexualized victory pose of Tracer (that was removed), it’s probably no surprise that some fetishes have circled around cartoon porn involving Overwatch’s heroes. And Blizzard just isn’t going to stand for that kind of popularity.
Eurogamer reports that on May 5 when the Overwatch public beta went live, Pornhub found that searches for Overwatch porn skyrocketed by 817 percent. So of course, people were going to take advantage of that to make money. But reports say Blizzard has been going around and issuing take-down notices for the Overwatch porn videos. And it’s no surprise in a release from Pornhub, Tracer is the most searched for Overwatch character.
PCGamesN reported that Reddit user spornm posted a take-down notice of a video in the subreddit that is entirely dedicated to sexy-time videos of Overwatch. They also slapped on a copyright infringement claim for using Blizzard’s characters.
PCGamesN dsecribed just how cheap and shady the process really is, saying,
So while recreating Overwatch porn seems shady in itself, the creators are using the cheapest and most illegal way to do it. In my opinion, Blizzard has every right to hand out take-down notices.
On the other hand, the internet is a very vast place full of dark corners and niche places so I’m not sure how Blizzard will be able to stop every Overwatch porn video. And especially as popular as Overwatch has been, of course there’s going to be porn videos made of the game’s characters. There’s porn out there for other popular franchises like Disney Princesses and Family Guy—yes it happens and I dunno if there’s ever going to be a surefire way to stop it. But kudos to Blizzard for at least trying to monitor the internet.
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