Don't Have A Cow, Kenshi Possibly Arrives For The Xbox 360 July 6th

Yes, tomorrow, (or today depending on when you read this) Kenshi will become available for the Xbox 360 version of Mortal Kombat. While the press release from earlier today indicated that Mr. Kenshi would be widely available for the PS3 and Xbox 360, he was inadvertently delayed from making his debut on the Xbox 360. Apparently someone at NetherRealm was playing around with his sword and accidentally cut their eyes out.

According to a tweet by Ed Boon, he says, in response to a user asking about the Xbox 360 version of Kenshi, that “…I believe he is available for the PS3 and we are working on the Xbox 360 version as we speak”. He continued on to say that "We R glad that people R excited 2 download Kenshi. I pray for them.." I didn't know the situation was that bad.

Anyway, Boon follows up on that Tweet with a response to someone saying that NetherRealm needs to “sort it out” because gamers aren’t receiving enough info on the problem, and Boon simply replies with “…we are waiting, too”.

A forum poster says that Ed Boon also posted a Tweet about an announcement coming soon and that Kenshi should be arriving July 6th. Although, an announcement has yet to arrive.

So apparently Kenshi, the blind swordsman with telekinetic powers that readers are eagerly awaiting, will soon be available we just don't know when. Hopefully he makes the July 6th release this time around because some fanboys are more riled up than a Goku cosplayer talking trash at a Marvel convention. You know that won't end well.

Anyways, PS3 owners have been enjoying Kenshi all day long while Xbox 360 owners have been crying in a corner. You can count down the hours until Kenshi becomes available and then you can stop crying and start winning…like Charlie Sheen…except without the crack…or with the crack, it’s your choice.

You can learn more about Mortal Kombat and Kenshi by visiting the Official Mortal Kombat Website.

Will Usher

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.