EA Sports UFC Demo Arrives For PS4, Xbox One June 3rd

Yes! Electronic Arts has confirmed that a demo for EA Sports UFC will arrive next week, in just a few short days on June 3rd for both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One.
We're beginning to count down the days until EA Sports UFC makes its arrival on store shelves on June 17th, in just three weeks. Well, if you've been on the fence about whether or not you want to buy the game, there's some really good news for you.
Good Game Bro spotted the info as EA sent out the following poster to help get those hype levels high and nigh for their UFC-themed fighting game.
The promotion of the demo as some sort of live event is actually pretty cool and fits in well with the game's television-style presentation.
Previously, EA has been somewhat sparse in handing out promotional material and hyping the game like the U.N. is sparse and inadequate with dealing with international civil and societal affairs.
However, slowly and surely, EA has been trickling out little bits to appease eager fans, starting with an entire round of footage showcasing the striking, and then leading up to a submission video showcasing the new and improved grappling mechanic(s).
I'm one of those gamers who is sitting on the edge of the precipice that leads into a full-blown sale. The only thing holding me back by the tips of my belt buckle is a little man called skepticism who whispers in my ear “Chap, this is EA. Remember to uphold the piety of thy wallet.”
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Still, EA has been getting rid of and removing some of their old policies from the top 10 most hated list like France is kicking out war-affected immigrants in make-shift refugee camps.
The company has abandoned the online pass program, they've decided to ease up on some annual outings for some intellectual properties, such as Need for Speed, as reported by Game Informer, and they've been toning down on some of the more overblown methods of marketing their games, as evident with the upcoming EA Sports UFC.
This new and improved EA following the outing of John Riccitiello as CEO – as if he were a lyric in Latimore's “Don't Let The Doorknob Hit'cha” – has resulted in what could be considered a more focused and gamer-centric EA, barring the Battlefield 4 debacle... and the piss-poor PC port of Need for Speed Rivals.
Still, I'm thoroughly excited for EA Sports UFC, and I'll definitely try to make some time for the game to see if it lives up to being as good as it looks in all the trailers. The only thing I'm a little concerned about is whether or not the fighting is intuitively based on hits and dynamic damage or if they're just a means to an end. I mean, is it possible to do like Virtua Pro Wrestling and at the start of the match walk up to a guy and KO him with one good punch or is it always going to be a battle of attrition? I guess we'll find out next week.
June 3rd can't come fast enough.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.