Earlier this month, Fallout 3 voice actor Erik Todd Dellums began a new round of Fallout 4 speculation with a simple tweet. In an interview published this weekend, Dellums explained the context behind his tease.
"I let [Bethesda] know that fans were clamoring, trying to figure out if there's any chance that Three Dog would be back sometime," Dellums told Nukapedia in an audio interview. "And, you know, they let it slip that it looks like Three Dog will. And they said that, 'Well, maybe you could tell your fans.' I don't think they even anticipated it would explode like this."
After Dellums made the tweet, many people (including us) assumed he was talking about Fallout 4. That speculation was followed by talk of a Fallout show, after Bethesda trademarked the Fallout name for use in television. Is Three Dog going to appear in one, or both, of those possible projects?
"Unfortunately my lips have been sealed. They're very private people. They probably love the fact that on some level that fans are clamoring."
Dellums added that if Bethesda gives him any additional hints, he'll pass them along via Twitter. From the sounds of things, though, Bethesda is playing this one close to the vest. They're going to try their damnedest to leaking the news of the next Fallout before they're good and ready to announce it.
It could be a long while before we hear anything substantial about Fallout 4. Recent evidence suggests it's going to be released on next-gen consoles.
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