HBO is going PlayStation. At the Buzzfeed Brews event in New York, HBO CEO Richard Plepler revealed that the HBO Go app will be released on both the PS3 and PS4.
HBO Go is an on-demand service that lets you watch every episode from HBO shows. It's a great way to catch up on Game of Thrones before the fourth season premieres in April. The app also offers a selection of movies along with sports, comedy specials and documentaries.
In order to access HBO Go, you'll need an HBO cable or satellite subscription. HBO doesn't sell a standalone HBO Go subscription. While consumers would love to buy HBO Go separately and not have to pay for an expensive cable package, cable companies would not love that. Keep in mind that HBO is owned by Time Warner, who also owns a cable service of the same name.
If you're an HBO user, I highly recommend checking out HBO Go. There's some great stuff on there, old and new. I strongly recommend the Louis CK stand-up special "Oh My God" if you haven't seen it yet. New episodes of current shows are added right after they premiere on cable, making it a convenient alternative to DVRing shows.
Right now HBO Go is available on PC, mobile devices, and Xbox 360. Microsoft said in November that the app is coming to Xbox One as well. They haven't provided a release date yet, though.
Sony said on the PlayStation Blog that HBO Go will hit the PS3 first and then the PS4. While you'd think they would want the new feature on their next-gen console as soon as possible to make it more marketable, the PS3 has the far larger user base right now. The addition of HBO Go to PS3 will help its chances against Xbox 360 in the battle to be the top bargain entertainment console.
No release date was announced for the PS4 or PS3 versions of HBO Go. HBO probably wouldn't have announced the app if they didn't think it would be out in 2014, though.
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