Hi-Rez Changes Porno-Style Image Of Kali On SMITE's Website
A short while ago Hindu statesman Rajan Zed came forward with support from the Catholic church, the Jewish community and Buddhist to protest the portrayal of Hindu goddess, Kali, on the website for SMITE and how the goddess was depicted in a “porno-style”. Well, good news for protestors...Hi-Rez has changed the image. Also, I didn't know Rajan was aware of how women are depicted in porn. Very interesting.
In a quiet tweak, the website for SMITE no longer shows Kali in the background. The image of the goddess in a sexy fighting pose was replaced with Odin and a dragon. Originally, Rajan Zed mounted protest because Kali was featured in a picture where she was barely covered and had big boobs vivacious curves, pretty much equivalent to every other artist's interpretation of the goddess, the only difference was that her nipples were covered.
Well, the scantily clad heroine was not received well by Rajan and crew and he went out and gathered the gangs of various religions, just like the Gramercy Riffs gathered up the gangs of New York to pitchfork-and-torch their way towards the Warrior's hideaway on Coney island. The only difference is that Hi-Rez didn't fight their way through the Catholics, the Hindus, the Jews and the Buddhists to maintain their innocence...instead, they simply changed the background image on their website. I guess, in their mind, there was no need to get trampled by the religious train.
As stated in the press release...
Well, if Zed is concerned about the portrayal of Kali in SMITE he should also check out Google's image section of the goddess, it's certainly not PG oriented...or even PG-13 oriented for that matter. He has a long road of fighting ahead of him.
You can sign-up to play SMITE right now, where you take control of various gods from various religions and duke it out in a multiplayer battle arena environment. You can learn more about the game or sign-up to play it by visiting the Official Website.
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