Humble THQ Bundle Wraps At Over $5 Million
The Humble THQ Bundle has finally wrapped up and it looks like the whole thing was a smashing success. Over the course of the past couple of weeks, the THQ Bundle brought in more than $5 million in sales. For a struggling publisher, that’s got to be a nice figure to clap your peepers on.
News comes down from Humble Bundle’s Jeffrey Rosen, who posted the results via his Twitter account this morning. The full figures can be found on the Humble Bundle website, which put the final tally at $5,097,599.75 with 885,304 bundles purchased.
THQ Bundle games included titles from the Company of Heroes series, as well as hits like Metro 2033, the original Darksiders and last year’s awesome-as-hell Saints Row: The Third. According to Humble Bundle’s figures, the average purchase cost was $5.76.
Listen, I get that the bundle was offered at a pay-what-you-want price point, but come on, folks. Six bucks for nine big games? And that was even with the added bonus of some DLC for Red Faction: Armageddon and a handful of soundtracks for paying over the average price.
Many have argues that there is nothing “Humble” about a big publisher like THQ taking part in a promotion that typically supports the indie developer crowd. But as you might have heard, THQ has found itself in some serious hot water these past couple of years, just barely managing to stay afloat. If offering nearly 10 of your titles to the masses at literally any price just to try and scrape by and keep yourself in the game making business isn’t “humble,” I don’t know what is.
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