Minecraft And Loads Of Indies Headed To PS4, PS3, Vita

The Sony Gamescom press conference has wrapped up, supplying quite a bit of big announcements for the PlayStation Vita including a new price point (200 bucks), a demonstration of the remote play feature running with Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, a port of Borderlands 2 and a veritable truckload of indie games. Several of these games are also launching on the PS3/PS4, so get ready to say goodbye to the contents of your bank account.
A post went up over on the PlayStation Blog immediately following the Gamescom press conference referring to an “indie avalanche” headed to Sony consoles. That's certainly appropriate, considering just how many games were shown off or at least mentioned in the hour-and-a-half program.
“At Gamescom, we've just underlined our commitment to bringing PlayStation fans the creative work of some of the best indie talent in the world,” said SCEE Strategic Content person, Shahid Ahmad. “Many of the games we've announced from our indie development partners will be making their console debut on PS4 and PS Vita. We've also got titles continuing to come to PS3.”
While Microsoft recently shifted its stance on indie developers and publishing for the Xbox One, a key part of Sony's strategy from the beginning has been a strong focus on indie titles. That commitment was shown off once again during Gamescom as a big part of the Sony show focused on a large number of upcoming indie titles. The blog post goes into greater detail concerning several of the heavier hitters, like N++, Hotline Miami 2 and (the one I'm personally most jazzed for), Rogue Legacy. It's a rather hefty read, so feel free to plow through all of those details if you've got some free time. For our purposes, though, we'll simply fill you in on the titles Ahmad has listed as coming to the PS4 and Vita. Keep in mind that many of these games will be cross-buy items that can be played on either (or both) consoles at no additional charge.
Perhaps the biggest indie that Sony wrangled is Minecraft. Mojang's break-through hit will be coming to PS3, PS4 and Vita according to a series of tweets from creator Markus "Notch" Persson:
The “full Gamescom PS4” list includes Assault Android Cactus, Fez, Final Horizon, Guns of Icarus Online, Hotline Miami 2, N++, Rogue Legacy, Samurai Gunn, Starbound, Switch Galaxy Ultra, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, Velocity 2X, Volume and Wasteland Kings.
Over on the Vita, the list includes Age of Zombies, A-Men 2, Assault Android Cactus, Avoid Droid, Broken Sword: the Serpent's Curse, Eufloria HD, Fez, Final Horizon, Flame Over, Gravity Crash Ultra, Gunslugs, Hotline Miami 2, Joe Danger, Joe Danger 2, Kick and Fennick, Rogue Legacy, Samurai Gunn, Supermagical, Switch Galaxy Ultra, Table Top Racing, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, Volume and Wasteland Kings.
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Yeeeeeeah...That's kind of a massive list of games, and it only accounts for the indie titles announced so far, many of which will be ready to go during the launch window or shortly thereafter.
I can see Vita owners in the market for new AAA games being a bit disappointed by the Gamescom press conference, but I don't know how anyone who simply loves playing games (and lots of them) could feel let down by that list.
Staff Writer for CinemaBlend.

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