Sony has announced the new set of free games coming to PlayStation systems in August. Six free games will be available for gamers with a PlayStation Plus subscription.
PS4 owners will get two indie games. The first is Road Not Taken, a roguelike puzzle game. The player is a ranger trying to rescue children from a forest. The forest is randomly generated every time so you'll have to find a new path each time. Your choices throughout the game will affect the outcome of the story.
The other PS4 freebie might be more familiar to you. Fez is a platformer in which players travel through a 2D world that can be rotated at will. They'll have to journey to the ends of the game's open-world to solve a range of puzzles. This game will also be available for PS3 and PS Vita owners for no charge.
PlayStation Plus owners on PS3 will also get Crysis 3. Crysis 3 straps players into a nanosuit that grants them super strength and speed. They're then inserted into the ruins of New York City, which has been transformed into a rain forest by mysterious enemies. Players will hunt human and alien foes alike using new weapons, including a Predator Bow with custom attachments. The game's multiplayer pits squads of nanosuit-wearing supersoldiers against each other in objective-based matches.
Dragon’s Crown is a multiplayer beat 'em up for PS Vita and PS3. Players choose one of six medieval fantasy characters, each with their own unique abilities that can be upgraded over time. They can undertake their journey alone or with up to three friends online.
PS3 and PS Vita owners can get Proteus as well. This is the most unusual one of the bunch. There's no real objective here, per se. You explore an procedurally generated island across four seasons. That's about the extent of it. The soundtrack varies depending on your location, your movements, and the objects or animals nearby.
The final game for PlayStation Plus in August is Metrico, a PS Vita platformer with a twist. In Metrico, you have to climb and jump past diagrams, pie charts and other infographics. Your actions determine how these obstacles change, though. For example, a platform's slope may be determined by the horizonal and vertical movement of your Vita. Another type of platform could retract with every step you take. You have to recognize how your movements affect the obstacles and act strategically to get through each level.
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The PlayStation Plus titles will be available for download starting on August 5th, according to the PlayStation Blog.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.