Super Smash Bros Brawl Guide: Items

As you can see from the following list there are a ton of items to use in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It’s one of the unique aspects of the series that makes it so fun, and easy for new players to pick up a few wins. With the right item in hand you can do some major damage to your opponent. Just remember that anything exploding will damage anyone who touches the blast, including the person who set the bomb off.
There’s no real reason to memorize each item and how to use them, like the fighting mechanics of the game all of the items are fairly intuitive in their uses. And if you have any experience with video games you’ll recognize most, if not all, of the items that are available for your use. So, let’s get you some info on the items that appear in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Assist Trophy – Gives you access to one of Nintendo’s classic characters who can assist you. Must be activated while on the ground.
Banana Peel – I’m sure you can figure this out. Yup, it makes your enemy slip and fall. Oh the Vaudeville quality humor!!!!
Baseball Bat – wind up and knock your opponent off the stage…or just throw it at their head.
Beam Sword – Looks like one, and sounds like one…your favorite Smash Bros. characters get to wield a lightsabre. The blade gets longer when you perform stronger attacks. It’s also a lot of fun watching Kirby jump around with the sword in hand.
Blast Box – Explodes after being attacked or set on fire. Will cause damage to anything nearby, including you.
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Bob-omb – The classic walking bombs from Mario make a devastating appearance in Brawl. Use them quickly by throwing at an enemy, otherwise it’ll walk around and you’ll likely be caught in the blast.
Bumper – Knocks enemies back a short distance and then sticks around to knock anyone away who touches it.
Bunny Hood – No, this doesn’t turn you into a Splicer from BioShock. But maybe we’ll get a Big Daddy in the next Smash Bros. game. This item makes your character run faster and jump higher.
Cracker Launcher – A rocket launcher that can easily take out opponents who hover above. It’s a bit of a pain to turn around with the Cracker Launcher in hand, you’ll have to jam the control stick to do it. Sometimes it works…other times not so much.
Crate – break it open for some useful items, or throw to hurt an opponent.
Deku Nut – Stuns enemies when you hit them with it.
Dragoon Parts – There are three parts you need to collect. Once you have all three you’ll be able to place a reticule over an opponent and launch the Dragoon for an instant KO.
Fan – it may seem like a lightweight weapon, but the fan is damn fast. It can get a lot of hits on an opponent and then be thrown to launch them straight up.
Fire Flower – Operates just a like a flower in Mario games. Your character will be able to attack with a stream of fire. But unlike the Spicy Curry you have control over when you spit the fire.
Food – There is all kinds of food in Brawl. The amount of health recovery varies from item to item.
Franklin Badge – This item latches on to you and will turn you into rubber. Any thing thrown at you will just bounce right off.
Freezie – Traps an opponent in ice. Afterwards you’re free to beat their frozen face in. When trapped just mash on the controller until you’re free.
Golden Hammer – Just like the regular one except it lasts longer and you can float by tapping the jump button.
Gooey Bomb – Not quick as cool as the sticky nade in Halo, but still effective. Will stick to an opponent until it explodes, but the bomb can be passed on to other opponents.
Green Shell – Knocks enemies flying.
Hammer – A ton of fun to get as the classic Donkey Kong arcade music comes on and you proceed to decimate opponents. Only problem is you can’t perform other attacks or a double jump with it.
Heart Container – Gives you back 100% of your health. Item moves extremely slow as it floats to the ground. Be prepared to jump up to grab it.
Hothead – This little sun moves along the ground causing damage to all who touch him.
Lightning – Just like a lightning bolt in Mario Kart, this item shrinks your enemies down.
Lip’s Stick – Make a flower grow out of an opponent’s head. Yeah, it’s crazy…crazy awesome! The more you hit someone the bigger the flower grows. It will continually damage your opponent.
Maxim Tomato – Gives you back 50% of your health.
Metal Box – Turns your character to metal. You’ll move slowly, but because of your increased weight you’ll be harder to knock around.
Motion-Sensor Bomb - Blows up when someone comes close. Easy as can be.
Mr. Saturn – I have found no good use for this weird item. But he is Mr. Saturn….so that’s something.
Pitfall – Creates a trap for you enemies.
Poison Mushroom – This time you’re made smaller, and while you’re weaker you will also be harder to hit. This mushroom’s color is slightly muted in comparison with the Super Mushroom.
Pokeball – Used to summon a pokemon who will help you out. Can be thrown at enemies.
Ray Gun – Shoots 16 shots that can knock an opponent back a bit. Great for distance edge guarding.
Sandbag – Hit it to cause items to drop. Eventually runs out of items and enough damage will cause it to go flying when you hit the sandbag.
Screw Attack – Turns your normal jump into Samus’ screw attack move from Metroid.
Smart Bomb – Often not worth the trouble because the blast is so big it’ll get a hold of you and send you flying. If you do use one these babies, just remember to throw it far far away.
Smash Ball - Shows up and floats around the screen just begging for you to get to it. Hit the ball a few times to claim the power of your character’s Final Smash. Be careful though, this item can be knocked out of your hands.
Smoke Ball – Looks like a wiffle ball, and is about as effective. Makes smoke appear from an enemy. Woo hoo…
Soccer Ball – For some reason the soccer ball catches on fire when you kick it and can do some major damage.
Spring – Launches you into the air higher than normal. On its side the Spring can cause an enemy to go flying off the stage.
Star Rod – This wand shoots a star out. Pretty simple. Using a Smash Attack to make the star bigger. Can also be thrown.
Starman – Makes you invincible for 10 seconds.
Super Mushroom – Works like a mushroom in the Super Mario Bros games. That is…it makes you big.
Super Scope – Yup, they put the classic peripheral in the game for you to use. Luckily it can be quite effective. The Super Scope will let you fire rapidly, or charge up for a super shot.
Superspicy Curry – This one stings the nostrils as flames shoot our of your mouth. You can still work like normal with this, but the flames that shoot out are often a decent enough attack.
Team Healer – For team-brawl matches. You just throw it at a teammate and they’ll heal a little. Opponents will take damage instead.
Timer – Affects time…it appears to be random on how it works. Sometimes your opponents slow down, or only one opponent…and sometimes even you.
Unira – This little blue spike ball will damage anyone who touches it. A quick attack makes the spikes retract.
Warp Star – Makes your character fly through the air and then come crashing down.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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