VR Gaming Could Cause Death, Says Dev
Virtual reality gaming has been something sought after and pursued by the gaming industry for ages. We've had some good times (the Oculus Rift) and some bad times (Nintendo's Virtual Boy), but one developer believes that the worst of times is still ahead of us.
GamesIndustry.biz captured some quotes from Cloudhead Games' creative director Denny Unger that took place during the VR panel at Unite 2014 in Seattle, Washington, where Unger responded to an audience member's question about the “evils” of VR, to which Unger stated that...
Unger actually mirrors thoughts I've been having about VR gaming since the Rift has evolved to the point where immersion in increasingly realistic games has almost come up to the point of being a near photo-realistic experience.
For instance, just imagine playing something like Silent Hills P.T. Demo with the Rift, at night... alone. If the demo was scary enough to make gamers completely freak out and have a panic attack, it's not unlikely that the next step in scares could literally cause death. In fact, Unger mentions this very thing, saying...
Games like Outlast and Amnesia instantly come to mind; playing with VR gear in games like that could be pretty catastrophic for someone who easily scares and have anxiety issues or a heart condition.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Utherverse CEO Brian Shuster believes that VR is the gateway to interactive dreams come true, believing that we're finally at a point where sci-fi can become a reality, and not just a playpen for horror games and shooter titles, saying...
The Utherverse is an interconnected network for social, play and work-related gatherings for people through a virtual world web platform, also known as the VWW.
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Utilizing virtual reality hardware with the Utherverse platform would almost be the equivalent of experiencing life in The Sims or Second Life on the “ground level”. Shuster believes that the software and hardware have finally caught up to the creative intentions that some designers would love to exploit in the virtual space, saying...
Of course, that still doesn't take anything away from developers needing to exercise caution and care when designing games based around virtual reality headsets and body-wear, as Unger's forewarning about someone being jump-scared to death is still a very real possibility.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.