The Walking Dead Season 2 Walkthrough Guide

A new video walkthrough guide has appeared for TellTale Games' The Walking Dead Season 2. The game has just launched today and brings with it tons of new adventure gaming experiences and mature-themed content that you have grown to expect and love from the multiplatform point-and-click title.
The game picks up from where the last season left off, depending on the decisions you made in the previous season. If you haven't played season one of The Walking Dead and you're not fond of spoilers, you'll probably want to avoid watching any of the walkthrough above, as it can and will hamper the story for you if you wanted to go in blind. Essentially, the game has to create a random timeline if it doesn't find previous save data from the first season, so whatever it shows you from that random timeline will undoubtedly spoil some aspect of the game for someone.
Of course, if you have already played through the first season and your choices don't at all match up to the recap of what's displayed in the walkthrough above, you're basically safe to watch just for the novelty of it, given that your experience may differ greatly.
For instance, **spoilers** Lee in one of the endings to the first season didn't have Clementine shoot him, instead he was fighting to get Clementine and the others to safety with only one arm, since he had been bit and they had to amputate. Disturbing, no doubt. He fought valiantly to the end and was eventually overtaken by a horde while trying to get Clementine to safety. **spoilers**
As for the gameplay... the video shows off all the typical interactions you would expect from TellTale's games, including interacting with context sensitive objects and environmental entities, all of which can sometimes change the outcome of a situation in simple or drastic ways. There isn't a lot of depth beyond what you see. No hidden mechanics or combo controls to learn, so what you see is what you get.
If you've already played through the game but felt like you may have missed something or wanted some sort of clarification on an event or scenario, you can watch the video and learn a thing or two about what's going on or where some of the alternative options might take you.
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Now, if you have no experience with the previous season of the Walking Dead or you don't watch the show and you don't read the comic book, you can learn a bit about the world and atmosphere of the Walking Dead before heading into Season 2 by reading up on the top five things you need to know before playing the game.
And in case you didn't already know, The Walking Dead Season 2 is available right now for most major gaming platforms. If you need to learn more about the game feel free to visit the official website.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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