Watch This Hearthstone Player Set A World Record With A Single, Never-Ending Turn

Yesterday, an enterprising Hearthstone player hatched a plan to set one of the strangest world records in the Guinness Book; he intends to stretch a single turn into a 40-hour marathon. And he's doing it right now.
Mamytwink is a Twitch streamer who specializes in Blizzard-centric games. World of Warcraft and Hearthstone are his main focus, but he's been known to dabble in Heroes of the Storm as well.
The theory behind Mamytwink's plan is anything but simple. Normally players only have 60 seconds to finish a single move, but Mamytwink has uncovered a combination of cards that will extend his turn into a never-ending endurance test. He's using a spell called "Arcane Missile" that's been buffed seven times by a priest card called "Prophet Velen." And those Valens have been buffed using other cards.
Here, I'll let Mamytwink explain. Just a warning, though. None of this is going to make any sense if you haven't played Hearthstone:
And if that handwritten gibberish isn’t coherent, Mamytwink was kind enough to create a bulleted summary of his plans:
- Prophet Velen was buffed multiple times with the new card Velen's Choice (more than 30 times for some Velen).
- Les Prophet Velen have then been multiplied on the field thanks to some Faceless manipulator
- In order to multiply Faceless Manipulator, we used the card Mind vision.
- Iceblock prevents the Priest from dying.
- The spellpower increases the number of missiles casted by Arcane Missiles. 207 spellpower =
- +206 missiles. this makes a total amount of 206 + 3 missiles. Prophet Velen doubles the number of missiles. Because there are 7 on the battlefield, the number of missiles has been multiplied 2^7 = 128 times. 128x210 = 26 752 missiles. Eventually, Arcane Missiles x 9 have been cast, which gives 26 752 x 9 = 240 768 missiles.
- It takes approximately 0,67 seconds for the animation of a missile to happen. 240 768 x 0,67 = 161 314 seconds. Which gives more than 44h of live stream
I'm not sure why you would ever want to watch 40-straight hours of missiles flying, but if you do, here's Mamytwink's stream.
Unfortunately, Twitch is being a little temperamental at the moment. The staff was forced to perform a maintenance check this afternoon and uploaded a blog post about a potential hacker incursion. So, Twitch probably isn't terribly concerned with Mamytwink's world record attempt.
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Supposedly, Mamytwink's stream will be back online in a few hours, though. And, by then, he should be deep into the attempt (unless the game has stopped for some reason). So, if you're ready for some hot missle-on-missle action, stay tuned to Mamytwink's Twitter feed.

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