Weekly Recap April 10th: Gears Of War 3 Announced, Game Reviewers Wanted, F3AR Coming

Some major slippage happened this past week when Microsoft inadvertently let loose some major news about Gears of War 3. Find out exactly how it all went down and where it happened. And in hopes of not being completely overshadowed by the Gears 3 news, Warner Bros Interactive announced that F.3.A.R or F.E.A.R. 3 is coming to PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 later this year. You can even check out the new debut trailer for the game. And as if the headline isn’t clear enough, anyone who might be remotely interested in reviewing games can check out all the details on turning a hobby into something a little bit more. These stories and more in this April 10th, 2010 edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap.
Celebrities Play Project Natal: Brittany Snow, Paul Rodriguez, Felicia Day And More. Because somehow things are more important when a human composed of more plastic than tissue promotes a project for other people to buy.
Halo Reach: Multiplayer Weapons, Armor And Item Guides. Everything you need to know before the beta kicks into gear.
Lead And Gold Launch Trailer Released. The game is about ready to be played and gamers can get in on some of the action with the new launch trailer.
Et Tu Rondo? A look at a lost Castlevania title from The Game Reviews.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Video Game Reviewers Wanted. If you like playing games and want to share your opinions about them, then click the link and find out how to get started.
DSiWare Celebrates First Anniversary: Virtual Console Goes Ironclad. It’s been around for a year and it will probably be here for years to come.
Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 Gets Discount. Need to kill some more triangles? Get it done with GW: RE 2.
MLB 2K10 Is $3 For Opening Day. Any baseball fan should be screaming and jumping for joy at this news.
Split/Second Downtown Mayhem Trailer. See all the destruction taking place in the downtown area.
Plain Sight Suicide Ninja Multiplayer Shooter Now Available. It’s a crazy game possibly worth checking out.
IndieCade Festival Is Looking For Indie Games. If you have a game you’re working on, now would be the time to consider submitting it to IndieCade.
Console Gamers Forfeit Going Green Because They Didn’t Know They Could. It’s a long story…well, not really.
Monster Hunter Tri Frozen Frontier Trailer. New trailer showing off the frozen tundra.
Modern Warfare 2 Gets Team Tactical Playlist Soon. Pucker up and ready your team tactic skills with the new playlist.
Tarantino Not Interested In Video Games. I’m sure he’s never played a Suda51 game. Will someone get Tarantino a copy of No More Heroes?
Dark Forces Coming To PS3 And PSP. The classic gets a rebirth.
Erebus Travia Reborn Free Beta-Key Giveaway. A few beta keys up for grabs. Be sure to pick yours up today.
Hearts of Iron 3: Semper-Fi Expansion Announced. Time to test the grit of your strategic prowess with a new expansion pack.
Borderlands Double Game Add-On Pack Released For Xbox 360 And PC. All your favorites in one big bundle.
Xbox 360 USB Support System Update Goes Live. Forget the hard drives, it’s time to go USB.
UFC Undisputed 2010 Demo Details Revealed. So what will gamers get in the demo? Click to find out.
Transformers War for Cybertron: Pre-Order Bonuses Announced. New details on some exclusive playable Transformers.
Blur Open Beta Goes Free-to-Play For Xbox Live Gold Members. If you play on XBL and have a Gold membership then be sure to try out the Blur beta.
Clash of the Titans Xbox 360 and PS3 Debut Trailer. And let’s not forget…this is still a movie-game.
Trials HD Voted Best XBLA Game of 2009. This old PC game gets some gamer-loving from the Xbox Live community.
Mass Effect 2 Kasumi DLC Released For PC And Xbox 360. Add a new crew to your cabin with the Kasumi DLC.
Command and Conquer 4 Gets Worldbuilder And Auto-Save. Modders, prepare to crack your knuckles and get to work.
Mortal Online Review Fallout From Fanboys. After the spit hit the fan the fanboys have responded and they aren’t happy.
Modern Warfare 2 Free Weekend Coming To Steam. If you haven’t already torrented Modern Warfare 2, here’s your chance to play it for free over Steam.
New Crysis 2 Trailer Airs In Times Square. A chance to view the new game on the big screen of Time Square.
Alan Wake Is Finished. And not just finished, it’s actually going to arrive at stores some time this century.
Alpha Protocol Developer Diary 7 Plays Favorites.
Shattered Horizon Weapon Expansion Pack Coming Soon. New weapons and grenades are on the way for Shattered Horizon
Splinter Cell Conviction Action-Packed Media Blowout. All new media blowout featuring Sam Fisher kicking butt and taking names.
World of Warcraft Cataclysm Shaman Changes Revealed by Blizzard. What sort of changes? Click the link to find out.
Amazon Drops Deadly Premonition Down to $14.98. Because it’s just that cool.
Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Breaks Xbox Live Records. In other words, Activision’s CEOs are rolling around naked in millions of dollars just like Demi Moore in Indecent Proposal.
Conduit 2 Wants Your Ugly Face. Yeah they really do want your ugly face and all you have to do is click the link to find out how to get your head in the game.
Cliffy B. Bumped From Late Night By Justin Bieber. That little boy is like all the Jonas Brothers rolled up into one little teeny-bopper sensation.
StarCraft II Wings o Liberty Collector’s Edition Announced Standard Edition is $60. Thievery by the same people who just broke records with Modern Warfare 2’s Stimulus Package? Well, that’s no big surprise.
Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom Gets PC Release Date. That lovable time-traveler will be making an appearance on PC soon.
F.E.A.R. 3 Announced for PS3, PC and Xbox 360. Turns out that F.3.A.R was not an April Fool’s joke.
Anuman Interactive Takes Over Microids; Multiplatform Games On Horizon. Many of them slated for the iPad.
A quirky new game that’s worth checking out.
iPHone OS 4 Game Center Adds Matchmaking And Achievements. I smell competition for Xbox Live Arcade.
Tales of Pirates II Alpha Test Begins April 14th. It’s time to let out your inner pirate…again.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Big Boss Pack Includes Camouflage PSP 3000. And there’s no need to worry about feeling like a pedophile with a scantily clad Paz hanging around like in the disturbing music video.
Dead to Rights: Retribution Dev Doc Talks Stealth And Focus. This is the sort of stuff that’ll either make you love the game or not think twice about it.
Tim Tebow Is NCAA Football 11 Cover Athlete. And unlike Madden there are no curses involved.
World of Warcraft Catalysm Class Changes; Warrior Priest And Warlock. Find out all the details involving the class changes in the upcoming expansion.
Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PS3 And PC Release Dates Revealed. Xbox 360 gamers aren’t the only ones enjoying the stimulus boost.
Gears of War 3 Launches In April 2011. A little spillage when it comes to big announcements. Nevertheless, Gears fans should be happy.
Uncharted 2 Siege Expansion Pack Details And Release Date Announced. Find out what’s in store with the upcoming DLC.
SAW 2: The Game Announced With Debut Trailer. A load of crap if you ask me…just check out the trailer to find out why.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow Screenshots Battle Werewolves. And they’re some tough looking werewolves, too…not the glowing Twilight kind.
Ninety-Nine Nights II Thousand Army Obliteration Screenshots. Here’s a brief look at taking on a thousand guys at once.
Lost Planet 2 Super Mega Media Blowout. It’s…huge…really huge.
Monster Hunter Tri Special Events And Quests Announced. Something to keep online Wii-gamers happy.
Call of Duty 7 To Be Announced Next Month. It’s tough to believe that they made that many CoD games already but it looks like another one is on the way.
Crysis 2 Plot Details Revealed, New Screenshots And Concept Art Arrive. Want a first-hand look at some new screens for Crysis 2? Look no further than the link my friend.
Splinter Cell Conviction Midnight Launch Locations Announced By GameStop. After suffering numerous delays, gamers can finally take a breather and celebrate the game’s launch at participating GameStop locations.
World of Warcraft Cataclysm Class Changes: Mage, Druid, Hunter, Rogue, Death Knight. The week rounds out with some WoW news. If you’re still a Blizzard junkie you might want to check it out.
That wraps up this edition of the weekly recap here at Blend Games. You can check out the new Crysis 2 video below before parting ways. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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