Weekly Recap April 17th: XCOM Reboot, Gears Of War 3 Trailer, The Heavy Assets

Who would have thought that gamers would get two big news bombs in one week? First, 2K Games unveils that they’re rebooting X-Com as XCOM and it’s being done as a first-person shooter. Now before letting loose groans and sighs, take note that the same team behind the award-winning BioShock is the same group that will head up development for the alien-shooter. Only time will tell if it’ll become a landmark game like the original strategy series from the early 90s. In other news, Cliffy B. revealed that Gears of War 3 will sport a four-player co-op mode and a new “Ashes to Ashes” trailer was released to showcase gamers what’s in store come April 2011. There’s also some new assets up for viewing featuring the cool new movie-game based on the political action-thriller, The Heavy. These stories and more in this April 17th, 2010 edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap.
Call of Duty Controversy Continues: Activision Files Countersuit Against Former Infinity Ward Heads.
Pokemon Black And White Revealed By Scans.
A Difficult Marriage: Gaming And Celebrity. Will a gaming celebrity ever truly emerge?
Former Modern Warfare 2 Studio Heads Form Respawn Entertainment. Now that’s a fitting name.
Bulletstorm Coming To PS3, Xbox 360 And PC. A very talked-about-game is heading to game consoles and PC.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
CSG 2: You can’t Win E’m All. Because some games can’t be beat.
Ghost Recon Future Soldier Gameplay And Story Details Announced. Find out what the story is in this latest Ghost Recon.
Tales of Fantasy New Instances And Dungeons Announced. From PvP to looting, there’s something new for everyone.
Ninety-Nine Nights II Debut Trailer Feels Uninspired It’s true…it just doesn’t feel very inspired.
Dark Void Zero Now Available For Windows And iPhone. After getting in some positive reactions from its time on the DS, Dark Void Zero debuts for Windows and the iPhone.
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 Goes Gold For PSP. Yet another Naruto game on the way.
GTA IV Episodes From Liberty City PS3/PC Launch Trailer. An awesome new launch trailer for the Episodes from Liberty City for PC and PS3.
AAA Lucha Libre Wrestling Debut Trailer. This is a dead-cool game that could really turn the tide on the way wrestling games are viewed. Check out the amazing new debut trailer to get a glimpse of the game.
Wii Netflix Launches. About time…and yet, it’s still too late.
Green Day Rock Band Full Track List Revealed. A complete listing of the songs from Green Day that will make the cut.
UFC Undisputed 2010 Fighting Techniques Video Keeps It Simple. All the basic fighting styles revealed…and boy are they basic.
Gears of War 3 Ashes to Ashes Trailer And Release Dates. Get a first-hand look at the third and final game in this awesome but hokey trilogy.
Gears of War 3 Four-Player Co-op Confirmed. Gears of War 3 Four-Player Co-Op Confirmed. This is the real news right here folks. Click the link to find out how it all goes down.
Grand Theft Auto Episodes From Liberty City Released For PS3 And PC. You seen the launch trailer now you can purchase it for a game system that isn’t the Xbox 360.
White DSi Bundle Has Free Mario And Luigi Bowser’s Inside Story. That’s not a bad deal on a bundle.
Forza Motorsport 3 Road And Track Car Pack Released. New cars up for grabs in some sexy new DLC for the top-tier racing simulator.
Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands Pre-Order Bonuses Announced. Find out what’s in store for the people who pay a little extra for the Prince’s latest exploits.
Dead Space Martyr Coming In July. More tertiary content to help delve gamers deeper into the lore of Dead Space. Check out the link for all the details.
The Guild Returns To Xbox Live For Season Four. To find out if Microsoft was on-board you simply have to ask, ‘Was a lot of money at stake?’
Empire Craft Receives Wolrd Map Overhaul And Realm Vs Realm. Pretty big overhaul for a free-to-play game. Find out what else this game is packing.
Monster Hunter Tri Hardcore Media Blowout. It’s a hardcore gamer’s dream game come true.
Cross Fire MMOFPS Welcomes New Maps, Contests And Characters. All rolled up into one big ‘ole update.
Lead and gold Gangs of the West Fansite Kit Released. For everyone who wants to express their own creativity and originality through Lead and Gold can now do so with the fansite kit.
Splinter Cell Conviction Freezing Fixed. Yeah, because no one likes a $60 game that locks up once you buy it. I feel sorry for people who don’t have XBL.
X-Com Reboot Announced for Xbox 360 and PC; First Screenshot Released. This is something 90s gamers have been waiting ages for.
Red Dead Redemption Multiplayer Screenshots. New shots of the multiplayer in Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption.
Tales of Pirates II Alpha Test Starts April 15th. Yet another MMO begins testing this week.
Final Fight Double Pack Now Available For Xbox Live. Gamers can now get in some HD side-scrolling fighting action with the Capcom Final Fight Double Pack.
Two New Characters Revealed For Transformers: War for Cybertron. Air Raid and Breakdown join the already impressive cast of characters.
Naughty Bear: The Book of Naughty Covers Power Outage. What happens when you combine bear-dancing, a broken power box and a naughty bear? Click the link to find out.
Kingdom Heroes World War Screenshots. New shots of players battling against each other to control the world.
Splinter Cell Conviction Free DLC Announced. After getting the game’s freezing error fixed, Ubisoft is remedying the situation with some free DLC.
Xbox Original Multiplayer Ends Tomorrow Well, depending on when you’re reading this…it’s probably already done and over with.
Skate 3 Demo Released. Find out if the realistic skate-simulator is up to snuff.
Splinter Cell Conviction USB Content Being Released Through Website. It’s not on USB…get over it. You can still gather up the bonus content via the website, though.
XCOM Being Developed By 2K Australia. Let’s just hope this isn’t a bad, low-budget cash-in and it’s an actual follow-up to one of the greatest PC strategy games ever made.
Zen Pinball’s Excalibur Table Joins PSN Line-Up. A new table for the popular pinball game.
Shrek Forever After Movie-Game Announced For Major Game Consoles. Yes, it’s another Shrek movie.
Split/Second Playing The Game Dev Doc Video. Blackrock talks Hollywood racing cinematics and more.
Beach Volleyball Online Enters Closed Beta. And here’s a legitimate excuse to look at scantily clad 3D avatars…all day long.
The Heavy: First In-Game Screenshots Look Very Impressive. It’s not as hokey as its name…that’s for sure.
March 2010 NPD Sales: God of War III And Pokemon Strike It Rich. Well that’s no big surprise.
World of Warcraft Cataclysm: Paladin Changes Announced. What did Blizzard decide to do differently with the paladin? Click the link to find out.
World of Warcraft Celestial Steed Available for $25. In addition to paying a monthly subscription for the, you can still spend extra cash in the cash-shop for specialty mounts.
Who Has Left Infinity Ward So Far? It’s like a guessing game that’s turning a little scary for this once well-respected studio.
Descent Coming To Wii. It’s a few decades too late arriving, but who really cares about Wii games anymore?
Get Free Team Fortress 2 Items With Sam and Max: The Devil’s Playhouse Purchase. There’s something in it for every kind of gamer.
Moonlight Online Class Info Includes Werewolves, Humans And Vampires. It’s either going to be like Blade or Twilight, click the link to find out.
Erebus Travia Reborn Welcomes Players Into Closed Beta. Need a Diablo fix? Try Erebus
Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom Media Blowout. Four new trailers of the upcoming adventure title…it looks like a really mediocre game.
Ninjatown: Trees of Doom Coming to iPhone And iPod Touch This Spring. This Spring actually means a few weeks from now.
Tons of New Screenshots Released For Super Mario Galaxy 2. Everything you could possibly want to see out of the game is now visible in the new batch of screenshots.
Naughty Bear: Bear Witch Project Trailer. Not to be confused with the Blair Witch Project, of course.
Mass Effect 2 Kasumi: Stolen Memory DLC Review. A new review courtesy of The Game Reviews.
Grand Theft Auto IV Promotion Launched On Games For Windows Live’s Games On Demand Service. Just another attempt to keep PC gamers from jumping ship to a Mac.
Earthworm Jim HD Debut Trailer. Didn’t anyone tell them that HD is out and 3D-HD is in?
Ebert is Right For Now. Right about what, you ask? Well, click the link to find out over at Platform Nation.
That wraps up this edition of the weekly recap here at Blend Games. We part ways with the official launch trailer for the PSP title, Hexyz Force. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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