Weekly Recap April 20th: Earthbound On Wii U, The Evil Within, Road Redemption Announced

Nintendo dominated one of the weakest, most boring weeks in video games this year. The Big 'N' revived any sort of gaming hobby fervor that gamers could have lost due to all the lameness that occurred throughout the week. Earthbound on the Wii U got a lot of Jimmies jiggling in the rustlers and the announcement of TimeSplitters: Rewind running on the CryEngine 3 got people really excited. Also, Road Redemption was announced on Kickstarter, aiming to become the new-gen successor to Road Rash and Bethesda has announced that their new title is from legendary Resident Evil creator, aiming to bring back true horror survival with The Evil Within. These stories and more in this April 20th, 2013 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay Footage Leaked Check out the first footage of the upcoming ESO MMORPG.
Assassin's Creed Duel Art Imagines Fighting Game A fighting game that never happened under Ubisoft's label gets some inventive new art.
Road Redemption Revives Road Rash On Kickstarter The old-school Road Rash racer makes a return to form in a new IP looking for backing on Kickstarter.
Angel's Wrath Launches With Free Starter Pack Giveaway The MMO launches for free and via browsers.
Starbound Pre-Orders Now Available One of the most underrated upcoming games this generation is starting the pre-order process, signaling a possible end-line for Starbound.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Xbox 360 SmartGlass App Gets Android Update Microsoft rolls out an update for the Smartglass app.
Tales of Laputa Takes Anime Infused MMO Into Open Beta It's not as if we get enough anime-inspired MMOs... /s.
Arma Tactics Coming for Nvidia Project Shield Nvidia's portable gaming console gets a brand new title with Arma Tactics.
Animation Vertigo Interview: Motion Behind Call of Duty, Heavy Rain and God of War We have a short chat with the CEO behind a motion capture studio that works on all the big games.
OUYA 3DMark Tests FPS At 1080p, See Where it Ranks Testing graphics capabilities beyond that of the Xbox 360 and PS3...find out where OUYA ranks in the super HD department.
Orion Dino Horde Now Available, Free DLC Arrives All Summer Long The sequel to Dino Beatdown gets released on Steam today.
Skyrim Won't Get Fourth DLC, Developers Moving Onto Next Game I guess we can start getting ready to look forward to Elder Scrolls VI then?
Elder Scolls Online Summons Ogrim A new race is revealed for Bethesda's upcoming Elder Scrolls Online RPG.
TimeSplitters Rewind HD Runs CryEngine 3 Free PC A mod team is working hard to bring the TimeSplitters total conversion mod to life as a free, full featured game.
Diggs Nightcrawler Squirms Onto Wonderbook Holiday Season A new crime adventure title makes its way to PlayStation this upcoming holiday season.
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner Soul Hackers Out Now For Nintendo 3DS The Devil Summoner series keeps trucking on, only this time things are relegated to the portable gaming space.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Uprising DLC Released For Xbox 360 Another month, another bit of DLC from Activision. The universe is just keeping everything balanced.
24% of Teachers Use Video Games to Enhance Learning Learning English with The Sims
LG Gaming Monitor Video Gives Guys A Bit of Stage Fright It happens in a rather unsavory place. Well worth the watch, though.
Xbox 360 Gets Flixster App Paying for Xbox Live has its advantages...you get to pay for more services to allow you to access stuff other people get to use for free on every other media platform in existence.
Road Redemption: Road Rash Successor Joins Steam Greenlight Looking for some upvotes and favorites, or else there will be some right proper head smashing with a bat or club-shaped device.
MechKnight Chronicles Brings Awesome 4-Player RPG Greenlight How often do you get four-player cooperative beat 'em ups on PC? Rarely.
Mario Party Coming to Nintendo 3DS Nintendo has announced that Mario Party will be arriving for the 3DS soon.
Jagged Alliance Flashback Announced A new Kickstarter for a classic take on the age-old turn-based game that just can't ever seem to move past JA2.
Dead State, City of Steam, Angry Video Game Nerd Are Greenlit for Steam Be prepared to experience some high-end indie gaming action very soon on Steam.
MediaBrix Capitalizes on 250 Million Casual Gamers With BTM Advertising A new kind of advertising method will bridge the gap between achievements and ads...how well this will work out for gamers remains to be seen.
Vanguard Princess Brings Female Fighting To OnLive An all-female fighting game with a cast of femme fatales for all walks of gamers.
Mario Luigi Dream Team Arriving this Summer A new Mairo & Luigi game will be arriving this summer.
Legend of Zelda Link to the Past 2 Announced for 3DS One of Reggie's most popular games ever will be making its way to Nintendo's 3DS.
Earthbound Coming to Wii U Virtual Console This Year One of the biggest games ever in the history of gaming is finally making its way to Nintendo's Wii U.
Yoshi Island 3DS Screenshots Show Yoshi In Action Nintendo unleashes a few promotional screenshots for Yoshi's Island 3DS.
Eador Masters Broken World Offers Free Gifts Play the game, get some good stuff.
Papo & Yo Out For PC With 10% Discount Grab the game that was popular on PS3 for PC.
Firefall Open Beta Set For July Red 5 Studios sets an open beta date in stone for the free-to-play shooter, Firefall.
Madden 25 Cover, Vote For The Finals The cover has legend Barry Sanders pitted against Adrian Peterson.
Deadpool Release Date Announced Along With Pre-Order Bonuses Pre-order now and gain access to whatever it is they strip out of $60 games these days. Assuming that's worth paying more for.
Pokemon X & Y Mewtwo Evolution Confirmed Check out the next phase of evolution for the Mewtwo with the new media content.
Haunted Hollow Interview: Firaxis Doesn't Want To Rip You Off
God Mode Out Now For Xbox 360 Next Tuesday On PS3 The tongue-in-cheek action title gets gruesome on Xbox 360.
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Video Features Michael Biehn See the Aliens and Terminator star laying it all out there.
AMD Radeon HD 7990 Malta Sports 6GB Of GDDR5, 8.2 Teraflops The baddest mofo video card ever is about to be unleashed onto the public
DayZ Standalone Gets Radio Communication, Additional Help From The Game Community Not content helping with mods, the game community steps up to the plate to help out with the design of DayZ.
Heavy Rain Cost $40 Million to Make, Made $100 Million in Sales A nice ROI for a niche title with moderate marketing.
Among The Sleep, Survival Horror Game Stars A Toddler A nice, risky take on the survival horror genre.
The Evil Within Screenshots and Gameplay Details Released Details on Bethesda's recently announced horror-survival title that goes back to the roots of survival-horror.
PS Vita In-Depth Review For Dead or Alive 5 Find out how the Electronic Theatre crew artfully critiqued the newest fighting game for the PlayStation Vita.
Defiance Co-op Review Co-Optimus lays out the review details for the latest TV tie-in MMO, Defiance.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. Here's a wicked sweet trailer of Batman kicking the crap out of Superman...because that's what the fans asked for. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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