Weekly Recap April 28th: Sony's Battle Royale, Nexon Eyes EA, STALKER 2 Cancelled?

It's official, Sony finally announced one of the worst kept secrets this generation: PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. The game is the PlayStation's answer to Nintendo's Super Smash Bros series and many of your first and third-party Sony characters will make an appearance. In a different kind of take on the news, MMO publisher Nexon is eyeing a buyout of software publishing giant Electronic Arts. Nexon has the resources, the capital and the know-how but will they really do it? Also, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 could be getting canned for good since GSC has lost the rights to the series. These stories and more in this April 28th, 2012 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Game Spotlight: Mount & Gladius Mod Mount & Blade Fight for the Roman empire in this absolutely stunning mod for the combat-based indie game.
Explore Solar System With Unreal Engine App An awesome new app lets mobile users explore the stars thanks to the Unreal Engine.
Trials Evolution Sets Sales Record The game sells like digital freaking hot cakes and then some. 100,000 and counting.
How Borderlands 2 Plans To Better Its Predecessor Gearbox isn't sitting by the sidelines when it comes to one of the most highly anticipated sequels of the year.
Assassin's Creed 3 Going All Out With New Look Connor isn't just getting some nifty new weapons, he's also got all sorts of snazzy visual effects on his side, too.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Sony Santa Monica Working On New Shooter
Hardcore Fan Makes All Uncharted Games Into Movies They're literally complete movies compiled with snazzy editing effects thanks to a dedicated fan.
Capcom Disappointed Hackers Accessed Street Fighter X Tekken DLC The response from most gamers? "Capcom, we're disappointed in you."
Police Warfare Kickstarter Cancelled Find out what happened and why regarding this potential Call of Duty spinoff.
Valve Updates Steam Account Policy, You Can Now Access Your Games While Banned Valve updates their policy, but a lot sooner than people originally thought.
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Beta Preview, Pandas Don't Have More Fun Pete Haas gives a rundown of the latest expansion for World of Warcraft and the Mists of Pandaria.
KickStarter En Route To $300 Million For 2012 That's a heck of a lot of money for a crowd-sourced based mediator. But money speaks volumes for what people want and people want what creators are offering via KickStarter.
Halo 4 To Stay True To Its Roots 343 may be in charge of Halo but they're making sure to pay huge respects to Bungie's universe and lore.
Counter Strike Global Offensive SDK Gets Launch Schedule Setup before the game even goes live, Counter Strike Global Offensive's SDK will be available for those who want to mod the game ahead of its launch.
Killer Wireless N-1202 Wi-Fi Module, E2200 Ethernet Controller Announced Killer Gaming announces their brand new line-up of new gear for gamers who need some intense, lag-free gaming on their side.
Heavenly Sword 2 Was In Development, Getaway 3 Footage Showcased Check out a few games Sony canned for one reason or another.
Guild Wars 2 Developer Has Years of Plans For The MMO Well of course they do. At least unlike retail games you don't have to worry about disc-locked content.
Max Payne 3 System Requirements Announced, PC Screenshots Arrive Grab a first look at Max Payne 3 for PC and find out that the game requires 35GB of disk space.
Batman Arkham City GOTY Edition and Harley Quinn DLC Announced This is how you do DLC...well after everyone's forgotten about the game.
Half-Life 3 Discussed by Gabe Newell Find out from the man himself what's up with Half-Life 3.
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 Gets Release Date, New Screens Want to land some fancy headshots as a sniper? Well, you'll soon be able to camp all you want now that an official release date is set in stone.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII Director Leaves Square Enix Ahaha, that spells out fail-doomed all over it. Check out the full story to get the complete lowdown on what went down with one of the most highly anticipated games this gen.
EA Caught Red Handed In Damage Control Attempt A sad attempt at fixing comments that didn't need fixing.
Robert Bowling Explains Activision Departure It wasn't just about making money...it's now about exploring creative ventures.
G.I. Joe Special Ops Coming In June To Multiple Platforms A browser-based MMO is coming for everyone's favorite military-based action brand.
Crytek Says Crysis 3 For Xbox 360, PS3 To Have DX11 Graphics It's a marketing ploy but worth exploring nonetheless.
PS Vita Gets Skype It's now like a cell-phone except it's free.
Darksiders 2 Release Date Narrowed Down The official release date has been set for DarkSiders 2.
Unchartd Franchise Sells 17 Million Units, Game of the Year Edition Announced Sony has officially set the GOTY edition of Uncharted in stone.
Rober Bowling Opens Game Studio The guy who used to be the face of the biggest selling game in history has departed to form his own studio.
Report: Was The EA Viral Marketer Telling The Truth? Based on the information and facts...does it seem true to you?
Walking Dead Episode 1 Review: Game Worthy Of The Name Pete gives a fleshed out review of the game based on the comic-book and TV show.
EA Montreal Receives Layoffs After EA Denied Layoff Rumors Yeah, so...do we still trust any and everything EA says?
Diablo 3 Midnight Launch Events Detailed
Mercenary Ops Zombie Mode Confirmed, Co-op Features Detailed Check out the latest details for the third-person shooter, Mercenary Ops, from YingPei Games.
Red Solstice Embraces KickStarter Alternative, IndieGoGo They need help reaching the finish line. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is help IronWard get to the finish line.
Gotham City Impostors Update Adds Free Content Awesome new content added, for free!
STALKER 2 Gets Cancelled, Developers Open Studio At least the game isn't being killed entirely, just moderately.
Resident Evil Creator Game Revealed With First Artwork An awesome new game could be in the works from the guy who made Resident Evil.
Crytek: Next Gen Consoles Blocks Used Games Would Be Awesome Really? Wow.
Crysis 3 Unlikely To Release Wii U If you were hoping to play the latest Crysis on Nintendo's latest console, keep dreaming.
DICE Working On New IP What could it possibly be?
Game of Thrones Screenshots Get Violent Check out the gruesome new screenshots for the upcoming RPG.
TimeSplitters 4 Already Playable? According to new data it appears the long rumored TimeSplitters 4 may be closer to playability than we thought.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Will Not Have Disc Locked Content Tekken producer clears the air; no disc-locked content.
Uncharted Infographic Details Drake's Journey and Player Statistics Check out the sales, player stats and everything else in between with a nifty new infographic for the Uncharted franchise.
Hold Your Wallet, Mass Effect Protest Groups Planning Something Big If you want to retake gaming this might be a good place to start.
Ninja Gaiden 3 To Get More Difficult With DLC New content expands the game's difficulty so that it feels more like Ninja Gaiden Black.
Dinobots In Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Were Originally Denied Find out what happened between Hasbro and High Moon Studios which almost had the Dinobots sitting on the sideline in Transformers: Fall of Cybertron.
Nexon May Be Interested In EA Buyout Now this would be hilarious. Can you imagine EA getting bought out by a company who only makes free-to-play games?
Grimlands First Closed Beta Begins The Mad Max-esque MMOFPS enters the first set of closed beta testing.
Rayman Legends Domain Hints At Sequel A new Rayman could be on the way thanks to a leak from a new domain address.
Crysis 3 New York Setting Is Not Recycling Assets Crytek assures us that this will not be a copy-and-paste job like a certain other company with its annual shooter series.
Nostalgia Revisited: Embarrassing Video Game Rap Commercials A look at some of the most ridiculous video game commercials from the yesteryears of gaming.
5th Cell Lays Out Extra Details For Hybrid Get a brief idea of what's contained in the upcoming shooter.
Cryptic Account Database Hacked, Warnings Issued Take care to change your password because your account could be jeopardized.
Leaked Wii U Video Shows NFC Action, Rayman Legends Confirmed After a brief bit of teasing Rayman Legends gets confirmed.
StarCraft 2 Heart of Swarm Demo Playable This June at MLG Event The highly anticipated new expansion for StarCraft 2 is due out to make an appearance at Major League Gaming.
Wii U Price Won't Be Announced During E3 Nintendo plans to reserve the price announcement for a latter date.
Warren Spector Says Next Gen Games Might Cost $200 Million To Make Oh boy, I hope gaming doesn't get to that point.
GTA V Release Date Set For October 23rd Suggests Analyst It's looking like October could be the actual date for GTA V?
Guild Wars 2 Digital Editions Sold out If that sounds like an oxymoron statement, click the link to find out the details.
Microsoft Defends Games On Demand Business Model Digital is the wave of the future. But do you agree?
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Revealed With Gameplay Footage Check out the first look at the PS3's answer to Super Smash Bros.
The House of the Dead 4, Co-op Review and Giveaway Win a free copy of the game and find out if a copy is worth winning in the new review.
Last Half Of Darkness Release Date Announced The upcoming point-and-click game from Iceberg gets an official release date.
That wraps up this week's edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You can scope out the new trailer for Grimlock and the Dinobots in the upcoming High Moon Studios third-person action title, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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