Weekly Recap April 7th: EA Worst In America, Shadowrun KickStarter, ME3 Ending DLC

March must have been a killer month for both EA and Capcom, constantly being headline news in the world of online blogs and gaming sites. Well, April is shaping up to be no different for these two publishing giants as EA captures their first ever "Worst Company In America" award, at least EA is trying to rectify the image by fixing the Mass Effect 3 ending. Capcom, alternatively, is also still burning under the flames of the on-disc DLC fiasco and it doesn't look like they'll be coming out from under those flames anytime soon. A classic cyber-punk RPG is also getting a redo for today's generation thanks to crowd-source funding, which means newer generations finally get to play Shadowrun the way it was always meant to be played. These stories and more in this April 7th, 2012 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Assassin's Creed Kinect Isn't Real But It Should Be A fake new trailer makes Assassin's Creed look like a lot of fun via Kinect.
Which Studio Could EA Buyout Next: Obsidian, THQ, Rockstar or CD Projekt? It's a sad list given that no one wants to see their favorite bought out.
OMGPOP CEO Tries To Rectify His Reckless Twitter Comment Not everyone enjoys being greedy but some do.
Blizzard Kiddzz Lets Zergling Teach You How To Type Some April Fools trolling from Blizzard, take it with a laugh.
StarCraft Supply Depot 2 Coming To iOS Android
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Mirror's Edge Writer: BioWare Defense For Mass Effect 3 Ending Was Poor She hasn't played it, but she's not for it.
Skyrim, RAGE DLC Announcements Coming In April If it's true, we'll find out more this month.
Capcom Responds To BBB Complaints: No Distinction Between DLC Disc-Locked Content Is finished content the same as post-launch content that's available to download?
Wii U Less Powerful Than Xbox 360, PS3, Says Dev A few of them give examples but it's still not concrete yet.
Super Meat Boy Announced For iOS Team Meat is bringing it to the iOS.
WWE 12 Wrestlemania Edition Coming In May THQ hopes to cash in on the Wrestlemania craze with a new version of WWE 12 this May.
Orcs Must Die 2 Announced The sequel to the gory-fun tower-defense game has been announced.
Penny Arcade DLC Coming To Dungeon Defenders Play your favorite online webseries heroes in Trendy's tower-defense RPG.
World of Warcraft Scroll Resurrection Detailed In New Tutorial Videos Check out the new features and functions thanks to some new tutorial videos.
Devil May Cry HD Collection Now Available Capcom shows some promise by releasing some classic Devil May Cry games.
Sims 3 Katy Perry Sweet Treats Coming In June Additional content is on the way featuring Katy Perry.
Ghost Recon Future Soldier PC Release Date System Requirements Revealed Despite badgering PC gamers, the PC version of Ghost Recon is still on the way.
Witcher 2 Dark Edition Sells Out For Xbox 360 CD Projekt's latest RPG sells out for the Xbox 360...well, the special edition anyway.
Xbox 720, PS4 Development Costs Have Doubled Says Dev It's a lot of vague and uninformed lies. So sad.
League of Gamers Fights Against Video Game Warning Label Bill H.R. 4204 Red 5 leads a crusade against Bill H.R. 4024.
Ubisoft: We Want To be Number One On Wii U Ubisoft sees Nintendo's new console as a viable cash cow and they want to cash in.
Secret World Beta Keys Offer Early Access, Included With Pre-Order Hop into the game early with some extra pre-order bonus keys.
Sine Mora Composer: Japanese Game Industry Is Struggling It's mainly due to a lot of dumb decisions, but I don't think there's anyway to tell the business execs that.
EA Blasts Into Finals As Worst Company In America This is it, all this hard work has led up this moment EA...you can do it, we're rooting for you!
Way of the Samurai 4 Coming To PS3 In North America XSeed Games will be localizing the game for North American audiences this summer.
Double Dragon Neon Coming To Xbox 360, PS3 An age-old classic is making a return to the current generation consoles.
It's Official: EA Is The Worst Company In America After a long, hard-fought battle, EA comes out on top as the very worst in America.
Why Capcom Can't Release Street Fighter X Tekken DLC Characters Right Now So you want to play as one of your favorites who are disc-locked at the moment? Well, here's an explanation of why you can't play as those characters.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Characters Model Prada Clothing It looks kind of weird but it's also kind of cool.
Classic Handheld Gaming Commercial Compilation Ah, a nice ugly trip down memory lane. Great times...great times.
Star Wars The Old Republic Patch 1.2 Video Shows Off UI Customization BioWare is slowly updating the game to match the quality of other MMOs.
HTML5 Games Most Wanted Book Can Help You Design Better Games A few easy breezy tips to make the most out of HTML5.
Deus Ex Human Revolution Ultimate Edition Hitting Mach This Month Square-Enix is re-releasing the game for Mac OS users, so you can experience the thrill of the human revolution right there at the comfort of your Mac.
Shadowrun Returns Seeking Kickstarter Funds Now this is a game that deserves a Kickstarter fund. Great concept. Good stuff.
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning DLC Journeys To Teeth of Naros EA releases additional DLC for the recently released Kingdoms of Amalur.
Batman Arkham City Harley Quinn DLC Revealed Play as the Joker's main squeeze in the upcoming DLC.
Mojang Game Called 0x10c A new space adventure from the people who brought you MineCraft.
Mission Critical Studios Using iPi Motion Capture For Frantic Freddy The cost-effective motion-capture suite is being used in the upcoming Frantic Freddy.
Xenonauts UFO Defense Simulator Gets Graphical Overhaul Because the aliens need to look pretty, too.
Borderlands 2 Weapon Manufacturers, Skills, Characters Exposed Check out some extra details and info for Borderlands 2 in two brand new trailers.
Take-Two CEO: THQ Gone In Six Months Take-Two's CEO does not have kind words for THQ.
Mad Catz To Showcase New Peripherals At PAX East New gamepad, mouse and headset will be on display at the PAX event.
Civilization V Gods & Kings Release Date Announced Create your own religion and fondle with the liberties of your subjects in the upcoming Civilization game.
Counter-Strike Online 2 Announced By Valve, Nexon The game will basically be a South-East Asian version of CS: GO.
Halo Infinity Teased By Domain Registrations
Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC To Fix Ending A lot of people are watching BioWare on this one.
Homeland Security To Rape Privacy Rights of Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii Users Find out how in the new report.
Penny Arcade Lets EA's Charity Slide But Not Retake Mass Effect 3 Interesting how one was okay but not the other.
Cliffy B Wants To Do Less Linear AAA Games Good on him, we need more games with more freedom.
Child''s Play Responds To EA's DLC: They Did Not Have Our Permission To Run The Promotion That kind of straightens everything out, yeah?
PAYDAY The Heist Update Adds Difficulty Level, New Masks Check out some of the new content and updates available in the bank-hesiting FPS.
PopCap Tries To Defend EA From Worst Company In America Award It's best to just leave it alone.
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Spec Ops DLC Revealed With New Trailer, Screenshot Check out the U.S. Spec Ops forces in action with the brand new trailer.
Free Mass Effect 3 Resurgence Pack Announced Find out what else EA is selling along with all the other Mass Effect related goodies.
Max Payne Mobile Release Date Announced, Screenshots Released Check out Rockstar's port of the infamous third-person shooter.
John Romero Making PC Shooter Getting back to his roots, Romero wants to advance the genre the way he did back during the 1990s.
Kinect Star Wars Co-op Review Find out whether or not this Kinect-based license game is worth the price of admission for the co-op alone.
New Assetto Corsa Screenshots Brand new screenshots from the upcoming Italian-based racing title.
Impressive New Deadlight Trailer Released New gameplay footage released for the FPS.
Diabolical Pitch Review Busting up baddies with a baseball bat takes on a whole new meaning with this game. Find out if it's play-worthy or not.
Men in Black Alien Crisis Coming This May A new MIB game is on the way and it also happens to be a co-op title.
Wasteland 2 Reaches Its $2.1 Million Dollar Goal; Planescape Torment's Developer Will Help Out Obsidian will officially join inXile Entertainment to develop and design Wasteland 2.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. Be sure to check out the brand new PAX East trailer for 2K's upcoming Spec Ops: The Line, below. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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