Weekly Recap: Assassin's Creed Unity Announced And 4 Other Big News Items

Ubisoft finally unveiled their latest entry in the long running Assassin's Creed franchise. For a moment I thought they would wait for E3, but maybe they're prepping for early announcements for one of two things: they want to get the hype-train rolling and chugging down the railway of Dorito-enforced tracks, or... they're prepping for a annual double dipping. You know, a new Assassin's Creed every six months, perhaps? Let's hope it's the latter because I would love to see how gamers would adapt to a completely over-saturated market.
There was also still a lot of Titanfall in the news, as Respawn and Electronic Arts iron out the kinks and get everything up and in working order. Also, in a very not-so-surprising twist in news, both Electronic Arts and Microsoft have been nominated for the Worst Company in America award, courtesy of The Consumerist. This is big news for both companies, as they've done quite a bit to piss off a large portion of their respective audiences. The question is: did EA do enough to rectify their image coming out of a turbulent 2013? Or did Microsoft apologize enough to recover the fumble that was the Summer of DRM? I guess we'll find out. These stories and more in this March 22nd, 2014 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Titanfall Player Ranks Reset
A new bug has attacked the community of rodeo-mech-riding titanauts and jet-pack wearing parkour artists in the recent Respawn Entertainment release. What does the bug do? Well, it resets the player rank. It's somewhat devastating but not by too much. EA and Microsoft are putting their collective boss-brains together to investigate the cause and fix the problem. But if you don't have the patience to wait it out, you can always put some time in Farming Machines Championships 2014. If you do have some additional patience, you might want to grab a Snickers bar while you wait for Amazon's game console, but if you don't mind playing games on mobile devices you don't have to wait long for a mobile version of Blizzard's Hearthstone to arrive.
Xbox One Is Coming To Japan
Everything is bigger in Japan... when it comes from America. The big black box from Microsoft finally gets a release window. Microsoft rolled out the rest of the Xbox One's roadmap for the release of the Xbox One in more than 26 different countries. Maybe by the time that the Xbox One launches in Japan there will actually be games worth buying for it... especially from Walmart. That's right, mega-corporation Walmart is getting into the used-game business, making it easy for gamers to trade and purchase new and old games alike. You might have to buy used games to save up some cash in order to buy custom controllers from Controller Chaos, a specialty online store that offers users customized controller modding for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
EA & Microsoft Nominated For Worst Company In America
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
The two big software giants find themselves sharing equal footing in the nomination for the Worst Company in America for 2014. While there are plenty of people striking up in arms about the inclusion of Microsoft and EA on the list, it doesn't change the fact that there are a ton of pissed off and angry gamers who don't like the way they've been treated in the consumer space. Speaking of consumers... Sony wants to keep giving gamers what they want, which is why they're adding HDCP-off options in their next update. At least on the PC space you don't have to worry about a lot of that crap, as company's like Good Old Games is all pro-consumer. Well, of course, you would still have to watch out for fake beta keys for Grand Theft Auto V. But that's about it.
inFamous Second Son Review Round-Up
Sony's latest first-party title has launched for the PlayStation 4 and the game has accrued a number of review scores from various websites. The game has managed to get most of the “mediocre” scores you would expect from the title, with only a few sites managing to break out into the eights and nines. If that excites you, it's probably because you get to test out your new custom controller you bought from DecalGirl. Still, the majority of the scores settled around high sevens and mid eights. If Second Son isn't your cup of tea, though, you can still settle for getting your kicks in World of Warcraft by speed-leveling your character to level 90 thanks to the new character boosts. In other MMO related news, you could also look to partake in EverQuest Next in an upcoming beta.
Assassin's Creed Unity Announced
The next chapter in the long running Assassin's Creed franchise has already been announced by Ubisoft. “A little soon?” you ask. Well, it's an annual franchise and Yves has to keep the dollar-dollar bills flowing in like a pimp working the workers of West Hollywood. The latest game in the series is called Assassin's Creed Unity and it puts players in the good 'ole French-time revolution. Seems snazzy. However, if you have trouble playing games with two hands, you might be able to enjoy the latest Ubisoft outing with only one hand, thanks to PS4 and Xbox One controller mods by Ben Heck. Of course, if you don't feel like playing anything, you can just watch a cool new trailer for something like GTA V's remake of The Purge: Anarchy trailer. It's some... interesting stuff.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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