Weekly Recap Aug 14th: Lucius Is Coming, KillZone 3 Beta, Tropico 4

Most companies were reluctant to drop any major news bombs this week or release any tantalizing information on upcoming games. Nevertheless, there were still a few highlights of this week’s news grind that are worth checking out, including the official beta website that is now open for KillZone 3 and the announcement from Kalypso Media that Tropico 4 is on the way for PC and Mac gamers starting in 2011, along with a creepy new horror-survival game called Lucius. There are also plenty of new trailers to check out as we get ready to head into this year’s GamesCom , in this August 14th, 2010 Game Blend Weekly Recap.
Interview: DC Universe Online Senior Producer Wes Yanagi. Find out how players get to play as their favorite super heroes as well as some other important key features in the upcoming DC Universe Online.
NBA Jam Authenticity Dev Doc For Wii. How authentic is this redo? Pretty darn authentic.
Special PlayStation Store Update Planned for Red Dead Redemption DLC. How special and what kind? You’ll need to click the link to get the full story.
Review Madden NFL 11. Does this year’s rendition get it right or is it just another paperweight for 2011?
Patrician IV Feature Video 1: How to Trade Now Available. A lesson in diplomatic trading.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Collector’s Edition Announced For PS3 and Xbox 360. For those who want a little something-something extra.
Tetris World Champion Crowned; Better Luck Next Year Noobs. First ever Tetris champion is crowned.
World of Warcraft, Aion and FIFA Online Top MMO Revenue Makers. Americans foot the bill and Korea makes the cash.
Nintendo Downloads: Enjoy Your Massage, Rhythm Core Alpha Join Digital Downloads. One of the most ridiculous games ever made is now available via WiiWare.
KillZone 3 Beta Website Goes Live. Sign-ups will be starting soon, folks.
EA Sports MMA Heavyweights Announced. Favorites from various sports federations make an appearance, including Shamrock.
Power Gig Has Guitar Hero Guitars Tossed In A Volcano. It’s as odd as it sounds and almost equally entertaining.
The World Ends With You Director Wants A Sequel. And I’m thinking that a fair amount of gamers agree with the director on that decision.
Dragon Age Ultimate Edition Revealed. Seems like something Dragon Age is always headlining the news these days.
Devil’s Third Release Window Announced. Blood, sexy outfits and guns…need we say more?
Fallout New Vegas Voice Cast Includes Matthew Perry, Wayne Newton, Zach Levi. And that’s just some of the secondary characters. Click the link to get the full list.
Red Dead Redemption Legends And Killers DLC Now Available. Get ready for some rootin’ tootin’ shootin’ in the new DLC.
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II Cancelled On PSP. Find out why and if the PSP will ever get a replacement game.
Valkyria Chronicles II Demo Coming. It’s already available by the time you read this.
Wii Sells 30 Million In US. Youser! Looks like the king of casual is just racking up all kinds of dough.
Ace Combat Assault Horizon Announced for Xbox 360 and PS3. Brand new flight sim is on the way for the two major new-gen consoles.
Dragon Ball Z Raging Blast 2 Comes with Hidden Anime Episode. It’s a long lost episode that many fans of the series have never seen before.
Plants Vs Zombies Game of the Year Released for PC; PvZ Now Available for Mac. Two for the price of one…in terms of news headlines that is.
THQ and Double Fine Team up For Costume Quest. Activision may have let Double Fine take the pink slip, but THQ has other plans for them.
Lucius Creepy Horror Survival Game Coming Q1 2011. A new kind of horror survival…the kind where you are the terror forcing the NPCs to survive.
More Dragon Age DLC On The Way. As if all those other DLC expansion packs weren’t enough…there’s yet even more on the way, really.
Borderlands Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution DLC Announced. Brand new DLC on the way for the game-changing FPS.
Jade Dynasty Vengeance Expansion Pack Launches August 25th. Martial arts fantasy gets a kick in the pants with some new realm-vs-realm action.
FlicStick Makes Watching Movies on Xbox 360 and PS3 Easier. In addition to Hulu, Netflix and PlayOn, we have yet another contender…only this time, for indy flicks.
GoldenEye Classic Edition Hardware Bundle Has Golden Controller. Classic gaming with a classic golden controller.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow Special Edition Revealed. For those who want the most out of their shadowy adventure.
Rumor Duke Nukem Forever In Development At Gearbox Software. I have no idea how this game will turn out, but we all know Gearbox rocks when it comes to first-person shooters.
R.U.S.E. Won’t Use Ubisoft DRM. Oh really? I guess they learned their lesson from previous games.
Mafia II PC Demo Patched. A minor fix for the demo…it’s playable now, folks.
Call of Duty Black Ops Hardened Prestige Edition Announced. A better way to be milked…oops, I mean to enjoy the game.
BioShock Infinite Announced; Trailer And Screenshots Released. What is it and why should you be interested? Well, click the link to find out and be amazed.
Tales of Pirates II Tribulations of Faith Instance Added. Wave after wave of enemies to combat all for the sake of a symbol. Click the link to check out what the symbol does.
Stronghold 3 Coming to Windows PCs Early 2011. Build up strongholds and then design an army to tear down enemy strongholds. Sounds like a plan.
Zentia Early Beta Access Begins August 16th. Good news is that character data carries over into the open beta.
MicroVolts Enters Closed Beta, Let The Toy Carnage Begin. It looks like Team Fortress 2 but plays out like Battlefield Heroes. Not a bad combination.
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Screenshots Lay Down The Law. Brand spanking new screenshots of the upcoming racing title from EA.
Uncharted 2 Sidekick Skins Pack and Dynamic Theme Due Next Week.
July 2010 NPD Sales: Xbox 360 and StarCraft II Rule the Summer. Uh oh, is the Wii-craze fading?
MAG Patch 1.07 Introduces Happy Hour. If you think you know what Happy Hour is…you haven’t clicked the link yet.
ZeniMax Purchases Arkane Studios. Hmm, another buyout or a possible future investment? Find out after the jump.
Left 4 Dead DLC 3 News Coming Soon. Valve plans on releasing another content pack for the ever-favorite Left 4 Dead.
Tony Hawk SHRED Announced for Teeny-Weeny Skateboarders. A new family-friendly skateboarding title for kiddies.
IGG Planning To Announce Four Titles at GamesCom 2010. Four new games are on the way…any of them worth playing? We’ll see.
Enslaved Dev Doc Talks Andy Serkis, Characters and Story. The main that nearly one an award for playing a digitally rendered 3D character is at it again.
Tropico 4 Announced; Benevolent Dictatorship Begins Q2 2011. Better prep your Mussolini mustache and get your Castro suit ready.
SplitFish Unveils FRAGFX Piranha and Barracuda for PS3, PC and Mac. New ways to game for everything but the Xbox 360.
Monday Night Combat Brings the Bacon to XBLA. Monday Night Combat is now available via XBLA…enjoy the Monday Night wars.
Lord of the Rings War in the North GamesCom Trailer. Just a bloody new cinematic.
Star Wars Force Unleashed II Trailer: Yoda Meets Starskiller. It’s a meeting of epic…no, galactic proportions.
Latest MW2 Glitch Strikes Hard Against SNK Games. How is this remotely possible? Read on to find out.
Kane and Lynch 2: A Dog Day Afternoon Launch Trailer. Ever bit as gritty and grungy as you might expect.
That wraps up this edition of the Game Blend Weekly Recap. You can check out a brand new, lengthy action trailer for Nintendo Wii’s exclusive action-platformer, Metroid: Other M. It’s definitely a trailer worth watching. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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