Weekly Recap Aug 25th: State Of Decay Rivals DayZ, Borderlands 2 Goes 16-Bit, MGS 5 Coming?

As August begins winding down to an end, things start picking up especially with the zombie games. Yet another DayZ rival steps into the spotlight with Microsoft's State of Decay. Gearbox takes us back to the old-school era with Borderlands 2, turning the loot-and-shoot RPG into a 16-bit masterpiece(?). And a voice potentially leaks some details on what could possibly be Metal Gear Solid 5. However, it seems very unlikely given that Kojima was pretty adamant about the end of Solid's story...or was he? These stories and more in this August 25th, 2012 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
WWE 13 Roster Announced, DLC Packs Add More The complete roster for WWE 13 has been announced. Supposedly, more wrestlers will be made available in DLC packs, if that wasn't made clear enough in the headline itself.
Dragon Age 3 Story, Character Art Leaked? BioWare is definitely working on a new game in the Dragon Age series, but could new assets point to an official Dragon Age 3 so soon?
Castlevania Mirror of Fate Box Art Introduces Belmonts The official box art for the upcoming hack-and-slash from Konami gets some snazzy new box art for the 3DS.
DICE Against Battlefield 3 Mod Tools Because It Might Cause Hacks Yeah, that's what modders would do...they would waste time hacking a game they already hacked from here to the blue moon and back again.
Police Blame GTA IV For Violent Attack On Drunken Man A drunk dude gets the crap beat out of him, and police point the finger at Grand Theft Auto. Very, very, very sound logic there indeed.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Dead Space 3 Video Shows Off Build-A-Weapon System A nice little alternative to the standard “find a weapon” mechanic used in most horror-survival games.
Penelope Cruz Becomes Mario In 3DS Commercial Dang, that's what we've always wanted...to see a hot actress turn into Mario.
Kingdoms of Amalur MMO Project, Copernicus Would Have Been Free-To-Play Well that's some enlightening news...yet another free-to-play, big-budget MMO? Hmm, interesting.
Devil May Cry Bone Pack Exclusive Pre-Orders Announced Grab some extra goodies by paying for Devil May Cry now and then you can brag about those pre-order bonuses to your friends when the game finally releases.
OnLive Lays Off Employees, Files A Form Of Bankruptcy It was sadly inevitable due to the infrastructure of cloud based gaming. Sad and unfortunate.
Mercenary Kings Is Like Metal Slug With Crafting This is a really cool game that does some unique things in both the RPG and side-scrolling action genre.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow, Mirror of Fate, Pushed To Early 2013 Konami needs some extra room to flesh out both games and so they're pushing them back from their original date.
Final Fantasy 7 PC Bugs Pompt Square Enix Apology Well that all went to the crapper, eh? Square at least had the gall to issue an apology.
Fallout 4 Set In Boston? It's possible that the game will head to the far east, Stateside.
Diablo 3 Paragon System Attempts To Save End-Game Blizzard admitted that the game had some end-game problems, and now they're attempting to fix it.
RaiderZ Crafting & Hunting Trailer Released and Won't Be Pay-2-Win Hey, hey, good news for people who don't like the “Rich KidZ” spoiling all the fun.
Dust 514 Neocom Vita App Detailed CCP has plans to expand on the mythos of Dust with a companion app.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Screenshots Confirm Jets, Bicycles Oh sweet nilly. Now this is some juicy new media for gamers to consume.
Plants Vs Zombies 2 Coming Late Spring 2013 EA's acquisition of Popcap finally starts to reap some fruition with the sequel to one of the biggest casual releases of Q2 2013.
Borderlands 2 Has Officially Gone Gold, Gungasms Imminent If you love gungasmic gameplay and tons of ARPG FPS fun, then you'll love Borderlands 2.
Diablo 3 Jay Wilson Tells Diablo 2 Designer and Fans To F**k Off Oh yeah, that's how you respond to your loyal fanbase...tell e'm to screw a pooch and bury their head in a mound of squirrel feces. That's how you tout your professionalism! Hoo-rah!
Nintendo Power Closing Its Doors After years of servicing gamers with remarkable coverage and updates on all things Nintendo, the paper-and-print magazine is finally coming to a close.
Xaitment Offers Discounts For Students On Unity Engine Plug-Ins Educators ought to be a wee-bit happy about this announcement, as it expands the world of interactive entertainment into the classroom, making it interactive edutainment.
State of Decay Trailer Challenges DayZ's Zombie Game Supremacy Oh boy, it looks like we got a rivalry over here. One of the top stories of the week right here, folks.
Marvel Heroes Is The Spiritual Successor To Diablo 2, Says Gazillion After that fire-fueling comment from Diablo III's lead designer, it looks like Gazillion is making a move to bring in a few of those stragglers from Diablo III.
Resident Evil 6 Goes Gold; RE.Net Announced Capcom confirms that Resident Evil 6 has finished development. It's gold. It's done. Let's just wait for the October release.
Army of Two Devil Cartel Screenshots Show Destructible Environments Oh yeah, customizable guns + destructible environments? Right on. Count me in!
Metal Gear Solid 5 Coming Next Summer? So says an actor...but I don't know folks, I just don't know. Do you really think Hideo Kojima would pull a fast one on us like that? I thought Snake was dead.
Let's Play Offensive Combat With U4iA Games An interview and play session with the crew from U4iA Games and their upcoming free-to-play title, Offensive Combat.
Borderlands 2 Browser Game Takes You Back To 1989 An old-school NES-style shooter makes an appearance on browsers for gamers to play and it's free.
Ubisoft Goes Free-to-Play Because 95% of PC Gamers Are Pirates They're still defending their position on piracy, while other companies like CD Projekt are excelling despite piracy.
Harold Announced For PS3, Xbox 360 and PS3, Designed By Former Pixar, Studio Ghibli Artists Some of the cool artists from popular movies have joined forces for a new game called Harold.
Rare Wanted To Make Killer Instinct 3 But Microsoft Canned It Kinect games is where the money is at, so Microsoft neutered Rare so they would be stuck making casual crap. Poor Rare.
Wii U Pre-Orders Rumored To Start On September 13th The next console from Nintendo may head into the pre-order stage as soon as next month and that's good news for anyone who 's looking to buy the Wii U.
FreeJack, Parkour Racing Game Adds Zombie Apocalypse Mode Everything is better with zombies...apparently that also applies to a parkour racing game.
Forza Horizon VIP Members Get Exclusive DLC Well, would you really expect a new game without some kind of promotional DLC attached? Of course not.
SunFlowers Blooming For Vita This Fall Sony continues the trend of unleashing new, original and unique IP for their platforms.
Fallout, Planescape Torment Developer Revived Black Isle Studios makes a triumphant return under the Interplay label for an unannounced project.
Sang-Froid Heads To Steam Greenlight, Releases 11 Min Video This game looks pretty good and hopefully it gets the greenlight for a Steam release.
Sony Closes Studio In Liverpool Why? Well, cost cutting measures of course. What's worse is that the Liverpool studio was working on a next-gen Wipeout game.
Was Jay Wilson's Apology Sincere? I don't Think So Read his apology and then find out if the apology was just a PR stunt to save face for Blizzard or if it was sincere.
Broken Sword Serpents Curse Kicks Off On Kickstarter Campaign A classic series makes its way into the current generation by heading to the crowd-sourcing route.
Miasmata Beautiful Game Features Scary Cat Monster With Antlers An open-world survival game that takes a different turn on the whole tropical island retreat routine.
Assassin's Creed Initiates DLC A Season Pass? A new campaign hints at a possible season pass for the highly anticipated Assassin's Creed III.
Peter Molyneux Rename Curiosity Because Of NASA's Mars Rover The details aren't ironed out but 22 Cans has to make a slight modification to the name of their latest title.
I Am Alive Coming To PC September 13th; Hypocrites Much? After lambasting the PC community Ubisoft backtracks and then decides to release their game on PC.
Borderlands 2 Soundtrack Coming September 18th Just in time for the launch of the game. This is amazing news for fans of Jesper Kyd who love to own the collection of favored composers or music from your favorite games.
Wasteland 2's Lack of Publisher Oversight Has Helped Development
Crysis 3 Might Melt Your PC, So Here Are A Few Tips To Keep The Melting At Bay The game is pegged as being a PC killer, according to Crytek's CEO, so this time try a few times from a trusted optimization guru to help keep your PC running smooth.
Diablo 3's Jay Wilson Apologizes David Brevik Entire Diablo Community I'm glad Jay took time out to apologize.
Guild Wars 2 Graphics Card Performance Chart Released By ArenaNet Find out what works, what doesn't and how much goodness you'll get from your graphics card with the new chart.
Under Defeat HD Deluxe Edition Flies From Dreamcast To PlaySTation 3 This Fall Another Sega classic finds its way onto the current gen consoles.
Project Giano New-School, Mario-Style Platformer For Kickstarter It's a fun-looking side-scroller for aimed at reinvigorating the platform genre.
Persona 4: Golden Solid Gold Premium Edition Up For Pre-Order
Dark Souls: Prepare To Die PC Edition Gets Slammed And Patched By Community It's a slightly rocky start with a bit of mixed reviews but the community is there to support and keep the game moving along.
Star Wars 1313 Developer Diary Discusses Coruscant Underworld Oh here we go, a good 'ole gritty look at the underbelly of the Star Wars universe, all wrapped up nice and neat in a little dev diary.
Battlefield 3 Quadruples DICE Servers For Consoles Finally. I'm sure a lot of console gamers are relieved at this little update, eh? Am I right? Am I right?
Facebook Costs Causing Devs To Jump Ship To Mobile, Web Games Well it wasn't all green pastures like they thought.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 Hits Steam, Crappy Ending And All Oh boy, now you can sort of complete the partial trilogy of the Old Republic with the fist two games being made available via Steam.
Borderlands 2 Avoids Sexualized Females, Ramps Up The Bad Guys Unique bad guys plus non-sexualized females? Well, that's a change of pace from the mainstream norm, eh?
Astro A50 Audio System Review The new headset from Astro gets the review treatment. Find out how well this thing works and whether or not it's worth the purchase.
Guild Wars 2 Infographic Reveals Most Popular Profession Do you like crafting and supplying? Well, find out what everyone else liked in the inforgraphic.
Walking Dead Episode 3 Might Come Next Week That's probably going to be this week for most of you reading this.
Worms Games, Alien Breed Discounted On iOS Two fan-favorites get a nice little discount for mobile gamers. It would probably behoove you to pick up a digital copy while the sale lasts.
COPS Skyrim Keeps Frozen North Safe This is literally one of the funniest videos for Skyrim yet.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. The week wraps up with a quick look at the new tropical survival game Day One. Check out the brand new teaser trailer below.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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