Weekly Recap Dec 10th: Dead Rising 3 Rumor, Haptic Touchscreen Tech, Spike VGAs

Capcom drops some hints about a possible Dead Rising 3, complete with a brand new working-class hero. Senseg announced their new touchscreen technology that enables users to actually feel what it is they see on-screen...is that not high-tech or what? And today is Spike TV's airing of the annual VGAs, which is bound to have a lot of surprises, groin jokes of poor taste and C-class celebrities who would probably rather be elsewhere than at an awards show about video games. These stories and more in this December 10th, 2011 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
End of Nations Warfront Weekly Web-Series Commences Get all the latest information and details on End of Nations with the latest web-series.
Nintendo Aiming For Different Kind Of Demographic With Wii U Well adding more hardcore games to the line-up is a great start.
Star Wars Republic Razer Peripherals Now Available For Pre-Order Some of the most high-end peripherals are up for grabs right now.
PS3 Exclusive Last Of Us gets Teaser Trailer What exactly is it about? Well, click the link to get a brief glimpse.
Microsoft Flight Now Accepting Beta Applications Try out Microsoft's latest Flight Simulator...sign-up to start taking to the skies.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
EA Says Some Online Passes Are Supposed To Expire Yeah because paying for a game brand new means that sometimes not all the features are supposed to work.
FreakyForms Your Creations Alive 3DSWare Review Is this freaky little game worth your time and money? Check out the review to get a full lowdown on the stats.
Rounds Adds Nine New Games To Line-Up Video chat and play with friends all at the same time.
Massive Battlefield 3 Update Incoming For PC 2 gigabytes of awesomeness is on the way.
War Inc Battlezone Coming To Impulse, Heads Into Beta Phase 2 A fast-growing MMOTPS is gaining respect, getting better and expanding on its features and functions at a rapid rate.
Epic Games Announcing New Game At Spike VGAs The tension is almost palpable as gamers anticipate what Epic might pull out of their bag of tricks next.
CrimeCraft GangWars Goes Live, Steam Bonus Pack Released The next big expansion arrives for Vogster's triple-A MMOTPS.
Star Wars Republic Beta Pulls In Two Million Players EA is definitely rolling in the deep dough with this game...making back the $100 million should be easy peezy.
Bing Entertainment Search Arrives For Xbox 360 Kinect Bing up some entertainment of any kind using the new Kinect search function.
Dynasty Warriors Next Coming February, 2012 For PS Vita Tecmo Koei is continuing the long running franchise on Sony's newest handheld.
What Is Command & Conquer: Alliances? Well, EA has a lot of domain name purchases for it but...what is it?
Uncharted Series Sells 13 Million Copies Unbelievable...Sony, congratulations on having a game that sells almost as much as Call of Duty.
Market Data Shows Americans Prefer Free-to-Play MMOs Over Pay-to-Play MMOs No duh.
Killing Floor Christmas Weapon Pack Arrives This Weekend New weapons to drool and dribble spittle over.
APB Reloaded Now Available On Steam You can grab one of the biggest comeback stories in gaming from Steam, right now.
Shifting World Coming To Nintendo 3DS In 2012 The strange but engrossingly unique platform puzzle title lands on the 3DS in 2012.
Max Payne 3 Screenshots Show Off An Arsenal ...of high-impact, deadly, bullet spouting guns.
Trine 2 Release Dates Announced Find out when you'll be able to get back into the cooperative action.
Sims 3 Showtimne Expansion Lets You Become The Star You'll finally be able to experience life as a superstar...move over Britney and Paris, a new celebrity whore is about to step into the spotlight!
Buy Witcher 2 get Witcher For Free Now this is a deal worth jumping on, especially if you like dangerously dark RPGs with a side of boobies and an extra dash of sword-swinging panache.
FlatOut 3 Pre-Orders Now Available At 10% Off This game kind of came out of nowhere but at least now you know it's here.
Darkness II Co-op Modes Revealed Four-player co-op for the win.
Join Sinestro Corps With Batman Arkham City Skins Pack Brand new skins available for Arkham City.
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Update 1.3 Goes Live For PC Even more fixes this time around to make the game less buggy.
Need for Speed World Re-Launched Globally By Aeria Games If this game ever seen the light of day on consoles it would be the end of retail racing games as we know it.
Amazing Spider-Man Video Game Slated For Summer 2012 Coming out alongside the movie. Will this be a competent movie game or no?
World of Warcraft Battle Chest Now Available For $5 Pay a little less money for even more stuff...Blizzard is definitely getting desperate.
Rumor: Dead Rising 3 Set In California, Stars Mechanic Now that would be an interesting twist...the mechanic part anyway.
Senseg Haptic Tech Lets Gamers Feel Tactile Objects Via Touchscreen You can actually touch what you see on screen. Is that not crazy or what?
Interactive Underwater Ocean Surfaces With The Blu Make friends, buy fish, explore the ocean.
King of Fighters XIII Demo Now Available For Xbox 360, Coming Soon For PS3 Experience the thrill of the latest KoF game without paying a dime.
inFamous Festival of Blood Fastest Selling PSN Game Ever Mission creation, great story telling and good writing makes inFamous infamously popular.
Dead Esther Coming To Steam February 14th, 2012 An interesting new twist to the FPS genre.
APB Reloaded Retail Edition Comes With Fight Club Mode First rule of Fight Club, tell all your friends about Fight Club.
SubSonic iStart Portable Gear Launching For PS Vita in February Some nifty new gear for Sony's PSV.
Kinect Rush Disney Pixar Adventure Coming in March More kiddie casual games for Kinect users.
David Jaffe Doesn't Want Twisted Metal To Have Online Pass I kind of agree with him.
Scene It? Movie Night Mega Movies Review - A Reel Blast Good or bad? Worth it or skip it? Find out with the new review.
Chrono Trigger Hits iOS Square brings the popular RPG to mobile phones.
X3 Albion Prelude Launching December 15th On Steam A new space sim is on the way for strategy gamers.
November 2011 NPD Gamers Like Dancing More Than Nathan Drake It's official, you all like dancing more than you like outrunning a torrent of water on a sinking ship.
GSC Game World Closing, STALKER 2 Future Uncertain Sad news as the Ukrainian developer shuts down due to financial troubles.
Could Mobile Phones Kill Consoles? Not A Chance. A lot of talk has surfaced about consoles dying, but market trends just don't agree.
Best Battlefield 3 Kill Video Ever It really really is...check it out and see it for yourself.
Duke Nukem Forever The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC Arriving Next Week If you haven't given up on Duke Nukem Forever then there's some extra DLC on the way.
Bastion Now Playable Through Web Browsers There's no longer a need to play the game on a high-end rig, even though you didn't need one to begin with.
Crysis 2 CryEngine 3 Lead Programmer Joins Red 5 Studios FireFall just got a developmental upgrade.
Record of Agarest War 2 Coming To North America, Europe Summer 2012 The world needs some saving and some lovely ladies will require some back-rubbing to go along with it.
Doctor Who Eternity Clock Coming To PS3, PC, PS Vita Take the Tartus on brand new adventures on consoles and PC next year.
Why South Park Could Change Video Games It seems unlikely but read the article to see why it could be a possibility.
Xbox 360 Netflix Loses party Mode The reasoning behind this is absurd at best but there is a group petitioning to get it back.
Why Traditional DRM Just Isn't Worth It Well we all knew it wasn't worth it but here's a few extra reasons why.
Voltron Defender of the Universe Review Is Voltron worth the effort and time to defend the universe or are you better off with some other group of heroes? Click the link to find out.
Castle Conquer Heroes DSiWare Review A new review of the recently released DSiWare game.
Blacklight Retribution Extended Customization Walkthrough Check out some of the modifications you can make to your weapons.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. A brand new quick-move tutorial for Soul Calibur V has surfaced and you can check that out below. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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