Weekly Recap Dec. 12th: Guitar Hero 5 Giveaway, Demon's Souls Surprise, BioShock 3

While nothing ground-breaking landed on the press wire this week, there was plenty of news for the masses stretching across every platform and pinching just about every type of gamer. President of Nintendo in North America, Reggie Fils-Aime, was proven to be quite the talker as his claim of New Super Mario Bros outselling Modern Warfare 2 got off to an extremely rocky start. A new Guitar Hero 5 giveaway was announced, Demon Soul’s has a special new surprise in store and believe it or not, BioShock 3 is actually already in development. Yeah, they work pretty fast over there at those 2K studios. These stories and more in this December 12th edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap.
Double Fine Wants More Brutal Legend DLC. Keeping gamers happy is now their ultimate goal.
Mass Effect 2 Engineer Trailer Drones On And On. A new trailer explaining how the engineer class works in the upcoming ME2.
DiRT 2 For PC Delayed For Boring Reasons. If the delayed December 1st release was annoying, prepare to be annoyed a bit more.
UFC Undisputed 2010 To Be Revealed At Spike VGAs. THQ is already churning out a new UFC just like they do with the WWE.
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Launch Trailer. Nintendo has unveiled the official launch trailer for a game that’s now available.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
A.V.A. Mimics CoD: Modern Warfare In New Screenshots. This MMOFPS channels the Modern Warfare spirit.
The Decade: Best New Gaming Franchises of the Aughts. Anything after 2000 that changed the industry has made the cut.
Dead Space 2 Teaser Image Decoded. Want to find out what the image means? Click the link.
Total War Developer Eyes PS3 And Xbox 360 For Next Game. Creative Assembly is working on a new project and it’s going to be a multiplatform blockbuster…potentially.
Dead Space 2 Officially Announced: First Details Revealed. After the teaser image was released EA officially announced the game.
Quantum Theory Coming To Xbox 360 As Well… Oh burn on the PS3 fanboys.
Capcom Plans Mega Man’s 22nd Birthday Party. That lovable blue robot might be getting a special birthday present.
Dragon Age Patch 1.02 Released For The PC. Check out what the new patch includes by jumping through the link.
BioShock 2 Website Re-Launched With New Gameplay Videos. Rapture never looked so good.
Perfect Dark XBLA Coming In Early 2010. One of the greatest FPS games ever made makes a return in the form of an arcade title.
Portal Designer Leaves Valve. It’s going to be tough doing a sequel without of the lead brains behind the original.
Blizzard’s Next Gen MMO Is Sci-Fi Or Fantasy. It could be a science-fiction fantasy MMO.
World of Warcraft Patch 3.3 Goes Live. Find out what the patch contains and why it’s worth checking out by jumping through the link.
Yakuza 3 Coming To North America And Europe In March Sega’s visually stunning fighting-adventure game will be heading stateside…complete with hostesses and back rubs.
Lead And Gold Coming To Consoles; Fanboys Bite Their Nails. Will it be exclusive to one console or will it be generously spread across them all? Click the link to find out.
First Dead Space 2 Art Revealed By Game Informer Cover. An awesome looking piece of art featuring some modified engineering armor.
Forza Motorsport 3 Soundtrack Now Available. Featuring jazzy, ambient, electronic, groovy, rocking tunes…all rolled up into one nice little 90 minute package.
Saboteur Launches With $10 Discount. It’s out and available for PS3, PC and Xbox 360…and $10 cheaper than usual. Click the link to find out why.
Sledgehammer Games’ First Project Is A Shooter Apparently. Activision’s new studio is working on something in the nature of a shooter, apparently.
World of Warcraft: Fall of the Lich King Trailer. After his rise there was going to be his inevitable fall…right?
I Am Alive Multiplayer Revealed. Ubisoft’s upcoming project has a few new details leaked.
Call of Duty Classic Review. Ryan Rigney heads back into the trenches with this classic.
Assassin’s Creed II Patch Announced, Detailed. All those annoying little problems Ezio has to deal with will finally be addressed.
Rare: Stop Moaning About Perfect Dark XBLA, Here’s A New Screenshot. A single shot to keep the masses at bay…but for how long?
New Zelda Wii Title Will Improve On Twilight Princess. Could it possibly get any better than Twilight Princess? Well, actually…it can.
Crysis Wars Holiday Trial Period Announced. Another free-to-play trial period is coming for Crytek’s multiplayer Crysis multiplayer component.
Dynasty Warriors StrikeForce Console Exclusive Screenshots. It was popular on the PSP and it’s bound to move some units for the PS3 and Xbox 360.
Manga Fighter: Major Update For Free Online Shooter. It’s like Mega Man meets World of Warcraft.
Sam And Max Ride Again In 2010. A few hints on the official website give away what could be in store for gamers in Telltale’s 2010 future.
Sins of a Solar Empire Trinity Announced; Offers Sins Diplomacy Beta Access. An extra treat for strategy fans is on the way with some uber bundles.
Mega Man 10 Revealed For WiiWare. It’s not Mega Man X…it’s Mega Man 10, and it’s real.
Bayonetta Hell Hath No Fury Developer Diary Released. She’s not all spandex and guns…or is she?
Dante’s Inferno Divine Edition Announced For PS3. As if the normal version wasn’t holy enough, the “Divine Edition” will retail for the same price, but specifically for the PS3.
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 Announced. Even more Naruto on the way, this time for the PSP.
Splinter Cell Conviction Demo Coming In January. After waiting years in nail-biting anticipation, gamers finally get to have a go at the Jack Bauer version of Sam Fisher.
Shattered Horizon Contest Offers Custom PC Hardware As Prizes. Need a new power supply? Memory? Motherboard, maybe? Well, click the link and stop wasting time then.
Borderlands Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot DLC Announced. After the zombie DLC hit the digital airwaves, Gearbox announced that even MORE DLC is on the way.
President Obama Most Wanted Opponent Amongst Teen Gamers. He even beat out the Jonas Brothers.
Sudden Attack Clan Tournament Sees $5,000 Up For Grabs. Registration ends soon, so best to click the link and start practicing those head-shots.
Dante’s Inferno Dev Doc For The Bloody Circle Of Violence. This developer documentary is no walk in the park.
November 2009 NPD: Modern Warfare 2 And Nintendo Rake It In. MW2 cleans house for November.
Sorry Reggie, Modern Warfare 2 Racks Up Huge Sales Lead On Super Mario Bros. Wii. It’s not just a huge lead, it’s the sort of lead fanboys use to piss all over the competition in forums.
Saboteur ATI Radeon Patch On The Way. Conveniently enough some cards aren’t compatible…looks like you either patch it or upgrade it. Patching is probably the better option of the two.
Giveaway: Guitar Hero 5 For The Xbox 360 From Coca Cola. A whole free copy of Guitar Hero 5 for the Xbox 360…if you don’t have a copy here’s your chance to win one.
Team Fortress 2 War Update Pits Soldier And Demoman Against Each Other. A new contest for TF2 sees two classes going head-to-head.
Splash Fighters Massive Update Coming Next Week. The update includes new classes, new fighting moves and better streamlined quests.
BioShock 3 Development Begins. BioShock 2 isn’t even on store shelves yet and a third game is already in the works. Nice.
Star Trek Online Engaging New Discover And Explore Trailer. Go where no man has gone before…and then some.
Demon’s Souls Holiday Surprises On The Way. It’s tempting to guess what’s in store but you might want to click the link to get a hint.
ArmA II Eagle Wing Free Update Announced With Teaser Trailer. New single and multiplayer content on the way and it’s free.
Transformers: War For Cybertron Teaser Trailer. This game could be awesome if the trailer is anything to go by.
UFC 2010 Undisputed Release Date Revealed. THQ is already rolling out the sequel to the top-selling fighting game in 2009.
Gears of War Vs BattleSwarm Vs Section 8 Screenshot Comparison. Is there such a thing as sci-fi shooter overkill?
Sims 3 Update Create-a-World Tool Beta Coming This Month. Another epic-win for EA? I think so.
Star Wars Battlefront 3 Is Still In Development. This info actually came from a casting director. Click the link to find out how.
Team Fortress 2 Propaganda Poster Contest Announced. The between the two classes isn’t over with. Check out some of the poster propaganda for the event.
Naughty Dog And Double Fine To Present at GDC 2010. Whether it’s something development related or a new game, it’s anyone’s guess.
Star Trek Online Digital Deluxe Edition Announced. As if traveling the galaxy in the game wasn’t big enough already…
F1 2009 Heading To iPhone, New Screenshots Released. Codemasters’ racer is looking mighty fine on the Apple iPhone.
That wraps up this edition of the December 12th Weekly Recap here at Blend Games. As you know, it would be criminal to leave you high and dry with just some text to hold you on over until a fresh new batch of news items roll in. So to part ways this week there is a brand new, fresh off the wire trailer of From Software’s feudal Japan swordplay game for the PSP, Shinsengumi.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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