Weekly Recap Dec 25th: Coolest Game Trailers Of 2010, Tomb Raider Trilogy, Ubisoft Massive

The end of the year is always a busy time…mostly for people just trying to enjoy all the holiday festivities. So of course, with the aforementioned in mind there usually isn’t a heck of a lot of gaming news surfacing. Nevertheless, the week managed it fill itself out with plenty of newsworthy items, including the disturbing revelation that Super Meat Boy won’t be arriving on WiiWare because his meat is too big. No really, it’s true. There’s also a daily dose of some of the coolest game trailers released throughout 2010, with some hot favorites making the list. Also, in addition to Tomb Raider getting the reboot treatment it turns out that a brand new trilogy is also on the way for PS3 owners. And Ubisoft Massive is apparently prepping for work on a brand new Assassin’s Creed game. These stories and more in this holiday December 25th, 2010 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Team Fortress 2 Holiday Update Includes Medieval Mode. The King has arrived…or returned…whatever.
Coolest Debut Trailer of 2010: Resistance 3. Wrapping up the end-of-the-year bits with some of the coolest trailers of the year.
Rumor: Tomb Raider Trilogy Bundle Coming To PS3. because reboots need additional games to help support their rebootism.
infamous Comic Series Arriving March, 2011. Explaining how Cole went from being bald to turning into Nathan Drake and then turning back into a bald everyman.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Lord of the Rings War In The North Website Launches. Complete with new screenshots and media.
MO Group Signs On To Help Localize Allods Online. French and Germans had a tough time getting into the game…but not anymore!
TRON Evolution DLC Packs Coming Soon For Xbox 360 And PS3. One of the new maps is a classic Tron grid, which some fans might actually find to be kind of cool.
Coolest Creative Game Trailer of 2010: Swordman Online. You may or may not agree but it’s definitely creative.
Nintendo Downloads: Mario Party 2, Dragon Lair II. Two classic sequels make their way onto the shop channel.
Call of Black Ops First Strike Map Pack Announced. After paying for a glitch game, it appears there will be some glitch DLC, too.
Gran Turismo 5 Update 1.05 Released. A few extra fixes and improvements…post release.
Steam Holiday Sale Begins With 75% Off Portal, 66% Off Bad Company 2. Anyone who hasn’t played Bad Company 2 and loves military sims should definitely take advantage of the deal.
Tomb Raider Trilogy Confirmed For PS3. Which three games make the cut? Click the link to find out.
DC Universe Online Release Date Announced. Finally, SOE buckles down, and sets a real release date in sight.
Coolest Gameplay Trailer Of 2010: Star Wars Force Unleashed II. May the force be with you, Starkiller!
StarCraft II Demo Released. Almost six months after the release of the game a demo becomes available. My face right now is blank and a little confused.
Mario Sports Mix Release Date Announced. A new Nintendo title and it’s a Mario game…find out when it’ll be launching.
Call of Duty Hits $1 Billion In Sales. Can we please boycott Activision now? Please?!
LittleBigPlanet 2 Goes Gold, Global release Dates Announced. Strap in and buckle up because LittleBigPlanet 2 is going to take your mind on a very extravagant ride.
Lucent Heart MMO Dating Game Character Classes Revealed. Yes, there’s more to this romance game than um, romance.
Dungeons & Dragons Daggerdale Coming to XBLA, PSN, PC 2011. Rekindling some good old fashioned four-player cooperative action.
Coolest launch Trailer of 2010: Final Fantasy XIV. The game might suck but the launch trailer certainly does not.
CoD Black Ops Patch 1.05 Creates More Problems; Gamers Trading it In for Dead Space 2? It’s a sad day for Activision…well, not really.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow Resurrection Reverie DLC Announced. The game has garnered enough support to warrant for some additional DLC.
Portal 2 Coming To Retail. If you’re not e-tailer friendly, boxed copies will be arriving at a local Wal-Mart near you.
WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 DLC Pack 2 Released. Nexus and a few legends join the ranks in the new DLC pack.
MAT Receives PvE Mode That Pits Players Against Terminators. You read it right, the only question now is whether or not the game plays right.
Two Worlds II Gold Upgrade Released. New features, new modes and a heck of a lot more to do.
Uncharted 2 Gets Quadruple Cash Event. If you can count e’m then it’s worth noting how important this event might be to some people.
Coolest Live Action Game Trailer of 2010: Halo Reach. This is it…the one trailer that had everyone talking this year.
Harmonix Goes Independent. Better to be independent than indebted to the devil I always say.
Super Meat Boy Cancelled For WiiWare. The reasons? Click the link to find out.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow Reverie Screenshots Released. Check out the new screens of the upcoming DLC.
Star Wars Force Unleashed II Patched For PC. New fixes and a few tweaks.
Back to the Future Game: Episode 1 Released. It’s finally here!
Coolest Tradeshow Game Trailer of 2010: Deus Ex Human Revolution. This is one the coolest trailers ever and movie studios should take a few notes.
LittleBigPlanet 2 Create, Make And Play Music Trailer. Some inventive stuff right there.
Dreamland Online Stat Buff System Unveiled. All kinds of new ways to get amped up. Check it out to get the full details.
OnLive Offers 75% Off On Games For Holiday Sale. Grab some digital copies while they last.
Ubisoft Massive Working On New Assassin’s Creed. The third in the famed and highly praised trilogy, perhaps?
Child’s Play Has Record Breaking Year. I suppose the taint of greed has penetrated everyone’s soul. That’s good news.
Coolest Cinematic Game Trailer of 2010: DC Universe Online. One of the very best trailers, ever!
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. We end this week’s recap with a look at the Trooper class from the upcoming -- and highly anticipated I might add – MMORPG from LucasArts and BioWare, Star Wars The Old Republic.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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