Weekly Recap Dec 29th: Top 5 Games Of 2012, WarZ Fallout, SimCity DRM
We finally roll out our top five lists for the best games of 2012 across the entire gameplay platform spectrum. You can check out each our lists throughout the recap below. Amidst the celebration of end of the year stories and recaps, Hammerpoint Interactive gets hammered hard over claims of scams for WarZ and it all unfolds in an unsavory way. Also, the community fights back against SimCity and the always-on DRM. The community ends up being diversely divided on the issue of single-player games coming loaded with always-on security restrictions. These stories and more in this December 29th, 2012 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
BioShock Infinite Reverse Box Art Revealed Gamers voted for it and now it's gone live for the whole world to see.
Eidos Hiring For Next-Gen Thief, Unannounced Game The company is ramping up personnel for the next Thief game and an unannounced next gen title.
Star Wars: Trench Run Screenshots Tech Trailer Released A gamer uses the CryEngine to re-design the trench run from Episode IV in an impressive mod for Crysis: Warhead.
EA, Maxis Defend Always-On DRM For SimCity Things heat up over the inclusion of keeping the game focused entirely with online play.
Heroes Realm Offers Card Battle RPG Action OG Planet unleashes a new game on Christmas Eve.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
The Cat Lady Brings Adult Storytelling To Steam Greenlight The mature-themed story of psychosis and revenge makes its way to Steam's Greenlight.
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII Screenshots Race Against the Clock Square gives gamers another look at the upcoming parkour-style JRPG.
Elder Scrolls Online Story Introduces Ayrenn Bethesda gives gamers a look at one of the important story elements for the Elder Scrolls Online.
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix Details Announced More details emerge for the upcoming HD 1.5 Remix but there's nothing closer to acknowledging a release outside of Japan.
Slender: The Arrival Debut Trailer Promises Early 2013 Release We now have an actual time frame in which we can expect Slender: The Arrival.
Top 5 Games of 2012: Ryan's List Gaming Blend contributor Ryan Winslett gives his list of top five games of 2012.
GTA V Screenshots Confirm Sharks, Submarines You can go shark hunting....nice.
Family Guy Online Shutting Down I didn't even know this game existed.
Star Wars Battlefront 3 Video Features Dathomir Another map from the canceled Battlefront 3 is let loose for public consumption.
GTA V Vehicles Have Been Modded For GTA IV From newer to older...that's the tactic used to bring some of the vehicles from GTA V and put them into GTA IV.
Walking Dead Survival Instinct Gameplay Footage Features Stealth, Head Stabbing Norman Reedus and Michael Rooker unleash some badassery in the latest trailer for The Walking Dead.
Sims 3 Seasons Brings Weather, Festivals To The Sims World Cinema Blend's Kelly West gives a review of the latest expansion for EA's Sims 3 called Sims 3 Seasons.
Super Mario Bros 2 DLC Arrives Nintendo has kept to their promise, unleashing additional DLC for New Super Mario Bros 2 for the Wii U, giving Wii U owners a chance to gripe, complain, rejoice and cheer for that terribly good thing known as DLC.
Gyrozetta Coming To Nintendo 3DS In 2013 Square's newest action RPG is arriving for the Nintendo 3DS next spring.
Oddworld Munch's Odyssey HD Now Getting Weird on PS3 The niche platformer makes its way to the PS3.
A Valley of Wind 2 Early Access Deals Roll Out You can get the sequel to the much debated about indie title with some neat discounts.
GameFly Offering Discounts on Used Games You won't have long to cash in on the offer so it's best to work fast.
Retro City Rampage Free On PlayStation Plus During this month you can get the open-world action title for only $0.00.
Dead Space 3 Demo Launching In January, Xbox 360 Owners Get it First EA and Visceral Games want gamers to have a taste of the action before being able to buy it.
Tomb Raider Multiplayer Confirmed? Not yet, but it could be coming.
Stalker Online Stalks Onto Steam Greenlight A small team takes their chances and brings Stalker Online to Steam's Greenlight.
WarZ Devs Apologize To Fans, Says They Relied On Arrogance Will it be enough to fix the errs of their ways? Time shall tell.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Lagombi Screenshots New screenshots emerge for the upcoming Nintendo Wii U title.
DayZ Standalone: Dean, Take Your Time We know it's a lot of work but just take your time, bro!
Dominator Deploys Strategy PvP Beta To Facebook A new post-apocalyptic game arrives for Facebook.
Raven Legacy Master Thief Developer Diary Goes Live A new website blog goes live for the Raven Legacy.
Diablo 3 Team Deathmatch Shelved, PvP Modes Being Explored Blizzard is still exploring the opportunities and multiplayer options for Diablo III.
PS2 No Longer Shipping In Japan Japan finally puts the nail in the coffin for manufacturing the PlayStation 2.
Deed Space 3 Bosses Revealed Through Concept Art A new boss gets some exposure thanks to the concept art.
Tomb Raider Multiplayer Being Developed By Deus Ex Studio Eidos Montreal takes over the reigns of dealing with the multiplayer for the latest Tomb Raider game.
Edge of Twilight Coming To Xbox 360, PS3 Summer 2013 The steampunk adventure title is scheduled to launch next summer.
Electronic Theatre In Depth Review For Sonic Fighters Is this age-old classic worth your time and money?
Dust 514 Dev Diary Screenshots Revealed Brand new shots showcase the game's in-game play.
Our Favorite Co-op Games of 2012 Co-Optimus lists some games that you might want to give a go-around if you're into the whole co-op thing.
Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z Coming To Current Gen Consoles Good news for console gamers looking for even more Ninja Gaiden.
Retro City Rampage Coming To XBLA In January A complete release date is scheduled for the open-world 8-bit rampage game that took the digital world by storm.
Arenanet Wrongfully Banning Guild Wars 2 Accounts For Buying/Selling Gold Poor, poor Arenanet...the company seems to be following the dark path of Blizzard.
Telltale Explains How It Created The Walking Deads Clementine TellTale does exactly that...explaining how one of the most endearing characters came to be in one of the harshest video games ever made.
Top 5 Games of 2012: Pete's List A complete rundown of Gaming Blend's Pete Haas' top five games of 2012 including a few surprise entries. Check it out.
That wraps up this final December edition of the Weekly Recap. We have a special trailer detailing some of the coolest upcoming games of 2013 on the horizon. Hope you enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.
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