Weekly Recap Dec 31st: Guitar Hero Reborn, Half-Life 3, Battlefront 3 Rumors

It may be hard to fathom but we're already entering 2012. Crazy, right? Well this marks the final weekly recap of 2011 as we head into the new year and it goes out with a bang. Activision has let loose minor details about their rebirth for the Guitar Hero franchise, Valve finally speaks out about Half-Life 3 and a lot of industry rumblings hint at Game Informer finally breaking the news about Star Wars: Battlefront 3. These stories and more in this final 2011 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Coolest Debut Trailer of 2011: Dead Island Find out why this trailer took the top spot as the coolest debut trailer of 2011.
Cradle Announced For PC, Arriving Spring 2012 A brand new game that gives you an odd mission in a unique world.
Blizzard Says Happy Holidays With Witch Doctor Grinch Happy Holidays from those rich dastards at Blizzard.
Warhammer 40K Space Marine, Dreadnought DLC Coming In January THQ and Relic have continued plans to support Space Marine, including some new DLC arriving in just a few weeks.
Coolest Story Trailer of 2011: KillZone 3 The top honors for the coolest story trailer of 2011 goes to Guerrilla Games' KillZone 3.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Half-Life 3 Teaser Website Goes Live: To Troll Or Not To Troll? Is Valve just trolling us some more or is it legit this time?
Humble Indie Bundle 4 Earns $2 Million Just because they're indie games doesn't mean they don't make a lot of money.
Star Wars Galaxies Lives On In Memory Book Sony Online Entertainment releases a memory book for Star Wars Galaxies and all the fond memories that are now lost to digital entropy.
VVVVVV Coming To 3DS eShop Next Week The platform title is heading to the 3DS in just a few short days.
Assetto Corsa Announced, Next-Gen DX11 Racing Title For PC The next generation arrives for racing fans on PC.
Rumor: Activision Launching Guitar Hero Holiday Season 2012 The music rhythm genre is being revived sooner than expected.
Alp Germaner SMG Peace Maker Controller Concept Looks Sexy And by sexy I mean one of the most sleek and awesome controller designs ever.
L.A. Noire Dev Says Rockstar Left Just Enough Rope To Hang Himself That's a great way to describe your employer, wouldn't you say?
Why Battlefield 3 Back to Karkand Didn't Include Dragon Valley There's a reason for this and DICE explains it after the jump.
What Is Hitman: Profession? It may not be what you expect but Square knows.
Coolest Cinematic Trailer of 2011: Assassin's Creed Revelations Ubisoft may know how to piss off a lot of PC gamers but they also know darn well how to please a lot of people, too.
inFamous 2 User Generated Missions Revealed Through Trailer Check out some of the new missions players put together for Cole while he stays in the Big Easy.
Guns of Icarus Online PvP Mode Rolling Out Mid-2012
Valve Finally Speaks Out About Half-Life 3 Rumors You won't like it...and it's about as bad as the trolling that's been going on.
Half-Life Citadel Image Pops Up On Valve Website Yet again...is it to troll or not to troll?
Tetris Company Manager Says Angry Birds Is Just A Fad If it is then it's the most money-making fad I've ever seen, and it's not even done with.
Battlefield 3 Designer Promises FAMAS Nerf Why? Because the gun kills people too much, and you can't have a gun killing people too much.
Star Wars The Old Republic Played For 60 million Hours The official stats are now active and it appears people are absolutely loving this game.
Coolest Gameplay Trailer of 2011: Ace Combat Assault Horizon The coolest gameplay trailer of the year? Easy: The dawning skies.
Coolest Launch Trailer of 2011: Battlefield 3 Click the link to find out just why this is one of the coolest trailers of the year.
God of War Studio Hiring For Brand New Unannounced Game A brand new IP is on the way but the real question is if it's for the PS3 or PS4?
Fan Made Space Quest Sequel Released For Free Point-and-click adventure fans can get some more space adventuring with a completed, unofficial Roger Wilco sequel.
Fez Gets PEGI Rating; Release Coming Soon The indie 3D platformer finally gets a rating.
Gears of War 3 Shipwreck Demo Released If you're still deciding whether the game is worth the purchase, feel free to grab the demo and check it out for yourself.
Tails Returns In Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode Two Woot, that's good news for revitalized Sonic fans. Sega seems to be moving back in the right direction with Sonic thee days.
Save Stickmen from Death With Stick Man Rescue A fun-loving PSN title that goes back to the days of Chopper Rescue.
Huntville Now Free In The App Store For a limited time...work fast people, work fast!
Coolest Tradeshow Trailer of 2011: Uncharted 3 This trailer really rocks the house and you'll need to see it to find out why.
Nintendo, Sony Stop Supporting SOPA After Anonymous Threats The Stop Online Piracy Act gets a few opponents.
Rumor: Star Wars Battlefront 3 On Next Cover Of Game Informer Is it possible? Could it be?
Alien Arena 7.53 Update Adds Plenty of Features The free-to-play shooter adds additional new content.
Win Custom Gaming PC Just By Playing Next Island That's not a bad way to win a new PC.
Paranormal Agency Coming To Kindle Fire A point and click adventure title is arriving for the Kindle Fire.
Midnight Mansion HD Hits Windows A new platform title is on its way for Windows.
Modern Warfare 3 Video Shows 76 Killstreak Under 1 Minute A new video showing how you can get a 76 Killstreak in under a minute.
Todd McFarlane says Halo: Reach Series 6 Toys Coming In 2012 The man himself confirms that the toys are on the way for enthusiasts of Halo and action figure collectors.
Co-op Classics Rip-off A few age-old titles worth playing from the golden era of gaming.
Best Gaming Clip of the Week: BF3 Mid-Air Headshot It doesn't really get any better than this...unless you can hop out of an F-22 while in mid-air and blow up an oncoming plane with a rocket launcher and then hop back into your jet for the win.
Christmas Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Giveaway Grab a free copy of the game as a new year's present.
Coolest VGA Trailer of 2011: Last of Us It's an interesting trailer and that's what makes it the coolest.
Priston Tale 2 Enigma Forthcoming Coliseum Mode Update Detailed A brand new
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You can check out a brand new trailer for the Dragon Age anime, Dawn of the Seeker below. Enjoy. And happy new year.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.