Weekly Recap Dec. 5th: Medal Of Honor Reboot, Scourge Project, Borderworlds

Several new games have been announced this week as well as a few revelations about games that will be announced soon. Gearbox has trademarked Borderworlds, which means that it’s either a sequel or an MMOFPS. The upcoming Scourge Project is nearing release for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and the company wanted to make sure everyone knows it’s a third-person shooter with a story and four-player co-op modes. Medal of Honor is getting a reboot in the same vein as Modern Warfare. And Thief 4 is still in pre-production, just in case you were wondering. Oh, new videos for Red Dead Redemption and the PS3 and Xbox 360 version of No More Heroes also surfaced this week, so you might want to check those out, too. These stories and more in this December 5th edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap.
Splinter Cell Conviction Has Co-op And New Mode. The team has finally confirmed what a lot of us already knew. Good to know it’s still there, though.
Thief 4 Still In Pre-Production. Did you know that games have to go through the dreaded pre-production in the same way as movies? Well, if you didn’t…now you know.
Alien Vs Predator Multiplayer Trailer Is A Head Biting Good Time. A new trailer featuring the multiplayer in Sega’s highly awaited AvP.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Rich Knight gives this game the developer-coveted five stars. I’m not going to say why but you can read it all for yourself by clicking on the link.
Tekken-Clone World of JingWu Costumes And Mini-Games Updated. Whether it’s in Mandarin or not doesn’t make much of a difference, it’s a kick-butt game nonetheless.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Assassin’s Creed II Review. Sunday rounds out with a review from Blend Games’ Managing Editor, Pete Haas. Find out what Ubisoft did right this time around and what’s still lacking.
Rumor: Virtual Gaming Conventions Coming To Xbox 360. That would be a huge life-saver for gamers who can’t afford to go to conventions and journalists too lazy to go to conventions.
TNA iMPACT! Cross The Line Coming To DS And PSP This Winter. Wrestling fans of TNA aren’t out of luck since Midway went bankrupt. SouthPeak is picking up the slack and delivering the slams for handhelds.
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Announced For Consoles And Handhelds. The Prince isn’t dead yet.
Dead to Rights: Retribution Dev Doc: Violent Characters Unhinged. A new developer documentary about the character designs in DtR:R
Final Fight Magic Sword Coming To PSN And Xbox Live Next Spring. New side-scrolling classic coming back for the new-age consoles.
Legend of Vraz: Hand-Painted Side-Scrolling Game Coming To PC. This indie title features distinct hand-painted backgrounds that almost looks like it’s in 3D.
KneeBouncers Makes Internet Gaming Accessible For…Babies? Yes, there is an internet gaming portal for toddlers and babies.
Saboteur: The Softened Version Coming To A Country Near You. Swastikas are out of the game, even though this is a all about the Nazis invasion.
EASe Funhouse Treasure Hunt Released To Help Combat Autism. Autism stands no chance against the big EASe.
Brink Delayed To Late 2010; SMART Gameplay Video Released. Brink fans will have to wait a little longer to get their hands on this title, but there’s no waiting for the new gameplay trailer.
Left 4 Dead 2 Sells Two Million. In just two weeks the game sold two million. It’s no Modern Warfare 2 but that’s still impressive.
Red Dead Redemption Trailer 2 Released…Again. The leaked trailer is now officially available.
GameForge Unites MMO Gamers With MMOGame Network. A new service that collaborates all of GameForge’s MMOs into one nice little portal.
Assassin’s Creed II Battle of Forli And Bonfire of the Vanities DLC Announced. Getting bored with ACII won’t be happening anytime soon now that some new content is on the way.
Dante’s Inferno Demo: PS3 And Xbox 360 Release Dates Announced. Got balmy palms because your antsy for some Dante’s Inferno? Fear not, the demo has a release date.
Tank Ace Mechanized Combat MMO Scheduled For 2010 Release. A new kind of World War II MMO is on the way and it’s all about simulated tank combat.
Corto Maltese The Fable of Venice Coming To DS Fall 2010. It’s based on the anime and comic series and promises lots of detailed Venetian experiences.
BioWare Releases Gift Of The Yeti. A free Facebook game for Facebookies.
Army of Two: The 40th Day Custom Mask And Armor Creator Launches. If you think you can come up with something more original than a decayed Terminator print on the battered masks of the heroes, well here’s your chance.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 And Battlefield 1943 System Requirements Announced. Think your computer is up to snuff? Click the link to find out.
Medal of Honor Reboot Heads To Afghanistan On Xbox 360, PS3 And PC. EA is going the route of Modern Warfare with the fledging Medal of Honor series.
Mirror’s Edge Announced For iPhone, First Screenshots Released. If running across rooftops and plunging through pipes on a small handheld sounds like fun then you won’t have to wait long for it to appear on your iPhone.
Metro 2033 Screenshots Released. The dark and foreboding future in Metro 2033 receives a little more exposure in a set of new screenshots.
The Scourge Project Announced For PS3 And Xbox 360. Tragnarion Studios’ awesome looking third-person shooter is arriving in March, 2010.
DOFUS 2.0 Released For Anime Hungry MMOFans. The manga-inspired MMORPG returns in a big way, featuring cinematic-anime interaction and classic MMORPG adventuring.
BioShock 2 Rapture Edition Announced. All the pleasantries of Rapture wrapped up in a brand new edition of the upcoming FPS.
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Coming To PC, Too. Ubisoft may have to contend with torrent lechers, but The Forgotten Sands won’t be forgotten for PC users. Click the link to find out why.
Saboteur Midnight Show DLC Adds Nudity And Other Less Sexy Stuff. If you’re a 15 year old boy I’m sure you won’t have to be goaded into clicking on the link.
Star Trek Online Collector’s Edition Revealed. More content, more special features and more nerdom to be had in the recently revealed Collector’s Edition.
RuneScape Update Announced: The Temple of Senntisten Jagex Games announced some new content for the number one free-to-play MMORPG.
Games For Windows Live Now Supporting Games On Demand. Microsoft is slowly taking over every aspect of the digital realm, now including digital distribution for PCs.
Bayonetta Demo Released On Xbox 360 And PS3. The time-bending witch can now be taken for a spin with the new demo.
Illegal MMO Private Servers Being Hunted Down By Games-Masters. If you’re running an illegal private server, you best beware.
Max Payne 3 Delayed To Fall 2010; Mafia II Still On Schedule. If you were hoping to get your hands on the now bald and bearding Max, you’ll have to wait a little longer.
Medal of Honor Slated For Fall 2010. EA has a release date set on the new Modern Warfare rival and I’m sure FPS fans can’t wait. Although, you’ll be waiting alongside Max Payne fans, too.
Speed Forge Arriving On AppStore For iPhone/iPod Touch. This awesome new racing game will be arriving on mobile phone devices sooner rather than later.
Dead Rising 2 Studio Making Open-World FPS For PS3 And Xbox 360. Sounds like a cool new game for the consoles. But how will it fare against Borderworlds?
Gearbox Trademarks Borderworlds. Remember that game I was talking about in the post above? Yeah, well this is it.
Fairytale Fights White Room Demo Now Available On Xbox Live/PSN. Playing the fairytales has never been so…violent?
Mass Effect 2 Is Two Discs Long. Two whole DVDs long…is that not insane or what? Click the link to find out why.
No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise Trailer Released. Suda isn’t satisfied with simply leaving No More Heroes on the Nintendo Wii. Check out the first look at this Xbox 360 and PS3 rendition.
Dedicated Servers Make Shattered Horizon A More Frag-Friendly Game. Futuremark announced that the game will now have dedicated support from Valve’s Steampowered network.
Fallout MMO Is Multiplatform? According to some job listings, yes.
Activision Could Overthrow The World With Modern Warfare 2 Army. They even list how small other armies are by comparison.
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker North American Release Date Announced. Find out how long until the Big Boss walks again.
MMOFPS Genre Gets Facelift With BattleSwarm Screenshots. This kickbutt game has a few new screenshots that are definitely worth a gander.
The Ten Worst Licensed Video Games. A new list about some of the worst LPs in gaming history, courtesy of The Game Reviews.
Just Cause 2 Video Dev Doc: Laws of Physics On Drugs. This intense video development diary features all the vehicular stunts that can be performed in the game.
Fighting Fantasy The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain To Launch This Month. From across the pond at Electronic Theatre, this Final Fantasy homonym is right around the corner, for those of you who care.
White Knight Chronicles Dated For North America. The game that took Japan by storm is now dated to make a NA release.
Next Tomb Raider Has Multiplayer. If playing Lara wasn't fun enough, apparently you'll get to play with Lara and other people.
Get Dragon Age Discount By Playing Another BioWare Game. Fans of the BioWare RPG universe should find this offer to be fairly interesting.
Brink Gameplay Media Blowout. Trailers featuring multiplayer, skills, classes, RPG elements, parkour, shootouts, explosions…am I missing anything? Just click the link to get an eye-full of goodness as we round out the week with this Bethesda and Splash Damage gem.
That wraps up this edition of the Weekly Recap here at Blend Games. We part ways this week with the astonishing and dazzling new North American debut trailer for the upcoming, next-generation MMORPG, Blade and Soul. You can check out the lengthy but watch-worthy trailer below.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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