Weekly Recap Feb 27th: Halo Visuals Dissected, Nintendo Summit, Heavy Rain Movie

What a huge week for gaming news. We kicked things off with a poll that clearly shows most gamers can’t distinguish between alpha, beta or gold graphics for Halo. Tons of new information, release dates, screenshots and trailers poured out of the Nintendo media summit, including brand new details and gameplay footage of Super Mario Galaxy 2. And probably in no shocking turn of events, it’s possible that New Line Cinema could be elevating David Cage’s Heavy Rain to the silver screen. Plus, we have a ton of new video trailers up for your viewing pleasure. All this and more in the February 27th, 2010 edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap.
Halo Gamers Officially Can’t Distinguish Between Alpha, Beta or Gold. In a poll conducted at Blend Games gamers honestly couldn’t tell the difference between alpha and gold. Could the same apply for Halo: Reach?
Heavy Rain Review. Blend Games’ Pete Haas describes what makes the game good and what doesn’t.
Tales of Fantasy Debut Trailer. The first video footage of the upcoming mount-based, MMORPG.
Perfect Dark Xbox Live Arcade Achievements Revealed. All the details about the achievements in the re-release of the classic shooter.
Greed Corp Release Dates Revealed. All those people who can’t wait to get greedy just got a time-stamp on when they can exercise their greed.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Roman Myth MMO, Gods and Heroes Acquired By Heatwavre Interactive. It’s no longer in development limbo.
New Shattered Horizon Competition Starts Today; Cool Prizes Up For Grabs.
BioShock 2 Sinclair Solutions DLC Coming This March. This is just the first wave of new forms of content headed to the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.
Last Online Secured In Thailand; Global CBT Starts Soon. The Devil May Cry MMO-clone is making its way around the global block.
DSiWare Teaches You To Direct Air Traffic. And the best part about it is that you can do so while drunk, without worrying about going to jail.
Dawn of War II Chaos Rising Is Gold. Release date on its way? You can bet cybernetically enhanced techno-armor it is.
Mass Effect 2 Patch 1.01 Released. The fixes are to improve gameplay, not add boobage.
Borderlands The Secret Armory of General Knoxx Release Date And Price Announced. If you’re a fan of Borderlands you probably won’t want to miss this news.
World of Warcraft Pet Store Gets Gryphon Hatchling Wind Rider Cub. This is either going to seem really ridiculous to many gamers or really cool. Take your pick.
Funcom Still Adapting Age of Conan For Xbox 360. It’s not dead…but it lives, it lives!
Perfect Dark XBLA Release Date; Xbox Live Block Party Details Announced. It’s been ten years coming, but the release of the remake is finally almost upon us.
iPhone’s Valet Hustle Aims To Promote Homosexual Marriage. I don’t know why…but it does.
Army of Two: 40th Day Champters of Deceit DLC Announced. An interesting new addition to the all-out action game.
Borderlands Update 1.3 Coming This Week For PC, PS3 And Xbox 360. And hopefully, the PC version will finally be in its definitive form.
THQ’s Dragonica Showdown Offers Money For Comparing MMOs. Comparing free-to-play MMOs, to be exact.
BackBreaker Dev Diary No. 2: No Preset Tackle Animations In This Game. It’s just like the title says…but you’ll have to see the video to find out how they handle face-gripping.
Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing Ships To Retailers. Who doesn’t like a milked franchise racing game?
Warner Bros. Buys Arkham Asylum Developer Rocksteady Studios. The game is almost on par with Nolan’s film…almost.
Just Cause 2 System Requirements Announced; Not Playable On Windows XP. PC gamers…’tis time to upgrade.
Richard Garriot Wants To Make An Ultima-esque Game. Maybe he didn’t learn his lesson with Tabula Rasa, no?
Worms Reloaded Coming To PC. After living out its life on game consoles, it’s not arriving on PC.
Quake Live Celebrates First Birthday With New Map. MMOs have a tough time living, and Quake Live lives…so say hello to a brand new map.
DSi XL Release Date, Price Revealed For North America. Yet another Nintendo handheld device to zap all your money away.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 Release Date Announced. And this is a Wii actually worth caring about.
S4 League Patch 1.5 Adds Arcade Mode, Bosses And Small Animals. I’m not sure where the small animals came from, but this is going to be one heck of a game with those added options.
Interview: GameHi Talks MMO Kart Racing With Transpee. The first ever interview regarding the online kart racing game.
Metroid The Other M, Monster Hunter Tri Release Dates Announced; Dragon Quest IX Sentinels of the Starry Skies Coming To America. Lots of news all jammed into one story.
Twelve Sky 2 Rise of the Sky Clan Awesome New Cinematic Trailers. If you like games where you run on rooftops and hop off the snow-tipped edges of a tree, then you’ll like Twelve Sky 2.
Monster Hunter Tri Nintendo Summit Screenshots; Online Play Will be Free. The screenshots are nothing all too new, but heck being able to play online for free is pretty big news.
Darksiders 2 In Pre-Production. Already? Well, good things can never come too soon, and this is definitely a good thing.
Diablo MMO-Clone, Erebus Travia Reborn Teaser Site Goes Live. If you enjoy isometric dungeon crawlers, then Erebus Travia is right up your alley.
Supreme Commander 2 PC Demo Released. What are you waiting around this text for? If you like the game, click the link and start downloading the demo.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 VIP DLC Adds Multiplayer Maps. Seriously, how much more DLC can this game get? Apparently, tons more.
Metro 2033 System Requirements Revealed. Can your computer handle this monster?
Aliens Vs Predator Patch on the Way. All those bugs? Yeah, they’re about to get fried in the new patch.
Split/Second Arriving On Xbox 360 And PS3 May 18th. Disney finally puts the release date in stone…hopefully gamers haven’t forgotten about it.
Castle Crashers PS3 Gets Volleyball. Yes, volleyball.
Fable III Two New Screenshots That Won’t Impress You Much. No, it’s not impressive at all.
TERA Online Screenshots for upcoming Closed Beta Test. Sultry, delectable and enticing are about the best words suited for describing the new screenshots.
Mass Effect 2 More DLC Details Coming Soon. Even more DLC? Well, click on the link to find out when the details go live.
Lost Planet2 Pre-Order Multiplayer Maps; Splitscreen Support Announced. Because taking down huge arachnid just isn’t the same without a buddy at your side.
Mass Effect 2 Firewalker DLC Announced Features New Vehicle. Click the link to check out what the new ride will look like.
Alpha Protocol Gets A New Look. Obsidian didn’t delay for nothing…they’ve been hard at work trying to make the game look like it won’t suck.
Martin Scorsese’s Boardwalk Empire Could Become Video Game. Because we just don’t have enough gang-oriented shooters on the market.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Midnight Launch Locations Announced For GameStop. Be the first to grab your copy, but first find out when the store nearest you will be open.
Just Cause 2 Demo Release Date Details Revealed. Dissecting the stunts in the game with the vignettes is about to be replaced with actual players actually getting to play Find out when the demo drops.
Transformers War For Cybertron Gameplay Trailer Looks Like CG. I don’t know how they did it, but they did.
BlueHole Studios’ En Masse Entertainment To Publish TERA In North America. A next-gen MMO that’s free-to-play and looks like a console game? Well, count me in.
StarCraft II Beta Will Be Three To Five Months Long. Why so long? Chck the article out to find out.
ArchAge: CryEngine 2 Powered MMO Announced. The game’s environments are simply stunning.
Sengoku Basara 3 Epic Wii And PS3 Media Blowout. Count e’m, six new trailers have been released for this multiplatform thousand-army hack-and-slash adventure game.
Valkyria Chronicles The Challenges of the Edy Detachment DLC Screenshots Released.
Heavy Rain Movie Considered By New Line Cinema. A game that’s made to feel like a movie is being turned into a movie. Does this mean there’s going to be a movie game, like Street Fighter: The Movie Game?
World of Warcraft Cataclysm Has Submarines. How the heck do submarines get in WoW? Well, you’ll have to click the link to find out.
BattleSwarm: Field of Honor Huge Update Coming Next Week. The Starship Troopers meets Gears of War, MMORTS versus MMOFPS is getting a major facelift. Click the link to find out what it is.
Star Wars The Old Republic Dev Doc Revisists Taris. We round out the week with this detailed look at one of the planets to visit in The Old Republic.
That concludes this February 27th edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap. We wouldn’t want anyone clicking off the page feeling bereft of some tasty eye candy, so we’ll leave you this week with two visually action-packed trailers that are a real feast for the eyes. Avalanche Studios released the two new trailers to get gamers ready for the upcoming release of the demo. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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