Weekly Recap Feb 4th: LEGO Universe Dies, Xbox Trinity, Assassin's Creed 3

Xbox 720 or Xbox Trinity? That was the question posed to readers for the placeholder name of Microsoft's new console and most readers agreed that Trinity sounded like a better code-name. LEGO Universe has died this week. Ubisoft also hints at the next location for Assassin's Creed 3 and it could be during the American Revolution of the late 18th century. These stories and more in this February 4th, 2012 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Gaming Blend Monthly Recap: January, 2012 All the news that took place throughout January in a nice little round-up.
Rumor: Assassin's Creed 3 Set During American Revolution Could it be? A game set during a period where it takes a whole minute to fire a shot and reload? Doubtful.
Bastion Physical Copy Sent To Soldier Overseas They weren't planning on releasing physical copies of Bastion but one soldier received a very special treat from the devs.
Binding of Isaac Sells Almost 450,000 Copies Team Meat has hit the success button again, this time with The Binding of Isaac.
Ace Attorney 5, Phoenix Wright HD Remakes Announced Capcom is remaking the original Phoenix Wright this time in HD.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Wii U Tablet Will Support NFC, Microtransactions Near-field communications and microtransactions will be a few of the surprises in store for gamers that the WiiPad will be capable of performing.
Nintendo Network Coming Soon, Aims To Compete With Xbox Live, PSN Nintendo is finally entering the next-generation race to compete for real. A real network service complete with personalization, friends and integrated online support from games.
Tomb Raider Not Coming To Wii U, Mac Version Is Possible Crystal Dynamics talk about where they stand with Tomb Raider and how the current wouldn't be doable on the Wii U.
Inversion Multiplayer Media Blowout Looks Like Trash Things aren't looking too good for the multiplayer portion of Inversion.
Xbox Live Arcade Racks Up More Than $144 Million In 2011 MS is racking in some money with the Live Arcade, that's for sure.
LEGO Universe Ends Tonight By the time you read this, LEGO Universe will be in the afterlife with all the Dodos.
First Amazing Spider-Man Screenshots Shows Off NYC Check out the new screenshots for the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man.
Renegade X: Black Dawn C&C FPS Now Available For Free An indie game made on the Unreal Development Kit surfaces for PC gamers.
Microsoft Confirms No Next-Gen Xbox Console For 2012 If you were hoping for a new Xbox console, hope for 2013 instead.
Warriors Orochi 3 Using IDV Speedtree Tecmo Koei's latest hack-and-slash will make use of IDV's state of the art foliage engine.
Pearl Pink 3DS Arriving This February If you want your 3DS to look awesome, all you have to do is wait for February.
Art of Video Games From Pac Man Mass Effect Coming In March A comprehensive book that covers the age and art of video games.
Madden NFL 12 Super Bowl XLVI Simulation Predicts Giants Win Do you think Madden NFL 12 gets the simulation right?
Rumor: Assassin's Creed 3 Set During American Revolution Where firing guns will take an entire minute to reload.
NeverDead Now Available With Launch Trailer Media Blowout Watch the lead hero take a shower and give himself head.
Angry Birds Boss Says Piracy Can Create Fans And Fans Fuel Business Well it's true...pirates can be people, too.
Thief Gold Revived On Good Old Games A classic from the golden era of gaming gets released on Good Old Games.
Sony Says They'll Probably Be Last To Announce A Console...Lame Sony isn't afraid to be the last to the next-gen party. For better or for worse.
Hard Reset Extended Edition Screenshots Released New environmental screenshots for the upcoming Extended Edition of Hard Reset.
Humble Indie Bundle For Android Now On Sale Pay what you want for a bundle of lovely little indie games.
Dragon Dogma Release Date Set For May Capcom's action-RPG is set for a late spring release.
Steam Mobile App Now Available For Public Use Grab the Steam app to keep up to date with news and friends all while on the go.
DarkSiders Abomination Vault, Darksiders World Bible Coming Spring Get a complete rundown of the world of DarkSiders this spring.
Prototype 2 RADNET Edition Provides 55 DLC Packs If you pre-order the game you'll be rewarded with some free DLC promo codes.
Mass Effect 3 Voice Actors Include Jessica Chobot, Freddy Prinze Jr. Even though he survived a season of 24, Freddy Prinze is still in danger now that he's a part of the Mass Effect cast.
Dead Island 2 Under Consideration After the amazing promo helped put the first game on the marketing map, Deep Silver is considering getting behind a second game.
Analyst Thinks Microsoft NextBox Will Lead The Next-Gen It's all speculation but that's what some analysts are predicting.
Sound Blaster Recon3D PCI-Express Cards Now Available The next generation of audio cards arrives on the market.
TERA Online Pre-Orders Gain You Early Access To Beta If you pre-order the game now you can be playing nice and pretty in the CBT once February 10th rolls around.
Four Indie Games In The Works Sponsored By IGN, GameSpy The indie open-house project by GameSpy is a great way to breathe innovation into the industry.
XBLA Sports More Sequels Than Original IP In 2011 New report shows the kind of games that bombarded the Live Arcade throughout 2011.
World of Warcraft Mists Of Pandaria Preview Event Coming In March Get the latest on the upcoming WoW update.
Game Dev Feels Companies Rely Too Much On Copy-Cat Designs, Lack Innovation It's true...everything this guy says has some weight to it. The only problem is that his company has yet to get a big hit under their belt.
Repulse: Dystopian Shooter Now Available And Free-To-Play You can check out the brand new game right now, for free.
Forza Motorsport 4 Adds American Le Mans Series Pack Next Week The Le Mans car pack will breathe even more life into an already jam-packed game.
Skyrim Creation Kit Might Come To Consoles Don't hold your breath...but the PS3 might get it before the Xbox 360. Just saying, though, don't hold your breath.
Batman Shooter, Gotham City Imposters Gets Release Date
Rift Lite Is Free-To-Play Want to get in some play-time with Rift but without the heavy subscription fees? Try Rift Lite.
Mass Effect 3 Demo Playable Without Xbox Live Gold EA is really aiming to get everyone involved this time around.
NukoToy Animal Planet, Monsterology Trading Card Apps Arrive This March Collect animals and monsters and then use them on your iPad.
Reckoning Dev Thinks Piracy Prevents Big-Budget PC Exclusives Well, it's just his opinion folks.
Epic Games Says Next Xbox Console Needs To Make Dramatic Leap Agreed.
Dungeon Defenders DLC Adds Barbarian Class, Assault Maps A new dual-wielding class and additional assault maps.
Alan Wake PC Release Date, Price Revealed
Star Wars The Old Republic Has 1.7 Million Subscribers EA and BioWare are rolling in the dough with SW: TOR.
Skyrim Patch 1.4 Now Live For PC; Xbox 360, PS3 Version Still Pending The game is slowly making its way to being fully complete...it's just a few patches away y'all!
Skyrim Creation Kit Coming Tuesday, Possibly With DLC Announcement PC gamers will soon be able to create some out-of-this-world mods for the game.
THQ Sees Huge Opportunity With New IP On PS4, Xbox Trinity With casual games behind them, THQ wants to focus on the next-generation of IP.
Project C.A.R.S. Junior Build now Available Check out the brand new hands-on-the-steering in the latest build of the game.
Aliens Colonial Marines Might Have PlayStation Move Support Waving your wand at all those nasty aliens...that's how a real Colonial Marine gets it done!
THQ Loses $56 Million, Further Explains Why They're Going Hardcore It's not always about trying to make as much money as possible from every sector as possible, it's about doing what you do well and sticking to it.
Scribblenauts Remix Celebrates One Million Downloads With Free DLC Giving back to the fans is how these guys roll.
Play PS Vita Now At GameStop The Vita is playable right now at GameStop just ahead of its launch.
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Won't Reinvent The Wheel Blizzard talks down the importance of the latest update, saying it's not going to be as game-changing as some people might be hoping.
Mass Effect 4 Might Be A Prequel There's so much lore to the universe that yes, the next game in the series could potentially be a prequel.
Can We Call Xbox 720 The Xbox Trinity...Please? Our readers vote on what they would prefer the next gen Xbox to be called.
Nintendo Video Update Detailed; Star Wars Episode 1 Phantom Menace 3D Trailer, Kirby There's a lot in the new Nintendo Video update that you'll have to see to believe.
Dungeon Defenders DLC Won't Make It To Consoles Trendy concedes that their tower-defense RPG won't have all that glorious DLC ported to consoles.
First In-Game Screenshots of The Last of Us Check out the very first in-game screenshots for Sony's PS3 exclusive, The Last of Us.
The Life Of An Offline Only Gamer A fun and interesting read on what it means to be a gamer without broadband.
Disney Snatches Up UTV UTV Ignition is now part of the Disney Interactive line-up.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. We wrap up this week with the latest trailer from WolfFire's indie open-world, action-RPG fighting game, OverGrowth. Check it out below.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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