Weekly Recap Jan 11th: Alien Isolation Incoming, Steam Machines Invade CES, Titanfall Controversy

Aliens may finally get the game it deserves under the guidance and development expertise of Creative Assembly... or at least, that's what we're all hoping. Alien Isolation has a ton of potential but we'll still have to wait and see if it all works out. Valve unveiled that they have 14 different OEMs working with them to provide consumers with a variety of different Steam Machines. During the Consumer Electronics Show this year, gamers and media enthusiasts alike had the opportunity to scope out some of the various-sized Steam Machines, having as many different looks and specs as they do prices. Of course, we're expecting even more details to unravel for these beasts in the coming months. And last but not least, Respawn Entertainment runs into a bit of a pot full of hot water, as they reveal a few details about Titanfall that has some gamers questioning if it's even a next-gen game at all. These stories and more in this January 11th, 2014 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
DayZ Standalone Vs Rust: Which Game Should You Play? Gaming Blend's Pete Haas gives a rundown between two of the biggest zombie-survival games on the market.
Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes ESRB Listing Reveals Rape, Gore There are things listed that appear to happen to poor 'ole Paz that might not be tolerable for the squeamish.
Lili, Dawn of the Ronin, Pixel Detective Land on Steam Greenlight A list of a couple of interesting Greenlight games are highlighted in this little piece.
Europa Universalis Conquest of Paradise Expansion Ready For Pre-Order The expansion
Skywind Mod Development Video See Morrowind Recreated With Skyrim Engine The popular TES entry of Morrowind gets some updated (and upgraded) treatment in the Skyrim engine.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Xbox One DRM Benches NBA 2K14 Users The DRM makes a return... again.
Enhanced Steam Standalone Client Makes PC Game Shopping Easier
Bravely Default Censorship Upsetting For All The Wrong Reasons Check out Ryan's critique of why the game takes on such a controversial tone due to its art-style.
DayZ Standalone Videos A Tale of Two Robberies Check out these two hilarious videos of DayZ robberies.
Rust Sells 150,000 Copies In Two Weeks Gary Newman's Rust is a huge success, just like Garry's Mod.
Fallout 3 GFWL DRM Removed This is great, continued news of GFWL slowly but surely being removed from games.
Unearthed Vs Uncharted 3: Which One Should You Buy? It's not always an easy choice.
CyberpowerPC Steam Machine Beats PS4 and Xbox One in Price and Performance If you're looking for a low-cost alternative to the PS4 and Xbox One, Valve's partnered Steam Machines seems to be a nice way to go.
DayZ Standalone Sells 875,000 Copies In Three Weeks For an indie game with zero promotion, this is kind of huge.
Deadbreed Bring's Dark MOBA Action to Beta A slightly darker, slightly more menacing MOBA is coming to PC.
Starbound Sells A Million Copies Chucklefish confirms that they've moved more than a million copies of this awesome game.
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Skipping Glorious PC Master Race It may be the definitive gaming platform but the game won't be arriving for it.
Microsoft Sells 3 Million Xbox Ones In 2013 More than 3 million? Well, color me blind and paint me pink, Microsoft isn't dying as bad as we all thought.
Don't Stave Hits PlayStation 4 This Week If you're reading this then the game is already available.
Halo 5 Releasing Xbox One 2014 Microsoft Confirms Well it was bound to arrive, and now we know when.
Valve Steam Machine Partners Include Alienware, CyberPowerPC Some of the biggest brands will be supporting Valve's Steam Machines.
Hitman Cancelled For Xbox One, PS4 Or is it?
WindForge, Bullet Bros, 48 Other Games greenlit For Steam Some pretty amazing titles are now greenlit and on their way to Steam.
5 Games In 2014 That Will Probably Get Delayed It's likely these games may not make it to a store shelf near you.
Steam Machine CES 2014 Screenshots Make Your Mouth Water New screenshots arrive for the upcoming Steam Machines.
PlayStation Now Lets You Stream PlayStation Games To Your PS4, PS Vita Play the kind of games that helped define the PlayStation brand on your PS4 or PS Vita.
Xbox One OS Modified Based On Gamer Feedback Says Major Nelson Well, whoop-de-do, Microsoft should get a pat on their back and a kiss on their cheek for finally doing something right, eh?
PS4 Sells 4.2 Million, Smashes The Competition To Pieces Beating out the Xbox One by more than 1.2 million SKUs. Now that is impressive.
Guild Wars 2 Prepares With New Story Trailer Some new content is inbound for one of the more popular MMOs out there.
Left 4 Dead Creators Announce Evolve For PS4, Xbox One, PC At least it's announced for PC, eh?
League of Legends College Championship Offers $100,000 In Scholarships
Alien Isolation Announced For PC, Consoles Creative Assembly was rumored to be working on a new Aliens game and now it's confirmed.
SteelSeries Announces Stratus Wireless Gaming Controller The new wireless gaming controller makes it easier than ever to play the games you like on mobile devices.
Rust: Newbie Guide For Cooking Your Chicken The zombie survival title is doing big numbers these days and a new guide offers gamers a way to get started in the right track.
Last of Us Voted By Amazon Users As Best Game of 2013 The people have spoken and Naughty Dog's PS3 exclusive is voted as the best of 2013.
PlayStation Now Doesn't Allow Disc, Digital Owners To Play Games They Already Own
Kinect Helps People Troll Hard on Xbox One You thought the trolling was bad before? You haven't experienced anything yet.
Studies Delve Into Community, Anonymous Behavior In Online Games Find out what the study says about the people you hang out with online and what it might say about you.
Yes, Please: Telltale Wants To Make James Bond Game I'm down for this, assuming it's done well and told well.
China Officially Lifts Ban on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Wii U Prepare to see more Chinese-based games? Maybe.
Slender The Arrival Coming To Xbox 360, PS3 Midnight City is bringing one of the more popular PC indie titles to the Xbox 360 and PS3 while Double Dragon Neon is finally making its way to Steam.
PlayStation Mobile Gets Two More Free Games It's a good time to be a PlayStation gamer... and mobile phone owner.
Titanfall Multiplayer Matches 6vs6: Are You Disappointed? It's a huge step back from Battlefield 4's 32vs32 that's for sure.
Xbox One Twitch Support Still Months Away You can watch, but you can't stream.
SteamOS Now Supports AMD GPUs Bringing in additional support means more PCs can use Valve's new OS.
Minecraft 1.8 Snapshot Now Available For Download You can play-test the latest version of Minecraft to see if it's to your liking.
Nintendo Now Worth More Than Sony That's what happens when you stop trusting in the Big 'N'... they'll up and bite you like Jaws off the New England coast.
OlliOlli Shreds Vita on January 21st Get the latest indie title from the Vita starting at the end of the month.
Hearthstone Beta Season 2 Launches Today The latest beta from Blizzard for the MOBA gets underway.
Fallout 4 Announcement E-mail is a Hoax Bethesda also makes it known that Skyrim isn't being ported over to the Xbox One and PS4, either.
Titanfall Could Sell 10 Million, Depending on Reviews So says gaming analyst Michael Pachter.
Don't Starve Diary: My First Death Gaming Blend's Ryan Winslett walks us through the first few days of trying to survive in Don't Starve now that it's available on the PS4 and PS Vita.
Distance, Tron-Esque Racing Game Could Come To PS4, Xbox One, Wii U The developers are definitely keeping the possibilities open.
$480 Million Was Pledged To Kickstarter in 2013 It just keeps growing, and growing and growing.
State of Decay MMO Coming to Xbox One? It's starting to point to that possibility.
PS4 Is UK's Best Selling Console in 2013 Sony's console trumped their direct competition by a great margin.
3DS Sales Skyrocket In 2013; Early 2014 Games Dated The Nintendo 3DS owns up every gaming platform in 2013 and Nintendo has a strong line-up of titles aimed for 2014.
Halo 5 Concept Art Reveals New Location Master Chief visits Detroit? Faces off against Robocop? Can someone get Don King on this to promote it to the moon?
5 Reasons Super Mario 64 Is One of the Best Platformers Today It's still fun. That's the simple gist of it.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Gets Patched For Offline Play, Modder Fixes 1080p Restriction Konami gets on the patch-wagon fast, with very little prodding from gamers.
Video Games Rack Up $57 Million In Kickstarter Funds in 2013 The gaming section of Kickstarter brings the kind of funding heat that probably brought a lot of salt to the cheeks of AAA publishers.
Call of Duty, Terraria Dominate PSN December Sales An AAA title and an indie title dominate PSN, a tale of two opposites, no doubt.
Elder Scrolls Online Beta Returns Today, NDA Still In Effect If you were hoping to get more details and information on the Elder Scrolls Online, think again. Those NDAs are keeping gamers out like Republicans are trying to keep Obamacare out of the hands of Americans.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You can check out the latest trailer for Rambo: The Video Game.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.