Weekly Recap Jan 12th: Firefly MMO, Steam Piston Console, CES 2013 Gaming Gear

What would say if there was a possibility an MMO could be made based on Joss Whedon's failed but popular TV show, Firefly? Excited? Burned out? Impossibly hopeful? Well, there's nothing in concrete but the story is floating around. The Consumer Electronics Show also took place during the week, playing exhibitor to some of the most fanciful, contemporary and useful gadgets that could be invading homes and gaming rooms before the year is out. One of those “fanciful” gadgets also happened to be Xi3's collaborative PC-style console for the living room called the Piston and it's being designed with Valve's Big Picture Mode in mind . These stories and more in this January 12th, 2013 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
GTA V Nightride FM Feature Kavinsky One of the coolest parts about the movie Drive was Kavinksy's Nightcall song. Guess who's joining in on GTA V? If you guessed Ryan Gosling you're way off the mark.
PlayStation 2 Finally Dead Production for Sony's long running console has ceased operation.
007 James Bond Games No Longer Available Via Digital Distribution Licensing issues plague the digital release of Activision's 007 titles.
Diablo, StarCraft, WarCraft Art Book Arriving This Month Find out how to get the books early.
Assassin's Creed 4 China Fan Art Imagines The Possibilities Check out some of the conecpts that fans have for possible developments of the popular franchise.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Microsoft Bans Halo Branded Bullets It's okay to shoot people in the head in games, but it's definitely not okay to do so in real life...especially using Halo branded bullets.
Firefly MMO, A Hoax or an Impossible Dream? I'm going with an impossible dream.
Age of Empires Online Stops Adding New Content Why? Because it's too expensive. Don't be surprised to see the game fall in shortly.
Skyrim Redguard Could Be Next DLC? Bethesda Responds And so do a lot of angry PS3 owners.
Absolute Force Beta Getting Updated Content, New Map New content, new maps, all fun.
God of War Beta, Mega Man Games Make Up First PlayStation Plus Update of 2013 Lots of new content for PS Plus members. Be sure to check out the full list of content.
Akaneiro Demon Hunters Joins Kickstarter A really cool looking ARPG needs help in the crowd-sourcing avenue.
Game Industry's Poor Sales Partly Due To Wii U, Says Pachter Well, of course, Nintendo should have been more Activisiony and maybe they wouldn't have that problem.
SteelSeries Unveils Apex, Apex Raw Keyboards Two new peripherals are launching for gaming enthusiasts looking for cost-effective keyboards.
Where is DayZ Standalone? Dean Hall Explains Why the delay? Well, Dean Hall says it all.
Final Fantasy XIV Realm Reborn Beta Signups Begin You want to get in on the beta for Square's redo of FF XIV? Well now would be the time to get in on the action.
Dead Rising 3 Outed By Blur Studio, CGI Trailer Incoming Blur 2 may be but a memory but they're at least working on something new.
You Can't Buy PC Games Used So Why Do They Still Have DLC?
Sims 3 University EP Enrolls March Island Paradise, Sets Sail In June EA rolls out a whole bunch of new content for Sims 3 this March.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Revolution DLC Trailer Reveals Turned Zombie mode Activision and Treyarch are branching out with a new mode for Black Ops 2.
Corsair Vengeance K95 Keyboard, M65, M95 Mice Announced A series of new peripherals are on the horizon for PC gamers from Corsair.
Sennheiser Special Edition PC 350, PC 360 Headsets Announced While Corsair is focusing its efforts on PC gamers, Sennheiser has something for everyone with their high-end surround sound headsets.
Lego Marvel Super Heroes Announced For Fall Launch TT Games and Warner Bros have a cross-branded property available for gamers later this year.
China Gaming Market Pulls in $9.1 Billion Despite a lot of far cries about piracy, PC gaming is still leading the pack in East Asia.
Corsair Badass Mice, Keyboards, Headsets Now Available In addition to announcing a new line of goodies, they also have some newly available gadgets arriving as well.
Tomb Raider Multiplayer Detailed In Developer Diary Whether you want it or not the multiplayer is coming and they're going to make it work right.
MLB 2K13 Names David Price This Year's Cover Athlete 2K Sports picks David Price as the man to grace the cover of this year's outing.
Akaneiro Demon Hunters Heads Into Open Beta The ARPG heads into open beta while still looking for funds via Kickstarter.
TERA Online Going Free-to-Play In February Without getting into the nitty gritty, En Masse simply unveils plans for the MMO to go F2P.
Valve's Steam Piston Game Console First Images Released It's one of many and not the final thing, but it will provide a dedicated living room experience at the fraction of the cost of a next-gen game console.
Gamers Contributed $83 Million To Kickstarter Games in 2012 A breakdown of how much money Kickstarter is racking in from gamers.
Shaq Battles Zombies In ShaqDown Mobile Game This is what Shaq was born to do...Battle zombies!
DmC Devil May Cry Bloody Palace DLC Free, First Screenshots Released Capcom wants to win you back...they're pleading with you...come on back, here's some free DLC...you know you want, it's ripe and juicy. Come on...it's free. Just step over to the dark side Padawan.
Pokemon X and Y Legendaries Get Named Find out what name the devs came up with for the new Legendary Pokemon in X and Y.
Edge of Space Updated With New ContentThe open-world space terra-forming title gets a beefy tray of new content.
Akaneiro Demon Hunters Gets Artistic With Comic Spin-Off Dark Horse joins with Spicy Horse to make a dark spicy horse...or something to that effect.
Serious Sam Double D XXL Release Date Is Set Prepare for some cooperative multiplayer mayhem.
Path of Exile Leads To Late January Open Beta Launch The ARPG alternative to Blizzard's Diablo III.
Tomb Raider Xbox 360 Wireless Controller Comes With Bonus Character DLC peddled through controller? Check. Gamers gullible enough to fall for it? Double check.
Walking Dead Survival Instinct Release Date Set For March, Wii U Version Confirmed The Walking Dead games are expanding to additional platforms including Nintendo's Wii U.
Dead Island Riptide Rigor Mortis Edition Includes DLC Suitcase Pre-order DLC only the way this current gen could deliver it.
Journey Soars Back To The Top Of PSN Charts
League of Legends Season 3 Championship Series Details Announced eSports has really taking off lately and League of Legends is one of the games at the top of the pack.
Fire Emblem Awakening DLC StreetPass, SpotPass Details Revealed Nintendo drops some new details for the upcoming strategy RPG.
Velocity Ultra Speeding To PlayStation Vita The popular PlayStation Mini title arrives for the PlayStation Vita.
World of Booty Is Age of Booty Sequel? Dat booty.
Global Outbreak Joins Steam greenlight A new RTS that throws itself in with the zombie genre.
Omerta City Gangsters Goes Gold For Xbox 360, PC The turn-based, gangster city simulator gets one step closer to release for consoles and PC.
Fallout 4 Boston Setting, Features Skyrim Skill System Bethesda lets a few details on Fallout 4 hang out.
Halo 4, Madden NFL, Black Ops 2 Are Best Selling Games of 2012 NPD's final December results are in along with a look back at the financials of 2012.
Skylanders Series Made $500 Million In U.S. Alone Half-a-billion in U.S. Alone? That's impressive.
World of Warcraft Cinder Kitten Raises 2.3 Million For Hurricane Sandy Relief Activision and Blizzard continue to play up the good guy role, helping out a lot of the victims from Hurricane Sandy by using DLC for charity purposes.
Total Carnage's End Screen Bug Revealed 20 Years Later That bug that bugged so many gamers at the end of Total Carnage? Well, it explains the fluke ending that made so many gamers feel so incomplete every time they beat the game.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. We're well into 2013 now and things could be looking up, but certainly not because of the video below. Sonic, R.I.P my good friend, for all your memories from henceforth will be stained with embarrassment and abashment.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

‘I S--t Black For About A Week’: Pete Davidson Gets Real About His Experience Eating Wings On Hot Ones, And It’s Not For The Faint Of Heart

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