Weekly Recap Jan 14th: CES 2012 Reveals, Razer's New Tablet, No PS4 At E3

The Consumer Electronics Show played host to a lot of new technological revelations...none of them necessarily groundbreaking but many of them were cool nonetheless. One of those cool tech gadgets includes Razer's new gaming tablet called the Fiona, and it plays core PC games while you're on the go. Both Microsoft and Sony had nil to show at the CES 2012 regarding next-gen consoles and Sony took it a step further and said that they also had no plans whatsoever to unveil anything at the upcoming E3 tradeshow. A major bummer for next-gen enthusiasts. Perhaps Microsoft is still in the running? Well, we'll have to see when E3 gets here. These stories and more in this January 14th, 2012 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Travis Rice Goes Survival Mode In SSX Trailer Check out some deadly descents with Travis Rice in the new SSX trailer.
Industry Blend: XCOM Reboot Or Star Wars: Battlefront 3? Which one would you prefer exactly?
World of Warcraft Cross Realm Raids Incoming You can now raid dungeons with friends from across various realms.
Dark Souls Might Come To PC It just depends on if PC gamers want to see the game on PC badly enough.
Bethesda Kills Fallout Online The lawsuit with Interplay is finally over...Bethesda won.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Shoot Many Robots Shows Off Limbo Mode In New Video A developer diary discusses some of the behind-the-scenes methods for Shoot Many Robots that could actually benefit the gameplay for gamers.
Sony Not Talking About PS4 At This Point That doesn't mean it's not coming.
Remedy Says Max Payne 3 Looks Phenomenal The developers of the first two Max Payne games explain why the third game, being developed by Rockstar, looks phenomenal.
Ricky Carmichael Motorcross Matchup Pro Now Free For PC Race against mobile phone users and see who has the better control scheme!
Zombie Wars Lets You Become A Star During Zombie Outbreak Use your face all over the apocalypse to save the day...or something like that.
EA Being Taken To Court Over Battlefield 3 Vehicles As ridiculous as this seems, the military vehicle manufacturer wants to sue EA over using vehicles in their game.
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning System Requirements Revealed
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition Proves Letter C Still Sucks Well, the letter 'C' was never kool like the letter 'K'...Mortal Kombat kontinues to prove this.
SteelSeries Unveils Ion, Kana, Kinzu V2, Flux Peripherals Whatever you need to enhance your gameplay experience with a peripheral, it's available via SteelSeries.
EverQuest 2 Growing Since Free-To-Play Switch Well, no duh. SOE gives a rundown of the stats.
Asura's Wrath Demo Now Available Via PSN, Xbox Live Get a free glimpse into the upcoming action, hack-and-slash adventure from Capcom.
Dragons Vs Unicorns Dev Working On New Game Chin-Up If Dragons Vs Unicorns got you all hot, bothered and excited then you'll probably like Digital Harmony's upcoming title, Chin-Up.
Dream Arcades Announces Dreamcade Kegerator With Over 145 Games And you can drink beer while you play from the cabinet...yes, it's really that awesome.
Fiona Unmasked: Razer Unveils Gaming TabletMicrosoft's CES press conference wasn't all that impressive but Razer definitely stole the show with an amped up gaming tablet.
Xbox live House Party Returns With Alan Wake American Nightmare, I Am Alive Play with friends and get great deals on consecutive new game releases thanks to the XBL House Party.
Ghost Recon Future Soldier Release Date Set The game makes a return to PC even though Ubisoft first said that they had no plans to port the game over. I guess money speaks louder than piracy.
Modern Warfare 3 DLC Schedule Announced, Elite Subscribers Get Content First If you're a CoD Elite Subscriber you have a lot to be thankful for.
DC Universe Online Gets Crafting System Wanted to make some snazzy new gear for your hero or villain in DC Universe? Well, now you can with an impressive new 4GB update.
Yes Diablo III Really Is Coming To Consoles I'd like to consider Tuesday as the rocket-busting news day of the week, just so you all know.
NextFlix Confirmed For PlayStattion Vita Now you talk about a have-it-all mobile device...the PS Vita really does have it all.
Black Ops 2 Next Call of Duty Game Could it be? Is it possible? Well there's no doubting it's either going to be Black Ops 2 or World at World II. There's enough wars for Activision to just keep milking the series like no other franchise before it.
Kinect Available For Windows OS Starting February 1st The Xbox Kinect will be OS enabled for Windows 7 and Windows 8 beginning February 1st. Get ready to handle your PC business without the keyboard or mouse.
GenkiBowl VII DLC Brings Chaos To Saints Row The ThirdM More craziness invades Saints Row with extra DLC.
Darkness II Demo Hitting Xbox Live First FPS fans will be able to delve back into the world of the Darkness on XBL soon enough.
Nintendo Secures E3 2012 Victory With Wii U? With Sony out of the next-gen game and Microsoft playing it quiet, does Nintendo have E3 all wrapped up nice and neat?
KillZone Resurrected For PSN The original game that started it all on the PS2 gets a redo on the PS3.
Red Orchestra 2 SDK Released FOr Modders Want some new mods for RO2? Well now you can start working on your own.
Sony Says No PS4 Announcement At E3 2012 Too bad, but it looks like Sony has no plans for a new console just yet.
League of Legends Developer Against SOPA A rallying cry against free information and communication gets a little help from the LoL guys.
Gamigo Says Core Gamers Top Free-To-Play MMOs It's not the casuals making the genre excel financially it's the core gamers.
Blizzard Says Diablo 3 Console Release Isn't Confirmed Despite the rumors it's not guaranteed to see a console port just yet.
Binary Domain Delay Revealed by Trailer It's been delayed ever so slightly...check it out in the new trailer.
Unlock Mass Effect 3 Items With Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Demo Get special gear in ME3 by playing the Amalur demo.
Tritton Announces Switchblade PS3 Headset A super sexy new headset emerges for the PS3.
Konami Lets Loose Some NeverDead Screenshots Konami gives you a look at the undead heroes in their new action game.
Torchlight Developer Runic Hates SOPA, Too Well besides the ESA who does like SOPA?
City of Heroes Freedom Issue 22 Death Incarnate Screenshots Check out the new update for the now free-to-play City of Heroes.
Conqueror Online Gets Invasion of Pirates Expansion Want to be a pirate and beat people up with your hooked hand? Sure you do.
Star Wars Republic Update 1.1 Rise of Rakghouls Coming January 17th EA rolls out the very first update for Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Armored Core V Release Delayed To March Namco pushes back yet another game. But at least the wait is only until March.
Namco Bandai Ships More Than 10 Million Naruto Titles An impressive feat over the course of nine years.
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition PC Update Coming In February
Blood Knights, Transformers Universe, Queens Blade License Latest PathEngine They're going to be rocking some hardcore, well-done AI that's for sure.
Greatest Looking Racing Game You Never Heard Of: Project CARS To date, this is the most realistic looking racing title you've never seen or heard of before.
Starhawk Public Beta Launches Tuesday The public beta is scheduled to go live this upcoming Tuesday so make sure you and your friends are ready to kick some galactic butt.
Saints Row The Third Getting Free CheapyD DLC Some more over-the-top DLC is on the way for THQ's popular open-world action game.
Tropico 4 Expansion Enters Modern Times Kalypso gives the El Presidente a much needed modern-day upgrade.
Run Roo Run Jumps Onto The App Store Exercise your running abilities in a new racing game for the iOS.
Dark Souls PC Petition Gets Namco Attention Hey, if you want it you have got to sign it.
Bungie Says SOPA Sucks Well there's no love for SOPA from the crew that made Halo a household name.
RIFT Subscription Price Lowered Getting competitive with the recent launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic, Trion is lowering the price of RIFT.
Official Achievements For Gotham City Imposters Check out the complete Achievement list for the upcoming Gotham City Impostors.
Mech Assault 3 Coming, Possible Announcement Summer 2012 It's been a long time in the making and this is easily one of the most underrated console franchises out there.
The Simpsons Arcade Will Include Both English and Japanese Versions Twice the fun for only the price of one. You can't really beat that.
MineCraft Developer Mojang Has Three Unannounced Games Could they be as inspiring or as evolved as MineCraft? Well, we'll just have to see.
Cancelled Steampunk Batman Game Revealed Now this is newsworthy. I can't even properly imagine how it would be but it seems like it could have been awesome.
One of the new games announced this week was Project C.A.R.S., a game being led in development by Shift 2: Unleashed veterans, Slightly Mad Studios. The highlight of C.A.R.S. is that much of the development is being handled by the community, with community input, modeling and assets. Check out the new video below. The game is scheduled to release later this year.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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